Only in America

I have just watched the film after reading most of the user reviews 1st.

One user said they should show this is schools. Now this might be a good idea in America seeing as though there were over 70 cases in 30 states. But not in the UK as fortunately we have better police who don't operate like this over the phone and also people in general in this country wouldn't fall for this disgusting prank!(Fact)

I do give the film an average score still though as the acting was good, so I give it a 5 out of 10.

PS - Instead of showing this is school, just spend more time in making children/teenagers more clever in general.


I'm British and I've met plenty of idiots.

Recently I was reading about a guy who was phoned late at night by a 'Detective Inspector' who said he was investigating organised credit card fraud, and he had reason to believe that all the guys cards had been compromised. Somehow, the fake phone DI managed convince the mug to urgently put all his bank cards into a sealed envelope and hand them to a 'courier' sent round to collect them. Whereupon, of course, his bank account was emptied of several thousand £s.

People still regularly fall for the 'Spanish lottery' scam, the 'hacked computer' phone scam and, the old stalwart, 'Nigerian 419 scam'.

You can act smug, but the truth is there's a sting for everybody everywhere, idiot or genius. You've just got to find the right hook.



UK you say?

Yeah, you guys just have retarded judges that give killers 3 year jail sentences and a cultural paradigm referred to as "Lad Culture", where a significant and growing amount of female UK university students are being sexually harassed and demeaned and brutish and disrespectful boys.



It's akin to being racist. It just doesn't make any logical sense to try and pass your teeny-tiny amount of experiences with particular people and places to then pass off as fact.

If I see one person from the UK that is incredibly dumb, I do not call everyone from the UK dumb. Logical, right? Be smart, really think about the *beep* you put out there (in person or on the internet) before you spew it forth.


Unfortunately, this kind of thing can happen anywhere with lots more people than may be commonly thought. Stanley Milgram's obedience to authority experiments beginning in 1963 documented the phenomenon. They are some of the most disquieting experiments ever performed in the psychology field.


I'm no American. And yeah, you are right, it seems highly unlikely that something like that might actually happen. In fact, it's highly unrealistic and in most cases, this will never play out like it did in the movie.

But then again, if you actually are interested in similar experiments, here's the hard truth: stuff like this happens. It might not happen often, it might not be easy to actually make people believe stuff like that, but it happens. And it happens because humans are involved, not a certain nationality. There were lots of experiments that tried to find out just HOW people are manipulated into situations like this and it works.

This doesn't make the movie per se a good one. The actors are superb and all in all the movie is shot and directed brilliantly, but it can't hide the fact that you don't really believe this might happen. 99,9 % of people will not be as stupid as the people in this movie. And so, in the end, I think the movie is a failure as it does not achieve to make us believe that this could in fact be true. Even though we might even KNOW that this has in fact happened and could happen again.


Really though, nothing the caller told the manager was according to proper police procedure.

First, an officer of the law would never tell a civilian to detain an employee. Nor would they ever order a manager of a business to strip search an individual. What this film did tell me is that there are a lot of people who are ignorant of police procedures and what they are legally able to do under the law.

I would add that I had a friend who managed a McDonald's Restaurant and was asked by detectives to cooperate in an investigation. He agreed until they began hassling employees and interfering with the operations and he ordered them to leave. The officers had no choice but to comply so they left.



Gosh, what a pathetic post.

2013 Most Anticipated - Stoker, The Spectacular Now, Frances Ha


this movie point out that most people in american is really stupid,that why when someone with real talent appear they become so much successful,because it easy to take money from stupid people than average smart people,like jb(i hate this kid),myley cyrus(i hate this one too),or zuckerberg,this guys suck the money and time out off you with pleasure.



Your reply didn't make much sense and your grammar is atrocious!!!


Gdamn you foreigners always complaining about American movies, stop watching them if they upset you. This movie was retarded but I've seen some pretty stupid stuff come out of the UK, Australia, South Africa, etc... and I don't go complaining about the country it was made in ever, not even a thought.


Only in America do they not know the difference between someone being topless & someone being naked. So many times an American movie is classed as having nudity in it when in fact there is none. Someone without a top is topless they are not naked. Yes the girl was implied to be naked but as she was only shown topless how do you know she was naked? Should all movies where someone has a bath or shower be classed as showing nudity because it is implied someone must be naked to have a bath.Get your rating right people if it shows nudity then say so but if it only shows topless then do not stick a nudity sticker on it as you are giving consumers false information.
