MovieChat Forums > Thor: The Dark World (2013) Discussion > Is there a better all round villain than...

Is there a better all round villain than Hiddleston's Loki?

A serious question for debate, i know people will bring up some fantastic villains for discussion.

But i just find him a wonderful combination of sinister, funny, demented, powerful and dare i say it likeable.

Hiddleston is the driving force to that character, he delivers his lines with a sense of intellectual superiority and playfulness that makes him the essence of that part IMO. If the critics cant see another man other than Hemsworth in the Thor role the same has got to be said about Hiddleston as Loki.


"Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch."


The Loki character is already an all-time great. Of that, there can be no debate.


Hiddleston's Loki > The Joker without question.

In fact, there's been no better villain in film this century so far.

I accept your surrender.


And WAY better than "friendo" from NCFOM.


That's why it made marks with the female demo.


While I respect your opinion, you seriously have to watch more movies if you think Hiddleston's portrayal or Loki as a character is the best "all round" villain.

He's fine and all, but not the subtlest actor what with his cliche evil smirk and such. If he's playing it over-the-top then, well, it's not over the top enough. As for the character, I don't find him menacing at all. Each time he's on screen do you really feel outright fear or evil? I don't ... at all.

I'll just throw one villain out there off the top of my head: Anton Chigurh (No Country For Old Men). Now that's a much better villain. Not only his unpredictability but his menace was much more evil than Loki.

This is not to say that Loki wasn't an alright villain ... but once you ask if there was a better "all round" villain then really you haven't seen much of anything at all.


I see one movie per week at the cinema and I agree that Hiddleston's portrayal is perfection and that Loki as a character is the best "all round" villain in recent memory.

I accept your surrender.


I assumed he meant CBV as opposed to ANY villain....

otherwise he is competing with the likes of Darth Vader & Hannibal Lecter!


I'll just throw one villain out there off the top of my head: Anton Chigurh (No Country For Old Men). Now that's a much better villain. Not only his unpredictability but his menace was much more evil than Loki

Come on, that is comparing apples and oranges. This is Marvel films, not Oscar winning drama. If they were to write Loki as a villain worthy of being in a drama film, not comic book, we would get a totally different kind of performance. In fact I wouldn't now where to start turning myth Loki into a drama-villain. I think Neil Garmin has a go in American Gods, but I haven't read the book yet, so I don't know how good it is.


The Joker craps all over Loki. Too bad heath ledger died so early.



I agree with you wholeheartedly. Like you said, Tom Hiddleston's Loki is a brilliant mix of demented, powerful and witty at the same time. This is why I think it's always important to cast major film roles with the right actors, and Tom has been very memorable in the role.

Other posters have argued that Loki is more of an anti-hero, but I won't get into that debate. For me, if you've managed to make a evil villain likeable, than you must have done a great job with the part.

You're looking at my signature...


Loki is so much more than a mere villain or bad guy. That's why these films land at the top of the genre. It's like Star Wars. Vader gave those films more gravitas even though they still had "bad guys" like Jabba and Bobba Fet. Kurse and Malekith kind of filled those roles here.


Exactly right. Star Wars on it's best day had Vader and not much else. Marvel has one great bad guy after another. Loki being at the top.


Loki still tops even someone as cool as The Winter Soldier. Man, is Marvel on a roll or what?



None are better than Loki.


To me, any chance of that ended when Whedon let Hulk throw him around like a rag doll. Just can't see him the same after that, sorry.


Days of Future Past gave us a really twisted Magneto in place at the end of the film. He could match Loki.


Magneto is a very complex character, more complex than Loki. Loki is a little childish but Magneto is a really dark guy with some strong objectives and motivations.


Just wait for ULTRON!


Yes, I'm looking forward.


I just saw a few Spader interviews at the Con about Ultron. That is going to be amazing.


I love villains on general, they make or break a film. Would Lion King be the same without Scar? Loki is...ok. He only seems amazing because he had no other competition in the MCU. he's not bad but overrated. Ledgers Joker is good, but I find Bane far better. The Joker is good because of his personality and somewhat charming psychoticness. However, he isn't,really,that much of a threat and isn't meant to be taken as seriously as tdk made him to be. Bane is a man on a mission, a force to be reckoned with. You don't,like Bane, you're terrified of him.
