I can't recall
...when a documentary filled me with such blinding rage.
And Jacoba needs to run for office: That woman get shit done and she is a force! Insane amount of respect for that woman!
...when a documentary filled me with such blinding rage.
And Jacoba needs to run for office: That woman get shit done and she is a force! Insane amount of respect for that woman!
I feel the same and I wish her the best. I can't imagine how these people feel and what they've gone through. What a horrible man. He should be in jail!!
I don't understand why they can't bring fraud charges against him, at least in the cases (two that were mentioned in the film) where he was supposed to use the husbands' sperm, no one else's. To me that's absolute fraud and I don't understand why fraud charges wouldn't be appropriate in those two cases at least. Granted it was fraud in all cases but in those two, in particular, they brought their own sperm to use.
I'm infuriated that this SOB has never served jail time!
What are you so angry about?
shareThat he got to walk away scott free, after impacting at least hundreds of lives (not just his offpring, but their parents, their siblings. etc.).
He created a genetic shitstorm in that area - how many unknowns are walking around with some of the same DNA and don't know it - and may end up down the path of parenthood and risking a child with a LOT more problems than the ones he threw out there.
And, once again - we have on full display a POS who uses his religion to justify criminal behavior - and he still gets to be 'respected' in the church. The church sure seems to turn a blind eye when real shit goes down.
I can throw bodily fluid from my person onto you via spittle and wind up in jail: I can misrepresent the semen I am introducing into a woman who consented to something else - and introducing THAT bodily fluid unwanted (She didn't want the POS doctors - she paid for another specimen.) AND the doctor not telling her elminates her consent for the procedure if you're being ethical about it - and that wasn't assault?
There is a place in hell for him that will be decked out with all the finest, because he's one of the most evil people and Satan will end up asking him for tips when he gets down there!
You speak of tainted DNA like you’re Hitler or something.
These whiny millennials who act like their lives were rainbows and lollipops until some website showed them some scary DNA results, that just ruined their lives……pffffff pleeeaaaseee!!!
This documentary was a joke, instead of focusing on the parents who were duped, especially the fathers….it focuses on the spoiled children who whine about having blonde hair and arthritis instead of showing any appreciation for being born in the first place. Your father is who raises you, not some paper with DNA results. This film is a complete slap in the face to adopted children and parents everywhere.
What a stupid comment from you.
This man had rheumatoid arthritis, a genetic disease, and he passed it on to 94 kids, so far. He would never have qualified to be a donor. Their mothers were defrauded, assaulted, and effectively raped. Maybe you should have watched the movie before commenting. It has nothing to do with adoption - jfc - lol. None of these people were adopted.
So great that she shared her story. So shocking that the end of the film mentions 44 other doctors have also inseminated their patients against their will, without consent or informing them. But this disgusting "christian elder" quiverfull psychopath was the most prolific.