Real bullying is when you're walking down the school behind some guy, he notices you, and out of nowhere, punches you hard in the chest, knocking you to the ground. Why? "For the hell of it."
Real bullying is having two guys hold you down while another slowly crushes your foot, which you just had surgery on.
Real bullying is having baseballs, basketballs, books, and chairs thrown at you, aiming for your head.
Real bullying is having to find a different way to leave school every few weeks because if you continue to leave the same way, the same kids will find you and continue to kick your ass.
I only wished I was cyberbullied. After getting choked until I passed out, mean words like "loser" really have no affect on me. Seriously, just turn the damn computer off. That's the real problem, girls like her are too dependent on the internet.
You're going to die, and then you will be dead, because I killed you!!!
I was smart and well-spoken, and apparently 'nerdy' looking when I entered the sixth grade. It was a school located in an awful part of town where the offspring of drug dealers, gang members, and other criminals attended. It was the only school in the area closeby, since my mother was working and couldn't drop me off or pick me back up, so it had to be within walking distance. Even though I lived in the nicer part of town, a few blocks over it was already kind of slum-y looking.
When a girl called "M" (name has been abbreviated to protect her identity, as well as mine) befriended me, her other new found friends got all jealous and protective because I was apparently too 'aggressive' with her because I yelled at her once. One of her friends, "C" posted a comment on her profile on Myspace how I was a lying, clown-faced 'snitch' for reporting the fact that I was being bullied by her friends for not being "Asian" and thus accepted, since they were all Asian and apparently racist as well; thus, I couldn't hang out with her. She got really nasty and vulgar in her letter, but I'll spare you the details.
Not to mention that because of my so called 'nerdy' appearance, I was frequently tripped, jeered at, and otherwise verbally abused by random people who I've never even met at school. They didn't like the way I looked, for some reason, since instead of being tall, and tan and with straight silky hair and carefully eye-lined eyes, I was short, pale, immature-looking, dressed in androgynous clothing of my overbearing mom's choosing, and had a decent vocabulary and glasses. One girl even stuck a chewed up wad of gum in my hair under the pretense of being nice and 'getting something out' of my hair.
I would not be exaggerating when I say that the entire school had it against me. Even the only other friend I had, "A" (a guy btw) bullied me and talked crap about me in public just to protect his own status in school, lest he be bullied too. We're still friends now, and he obviously feels remorse for it and has apologized thoroughly and made up for it the past 4-5 years, but it's still not something I'll forget.
Not to mention I was also bullied for my mom whenever I confided in her how unhappy I was, as I was totally a loner in 7th grade, for not going to the school authorities and reporting it each time it occurred. "You f_cking deserved it, you should have reported it to a teacher! Isn't that what they're there for?" is what she used to often yell.
So, all this bullying around me - at home, at school, on the Internet, etc. - drove me to be quite a negative person and thus I contemplated the best way to kill myself many, many times. I even wrote a 4 page long suicide note to the school, until my mom found it and handed it in before any harm was done. They provided counseling and whatnot.
OKAY TL;DR PART OVER, it doesn't matter how you're bullied - bullying is bullying, and it still hurts no matter how they go about it. I'm truly sorry for what you've been through, OP, and I can deeply empathize as well as sympathize. Kids really are cruel bastards, especially when they feel the need to cause others pain.
I don't know, maybe it's different for boys and girls, and maybe it's because my Jr High/High School wasn't in the best location (the guy who crushed my foot is actually serving time for attempted murder, and he's not the only one locked up). My point is that, due to all the physical bullying I went through, something like cyberbullying seems so pitiful. I would've welcomed simply being called "gay" or "retarded" or whatever.
No matter what it is, sometimes it all depends on you when it's going to stop. Mine ended when I finally lost it and fought back, and when it comes to cyberbullying, it can all end when you decide to turn off your computer and find something else to do.
You're going to die, and then you will be dead, because I killed you!!!
