More than 10000 signatures have been collected. It got the attention of BloodyDisgusting. That´s a good sign. Please help with the effort for an Extended Director´s cut!!!!! in
More than 11.300 signatures have been collected now. Additionally it got attention from Screenrant, DreadCentral, EnStarz and DigitalSpy. That´s an additional good sign. Please help with the effort for an Extended Director´s cut in!!!
More than 12.000 signatures have been collected now. Additionally it got attention not only from Screenrant, DreadCentral, EnStarz and DigitalSpy, it also got attention from PromoteHorror and HorrorMovies. That´s an additional good sign. Please help with the effort for an Extended Director´s cut in!!!
13.000 signatures have been collected. Also many sites like DreadCentral, EnStarz, DigitalSpy, Cinema Slasher, Wicked Horror, Horror Fix, Modern Horrors, Promote-Horror, Horror-Movies and CutPrintFilm have shared the petition. It got the attensiton of them all. Please help with the effort for an Extended Director´s cut!!!!! in
It'll happen. After years of poor bootlegs, we finally got a Halloween 6 Producer's Cut. When the studios are heavily considering releasing a different cut, you know it'll happen. You'll see. You idiotic troll!