MovieChat Forums > Saving Hope (2012) Discussion > Where is this set? It sure isn't Canada...

Where is this set? It sure isn't Canada.

If this show was really set in Toronto, it would be Hope Zed, not Hope Zee. Only Americans call the last letter zee, all other English speaking countries pronounce it zed. (See


This is a strange thread, in that I haven't seen anyone point this out:

If you say 'zed' (I do most of the time), you say it when it's on its own, not when it's in a word, as in the alphabet: "double-yoo, ex, why, zed"

A person who says 'zed' would say:
Mazda, _not_ Mazedda
zebra, _not_ zedbra
fuzzy, _not_ fuzed-zedy

Much like, even though you say the alphabet like "aay bee see dee eee ef jee aitch eye", words don't all get pronounced just like their letters. It's:
the _not_ taitchee
shower (shawooer) _not_ saitchoodoubleyooeer
golf _not_ jeeolf
cow (kah-oo) _not_ seeoodoubleyoo

Only when the zed is by itself or in an alphabet, it's pronounced 'zed' - although for me it depends. For example:
-I would say "Eeezee Street" not "Eezed Street" because it's an American show and the 'zee' is meant to flow & sound like 'easy'.
-Camaro Zed-28 (not zee-28), because I think it sounds fine. I'm not sure if it's this model, but there's one I think sounds cooler pronounced 'zed' than 'zee.'
-usually I say 'zee' if I know it's intended to be pronounced that way, e.g. something American or a radio station name.

During the election I read something that made me decide to spell more 'Canadian' and less American. I've tried to switch my colors to colours and neighbor to neighbour, even though it looks weird. It was always theatre, and I think it looks better than theater. Centre looks better too. No need to change that. But I prefer recognize and organize. Adding 'u's was good enough - half-American, half-British is OK with me.


In the episode on Ion TV tonight Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross) talks about her FRCS boards approaching. If she is preparing for the boards for a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada is has to be Canada.


Canadians call the rock group ZZ Top Zee Zee Top...




It's set in Toronto but it's filmed in and around the area. I've been on twice and I know other extras who have been on.

The primary set, is located in a studio in Mississauga, just 30 minutes away from Oakville.