While being under the threat of physical harm all the time is really horribly terrible, bullying is bullying. If it makes a person feel bad, feel like less of a person, its still bad, its still harmful. I've been through both types and they weer just as detrimental.
Why did you continue to attend school if the bullying was so harsh? Switching schools, or looking for an alternative school would probably help immensely in getting you away from the people who were hurting you.
What happened to you sucks, but bullying is bullying. There is no "real" bullying. Don't try to downplay another person's hardships just because you had a rough time, too.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince With a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people shall never be destroyed.
There are those who still know- they're still home. We're still home.
Into the woods, then out of the woods-- and happy ever after! (I wish...)
~Proud to be a Gleek!~
You watch me, just watch me. I'm calling, I'm calling. And one day all will know...
Isn't the main point anyway that you have so many people that "hate" you, feel alone and miserable. If you get in that kind of situation, be it via physical violence or otherkind, I think everyone kind of feels the same way.
Though, I do think this movie was kind of weak, that is, I think *most* wouldn't get so upset over the words used in the movie, but I suppose they didn't want to go to dark when making it.
I hate to post here and bring this topic back to the top of the board, but I have to call major B.S.. Jizzy662, I find it impossible that almost all of the examples of bullying you cited that happen to you actually happen. Being held while another kid steps on your broken foot, getting chairs thrown at your head, getting choked out, getting beat down every day after school? I went to school in a slightly upper class suburb and I have never seen one example of bullying go this far, even though there was plenty of it. It is not fathomable that all that would happen to one person and they (you) would not have changed schools or gotten your school involved to help with one of their great anti0bullying programs. You seem like an angry and arrogant person with your post and the screen name “Jizzy”, along with a smile face guy shooting a sniper rife in your profile, so I have no doubt that you caught some flak in school, but I am sure it was only just verbal and nobody took it nearly as far as you mention.
I completely agree that bullying is bullying, period, and yes, some people have the serious misfortune of enduring physical violence at school, but that shouldn't discount the emotional pain that other kids go through. Once that kind of bullying gets into a teenager's head, it can mess up their whole psyche and have long-term effects. Bullying in general is a serious and ongoing problem, and you can't lump it all into one category. It comes in so many different forms.
Also, it bothers me that some people on this board are so critical of the girl in the movie who was upset over being called "Jelly Doughnut". I guess maybe that's something you can only really appreciate if you were heavy yourself in high school. I was fat for years, but I was one of the lucky ones; kids never called me names or harassed me for it. But when you really think about it, being on the receiving end of that verbal abuse is no picnic. If you're lucky, you move on in your life and get past it eventually, but when you're a young, immature high schooler, of course it's going to affect you.
re: "I went to school in a slightly upper class suburb and I have never seen one example of bullying go this far, even though there was plenty of it."
OH, because YOU didn't "see" it, it must NOT HAVE HAPPENED! Also, if you didn't see it, how'd you know it was happening? Maybe the person being bullied DID go to "the authorities" & it didn't do any good. At one job I had a co-worker that was disruptive in passive-aggressive ways -- when I went to our manager & complained, my manager excused it by saying, "Oh, he's not aware he's doing it." ["it" = being a d***head] Besides, maybe going to another school wasn't a viable option.
I bet you're the kind of person that, if you'd learned a person was mugged or harrased while walking home at night, you'd likely say, "Well, what was this person DOING THERE by themselves at that time of night?!?" [In the city where I live, a month or so ago a young pregnant woman was shot & killed at 10:30pm --some sensitive soul posted a comment on-line: "Well, what was a pregnant girl doing being out that late at night?"]
wow, what they should have been asking was what was some jerk shootinga pregnant lady for?...sometimes ppl think so backwards it astonishes's like bad de ja vu, i always think there is no way ppl can be so dumb, then they shock me again...
You remind me of the one girl who friended me on FB from high school (Who I frankly barely remembered but accepted the request anyway) and when I posted a status about high school sucking and being beat up almost every day, she came out and blasted me saying that NEVER happened and I was a liar.
