Did anyone else think that the Rammstein song did not fit?
Did anyone else think that the Rammstein song did not fit?
shareDid anyone else think that the Rammstein song did not fit?
shareI am not saying anything against the group Rammstein. I can take them or leave them. In the beginning of the film, I did not think it fit. At the end of part 1, I can see it fitting because it gives an energy and makes the viewer anticipate Part 2.
I did like the "Hey Joe" cover at the end of Part Two
Any thoughts?
The Hey Joe cover was actually Charlotte Gainsbourg singing.
Haven't seen the film yet though, but I've heard good things from people who's opinions I trust.
I thought some of the music was too aggressive.
Did NOT fit at all! I was watching this with a friend and we were both like: "Okay so, this is taking place in Germany then?"
And then it abruptly ends and we are in a place with a mood and vibe that does not feel related to the song at all.
Yeah the song isn't too indicative of the film. It reminded me of 'Miserlou' being used as the theme song to 'Pulp Fiction'. That song is loud, fast and full-on. The movie is low-key in comparison. However the Rammstein track being played over the montage for Volume 2 was pretty damn awesome. Makes you wanna watch Vol.2 immediately.
sharejust because the song was recorded by a German group, you think that the film was or should have been shot in Germany?. Where the hell is your logic? Are you seriously saying that any music in film should only be performed by bands that originate from the country the movie was set in. What planet are you on? I don't think I have ever heard a more ridiculous statement!
shareThat's exactly what makes it so good.
It is so unconventional to use it when it's used.
It feels SO abrasive.
That's exactly why it's perfect.
Also, I agree the song was perfect. Rammstein is a unique band also, in that they represent pure libido. Philosopher slavoj zizek describes the band as taking the appeal and libidinal power of fascism and Nazism but stripping away the ideology. When you strip away the ideology of the Nazis you are left with pure libidinal rage. Rammstein uses this as a way to subvert fascism in an ironic way. They also are a heavily sex themed band (one of their videos is an actual hardcore porn with the band as the actors.). In a way the specific use of rammstein reflects well with the character of Joe. She acts based on pure libido, her ideology is paper thin. She tries to justify it as rebellion, but deep down its just pure unbridled libido.
As a contrast the angler is obsessed with Bach. Almost the polar opposite of rammstein. Bach is considered to be very technical and complex music. Intellectual complexity for its own sake so to speak. Finding beauty in numbers and complex patterns. This reflects the angler. Later Beethoven begins to play through parts. Its even mentioned that critics of the time considered Beethoven to be badly done Bach. It was only later we now know that Beethoven's more visceral bombastic and emotional take on classical music would eventually lead to heavy metal and even rammstein. Rammstein being the end point of that musical trajectory.
Of course I might be over thinking it, but I thought rammstein specifically interesting choice. Why not any other heavy metal band?
It was also fun. I could see the ironic humour in the choice, as dark as it is.
Although I believe method_thrill is overthinking lol, he mentioned some right things, especially with the opposites between Rammstein and Bach.
IMO, the song fits perfectly, not saying this because I'm a hardcore fan of the band, but because that scene although it's in the beginning of Vol I, is actually a scene from almost the end of the film (timeline)... Which by then it definitely makes sense.
If you check the translated lyrics of the song, which you can do right here:http://en.affenknecht.com/lyrics/rammstein-fuhre-mich/, you'll see that's a perfect fit. As was the cover of Hey Joe by C. Gainsbourg in the end of Vol II for the exact same reason.
Overthinking my ass. That was an amazing observation I never would have thought of. Cheers.
shareI agree, It felt absolutely perfect.
Anybody can be Batman
It was definitely weirdly juxtaposed against the slow, highly controlled dolly movements of the camera.
What's the ugliest part of your body?
I think it fits quite well. But I'm a huge Rammstein fan. I think it fits the dark, sexual tone of the movie. I never expected to hear a Rammstein song in a Von Trier movie, but it worked surprisingly well imo.
shareNo, no, it was very misplaced. The entire rest of the movie is very quiet. Even in scenes where people are shouting, there is very little extraneous sound. Considering that Nymphomaniac should never have been halved to begin with, the inappropriate closing music only heightened the absurdity of cutting the audience off midway.
Well, maybe you're right about that. It fits less well as the ending credits song. But I really liked it as the opening theme, where it kind of gives you a feel for what the movie is going to be.
shareIt certainly did not fit with the mood of the film, in fact that was the only time i actually looked around and thought "hmm, thats not right, and i got to turn the volume down too"
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