The movie was practically forcing the message on both Arlo and the audience
For all the wrongs of this movie, the thing that I really hated about it was how the message was depicted. Which really culminated in the scene where Arlo met his dad and his dad talked to him just when he had forgiven Spot. And that really sums up the problem with the scene; The movie was practically forcing Arlo to forgive Spot for the demise of his dad (due to his dad not wanting to talk to him before Arlo forgave Spot)! Though of course it was the purpose, it's really forced in a contrived way.
In reality it would be much harder to actually forgive someone who caused the demise of a beloved one and it's not something that it's easy to do or should be forced on. Now that I've experienced such a tragedy myself, I know that something that should be forced on, due to it actually being an emotional trauma that causes mental issues. Just think about it; Arlo missed his dad and the dad wouldn't talk to him before he forgave Spot, when Arlo had all the right to be angry at Spot.
And yeah, it's just a movie, but the way the message was depicted was still wrong.