Uh, for one, you (the girl) treated me like garbage in school just like everyone else and tried to make up for it by a lame ass attempt of being my friend on FB. For two, I very clearly remember having to eat lunch alone EVERY DAY of my 9th grade year, so where the hell were you? Were you my best friend then? How do you fracking know what goes on when you aren't there?
I was constantly bullied from emotional things to physical things. When I came out as a lesbian in high school, I had girls constantly pretending they had a crush on me only to humiliate me in front of the rest of the school. Not to mention the fact that most of this behavior was flaunted in the faces of the teachers, who didn't do anything about it because they openly admitted to thinking I was a problem child. And the one time one teacher DID say something about what a girl was doing to me in class, she didn't do anything til after it happened, like a day after it happened, the girl was suspended and I was beat up by her friends for getting her in trouble, when I didn't do anything about it because why? I was repeatedly told to IGNORE them!
Oh and lets talk about one of the worst things. I was WAY skinny as a teenager, like 5'9 110 pounds skinny. I ate as much as anyone, maybe even more, but these vapid students couldn't be bothered to notice. One popular girl started a rumor that I was anorexic, and she and her group of friends would come over to me at lunch and pretend to be concerned for me and ask my if I was going to eat my lunch that day. It was clearly done in a taunting manner, and in front of teachers in an attempt to make them look caring when in actuality they were trying to humiliate me!
Don't even get me started on this girl (lets call her J) who decided to make my life miserable from 5th grade til I transferred schools to a private school in 10th grade. She started vicious rumors about me, from anything to I was pregnant and had to be sent away to have the baby, to me being a satan worshipper. I am very VERY positive it was her because kids would ask me ridiculous questions about things she said and I would always respond with, "Where did you hear that?" and they'd say, "Oh J told us." By the end of ninth grade I was fed up enough with her BS that I ended up punching her, and thus was transferred to another school. The kicker? She later admitted that she was mean to me because my DAD yelled at her for doing something she shouldn't have and told her mom about it which got her in trouble, so this psycho went on a 5 year crusade to make my life miserable because of it!
Among other things, I was punched, kicked, hair pulled, gum put in my hair, spit at, got things dumped on me, other things put in my hair, teased incessantly for READING BOOKS at recess, using words that other kids didn't know the definitions to got me beat up more than once, oh and being outright told that I wasn't pretty enough to be in the popular group.
In the end, I had the last laugh, though. I was transferred out at the end of 9th grade and had to return to the public HS to take the SATS and the ACTS. By that time I had gone from a geeky string bean of a 14 year old, to a filled out woman of a 17 year old. Guys who never gave me the time of day in HS stopped to hit on me in the hallways, not even recognizing me. My God did it ever feel good to shoot them down.
Just because you were popular and/or you were not bullied, don't presume to begin to know what goes on when your back is turned because things are very ugly outside of what must be a very nice, sheltered, existence.
Isn't that basically kind of the point of the movie? That Cyberbullying is an issue that happens, only people turn a blind eye to it because they can't see it. It might not have a physical manifestation but that doesn't make it less real.
Admittedly I don't think the cases of cyberbullying in this movie in particular were that strong. But the reaction Taylor had was very real and something a lot of people experience.
Verbal assualt has always been treated that way. With an attitude of 'oh, just get over it, words are nothing' and Cyberbulling is really just an extension of verbal bullying. But it is real, and it does hurt people. Words aren't meaningless, and feeling like everyone hates you and thinks you're pathetic isn't something to just 'get over' it's something that needs to stop.
Bullying of a more 'benign' kind I guess you could say may not be 'real' for you but it's real enough for the victim. I don't think it's fair to dismiss hurtful remarks even on the Internet as bullying simply because something worse has happened to you. While I haven't been cyberbullied before because I stay away from stuff like facebook, I know that some people are more sensitive than others and these people, especially young kids who think what their schoolmates think of them is important, may actually feel as horrible as you do when you're physically abused. So let's just agree that any type of bullying is disgusting, ok? xD