MovieChat Forums > Cyberbully (2011) Discussion > Do you want to know what real bullying i...

Do you want to know what real bullying is?

Real bullying is when you're walking down the school behind some guy, he notices you, and out of nowhere, punches you hard in the chest, knocking you to the ground. Why? "For the hell of it."

Real bullying is having two guys hold you down while another slowly crushes your foot, which you just had surgery on.

Real bullying is having baseballs, basketballs, books, and chairs thrown at you, aiming for your head.

Real bullying is having to find a different way to leave school every few weeks because if you continue to leave the same way, the same kids will find you and continue to kick your ass.

I only wished I was cyberbullied. After getting choked until I passed out, mean words like "loser" really have no affect on me. Seriously, just turn the damn computer off. That's the real problem, girls like her are too dependent on the internet.

You're going to die, and then you will be dead, because I killed you!!!


I totally empathize. I had numerous knee injuries in high school. While I was on crutches, I was shoved into lockers, pushed down, had my crutches kicked out from under me, and stolen. And knee injuries are already excruciatingly painful, so hitting the ground/a life sized knight(our school mascot, one was in my drama teacher's room, some jerk shoved me, I lost balance, and was almost impaled on the fake sword) absolutely KILLS, and sets back recovery. I totally know how you feel, it's hell.

I listened, as if in a dream, to the wild improvisations of his speaking guitar.


THANK YOU. Kids are so weak these days... bunch of pussies.
"Oh noez, people don't like me!". Please.
I'm a girl, and was bullied relentlessly as a kid. Shoved, kicked, bitten, hit. I had most of the hair on my head ripped out once when I was 7- beat to all hell right on the schoolbus as everyone watched on. Cyberbullying didn't quite exist yet, but man, it would have been a lot better than what I dealt with.
But guess what? It made me stronger, made me realize how the world works and how to work the world.
We are doomed if these pathetic sheltered crybabies are the future.


OP, sorry that all that happened to you however bullying is not merely limited to attacks on the body but on the mind as well, this is where cyberbullying strikes it's victims and it can be every bit as damaging and detrimental to the victims quality of life.

"That fart was so deadly Jack Bauer should have been called to stop it!" -Me


I'm glad I was in school before computers were in every home but I had a few occasions when people attempted to bully/belittle me. I see red when someone gets in my face, so things never went past the first insult after I got the crazy eyes and scared them off. That's what bothered me about this movie... the girl just meekly accepted the torment instead of fighting back. Granted I'm only at the "I can't open the bottle!" scene, but the head mean girl should have gotten a good punch in the nose by this point. I was sympathetic up till now but I'm kind of annoyed with this girl's lack of spine.


I'm not saying that what you went through isn't bad. What you're saying seems to sound like, 'I was stabbed and she only got slapped in the face. She should stop whining.' Just because she didn't get the brunt force of physical bullying doesn't mean it didn't hurt. Physical or mental, what's the difference if it hurts the same way? How are you going to measure someone's pain depending on what kind of treatment they received from bullies? I'm not saying you didn't have any pain. I can't say anything since I don't know you personally. But if someone is cyberbullied, they are hurting too.

-Kindan no akuma to no keiyaku; te ni ireta kono chikara-


There is no comparing, and form of bullying whether its severe or not, it does take its toll on the victim.
I was bullied all through primary and high school- not physically, but words can hurt just as bad as physical violence.
having people gang up on you and say things no matter how true they are, it really does get to people

You hate us 'cause we're beautiful, Well we don't like you either


First of all, I'm so sorry for how you're treated.
Second of all, bullying isn't just physical. Bullying is hurting someone, whether or not it's physical or emotionally.

But of all these friends and lovers, there is no one compares with you. <3



Words hurt people, on the internet gossip or slander spreads like Wildfire. A bloody nose, bruises, etc can heal but words said on the internet creates damage that can't be undone.

Megan Meier commited suicide commited suicide 3 weeks before her 14th Birthday. The last malicious message sent to her was this. The compliments turned to insults. Profanity Laden messages were sent by others linked to Josh's Myspace
"Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a *beep* rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you."

To quote a 14 year old girl about her cyberbullying experience.

“They say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That quote is a lie and I don’t believe in it. Sticks and stones may cause nasty cuts and scars but those cuts and scars will heal. Insultive words hurt and sometimes take forever to heal.”

In response to the events, the local Board of Aldermen on Wednesday unanimously passed a measure making Internet harassment a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $500 fine and 90 days in jail.

2012 The Tennessee Volunteers are going to the SEC Tournament in College Baseball


Great Post!!! I've got a few examples to add:

Real bullying is having a kid spit on you as you walk by and in retaliation you ran up behind him and jump on top of him knocking him down, then the next day 10 or 15 of this kids friends chase you down the hall yelling "There He Is Get Him!!!" Then when the stupid B*!cTh teacher catches them YOU get in trouble NOT THEM ,

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us
