The best part?

I personally found this movie hilarious, don't know why people are hating on it so much. It's just enjoyable and easy to watch.
ANYWAYS... I had to comment on this... Te part where they're having a Robert DeNiro themed party and Dave Franco is his character in Meet The Parents, he kept saying 'are you talking to me?? I'm watching you' omg I ended on the floor by laughing so hard. Didn't anyone love this part??


Yes. That was my favorite part of the movie. I couldn't stop laughing!


I could've sworn that Joel McHale was in the film but actually, it was Zac Effron although facially, with that coat and sunglasses it was hard to know for sure.

I'm talking about this scene:

Dave Franco did a great job too in this film!


Rose Byrne was the best part! everything she says and how she says it was so funny and her Anne Hathaway impression was hilarious!


I agree! The movie was pretty standard fair but Rose Byrne was a stand-out!

I was unaware of her but I will certainly keep an eye out for her in future movies.

Second best thing -- the air bags.


The car air bags - when all of a sudden he goes to sit down, and he shoots up to the ceiling. It totally came out of nowhere, and I laughed my butt off!



That was very funny, but it was in the trailer (as were all of the funny parts), so it was a bit anti-climatic for me. For me, unfortunately, it didn't "come out of nowhere".

Which is EXACTLY why I don't like watching trailers...I never saw the full trailer for Neighbors, so I never saw that part with the car air bags. I swear, when I saw that bit in the movie, I was literally laughing so hard because for me it came out of nowhere and it was totally unexpected. I hate trailers - they really kill a good movie. Had I seen the trailer with the air bags, I wouldn't have thought anything about that scene when it appeared in the movie. Avoid full trailers if you can!!


Ending credits.


Would probably be my favorite part if I got that far.

I kinda chuckled at the part where Dave Franco uses his special power to get the other bro to let go of his nuts


I liked the air bags part the best. That was so unexpected.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


When I left the theater.




if you can make it that far,rogen at his usual enormously unfunniest just unbearable




Either the Di Nero sequence or the two guys half naked at the end.


The airbags, although totally expected because it is in the trailer. least his buddy getting the treatment wasn't so I say when his buddy got the airbag treatment.



the milking scene was pretty funny!

"It's hard for me to watch American Idol because I have perfect pitch."
-Jenna, 30 Rock


It was gross and fcking weird as hell...

The movie was terrible, but it did have a few VERY short moments of "funny" like the Deniro scene. Zach did a good job, but even his flawlessly beautiful face and ridiculously cut body couldn't save this disaster... the parents were the worst part of the movie.

I AM DEE BEE -- 10 years !
