MovieChat Forums > Cyberbully (2011) Discussion > Im guessing none of you have been bullie...

Im guessing none of you have been bullied

Well first of all.. even if you are drop-dead gorgeouse you can still be bullied. there is no steriotype bullied person. and in a lot of high school's, being called a slut etc is a big deal! to me this movie is right on the spot! this is realistic. i've seen it happen like this. im guessing those who have this coments have never been bullied. And to those who don't think it have happend at their high school are just blind. cuz it happens everywhere. just that people react differently. look at the different characters. the "gay guy" doesnt stop going to school or have a melt down. but still its tearing him up. I think its a great movie that kids need to see. cuz this is happening everywhere


When I was in middle school there was a girl who tried to bully me mericlessly (I'm in a wheelchair so she thought I was easy pickins) but I honestly didn't care about her opinion. I was (mostly) comfortable with myself and I knew that she was not a nice person with a crappy home life. I ignored her comments (which looking back were really aweful and probably should've been reported) and I wasn't rude to her, kill em with kindess, it eventually annoyed her to the point where she gave up.

I know that not everyone is able to do that but from as far back as I can remember I knew I was different and I was okay with that.

God this is going to make me sound older than I am, but when I was in middle school everyone was starting to get (desktop) computers in their homes so we didn't have sites like facebook - all we had was dial up, aim, and email (myspace got popular my freshman year of highschool I think). Computers used to be in full parental view so parents knew what was going on with their kids and internet was restricted because it tied into the phone lines. My point, other than making myself feel older than 25, is that we didn't have access to the internet like students do today and I think my generation should be thankful for it.


This film is so out-of-touch and ridiculous it's sad and also really funny. EVERYONE GETS BULLIED every now and then. Schools have anti-bullying rules so no-way in hell half of these kids could get away with being dicks online like that. Plus what they did online was nothing. These bratty characters should get over it.


Your attitude is really ignorant. First, it really is out of context. Not all schools have anti-bullying rules. Most didn't have them when this movie was made way back in 2011. Over the last couple of years there has been a lot of high profile suicides that caused many schools to act.

But not all have, and many have the same attitude as you: blame the victim for their abuse and downplay the culpability of actual bullies. As you said "The bratty "victims" should get over it."

You attitude is part of the problem. Since it happens to EVERYONE, that apparently makes it OK. "Go ahead bullies do what you want. It's the responsibility of the victims not to be affected by your abuse." You're essentially defending the actions of bullies. You certainly don't censure them.

School officials that don't do anything about it--despite your claim that "no-way in hell they get away with it--actually have a very similar attitude to you: "your child should just get over it" or "boys will be boys" or "it happens to everyone or whatever other excuse people give for allowing bullying to happen.


Blame the victim? no, i'm not blaming the victim, but you are clearly attention seeking and WANT to be a victim. This film is atrocious, plain and simple.

I am not defending the actions of bullies, stop trying to be offended you psycho... calm down. I have been 'bullied', but 'bullied' is an over-used term now so people like yourself can seek attention and sympathy from others for minor things. This girl could have blocked the people being mean, she could have told the school, she could have unfriended them or IGNORED them. Just because a character is being bullied, it doesn't make them any less of an idiot. And all the characters in this movie were hilariously underdeveloped and melodramatic and unrealistic.

Also, demonstrating that there are things that a person can do to avoid being bullied is not victim blaming.

What's more harmful? "hey son, keep acting in a manner that is physically or emotionally harming you, it is never a victims fault!" or "hey son, try to avoid people that will try and hurt you, or at least ignore them and they will stop pestering you eventually" WAIT NO! According to idiot's like you, the second option is VICTIM BLAMING!!!!!

Christ people are over sensitive. Anyway, if you like this hallmark garbage, there is no hope left. It is hilariously bad and unfaithful to real life. Also, the main chick is pretty hot, NO WAY IN HELL a chick like that is getting massively bullied in real life. Why can't this film be about a fat girl who's bullied? NOPE! because it is a cheap, piece of hallmark garbage that contradicts it's own message over and over again.


Do you honestly think that only people who have something "wrong" with their appearance can be subjected to bullying? Because that is so offensive I don't know where to begin.

The bullies will always find SOMETHING to work with. That's why they're bullies. Stop being so bloody ignorant, and try to look beyond the stereotypes for a change. Everyone can be a victim of bullying.

In my case, I was bullied as a teenager because I stood out. I was undiagnosed bipolar, and I had an incredibly short fuse. I was also bullied for my accomplishments. There were a few girls in my class who were jealous of me because I had my own pony and regularly competed in show jumping, winning prizes and all that. I grew up on a farm and my sister and I had our own stable. In addition to that, I was fairly intelligent, so I got good grades.

But my bipolar disorder, which I wouldn't be diagnosed with until I was 22 years old (four years ago), made me extremely explosive at times, and I struggled with impulse control. That's why they found it so hilarious to piss me off, and then it just got more and more organised and cruel as time passed. At first, being very unstable emotionally, I lashed out at them, and for periods of time I would attempt to ignore them, but when I did that all my rage would build up until it ended in a massive explosion. Eventually, though, all the cruel things they were saying on a daily basis started to get to me. I withdrew from everything. I shut down. And the bullies, which by the way was HALF of my class led by a few "cool kids", kept going, and because they were getting away with it they started being more and more open with what they were doing. The other half of my class mostly stayed silent.

The thing about bullying that most people don't understand is that bullying hardly ever starts with a bang. It builds, slowly, which tears down a young person's self-esteem brick by brick until they end up feeling worthless. And when a person feels worthless, they are very unlikely to ask for help because they have been made to feel like they don't even matter. Bullying can seriously mess with your head, and you can't fully understand it until you've experienced it. So when people start saying *beep* like, "She could have told someone!" or, "Why didn't she just ignore them!", it makes me so angry! A victim of bullying is being torn to pieces psychologically. At first I thought I could deal with the bullies myself, which I clearly couldn't. I wasn't about to admit to anyone that these people were upsetting me! When that didn't work, I tried to ignore them instead, thinking they'd eventually leave me alone. Instead, it just got more and more cruel, more and more systematic, until I ended up feeling like I wasn't even a person anymore. I was nothing, in the end. I just wanted to disappear. I had been told I didn't deserve to be alive so many times that I actually believed it to be true. So why would I ask for help when it had been made clear to me that I didn't even matter?

Emotional abuse isn't about logic. At no point does "logic" factor into the emotional reaction to being bullied. Just because one person claims to have come out on the other side of bullying "unaffected" or whatever, that doesn't mean the outcome will be the same for everyone else. No one gets to sit on their high horse and dictate what other people should think or feel, that's arrogant, self-absorbed behaviour. I was bullied, and it left me with many emotional scars. That is MY story of MY battle, and it's not about anyone else. We're all affected in different ways. When I graduated from secondary school (year 10), I experienced an episode of hypomania over the summer, but as soon as I started upper secondary, and was thrown into a whole new class with a bunch of strangers, I quickly spiralled into a series of horrible episodes of depression.

And if you're wondering why I didn't ask for help with my depression, the explanation for that is rather simple: I had been bipolar since I was a small child. I had no sense of "normalcy". I thought I was just a terrible person, especially after all the bullying I had gone through for nearly three years, and it didn't cross my mind that I could possibly suffer from a mental illness. I was 16, and I had never not been emotionally unstable. There was no logic involved in that, either.

So please, keep your ignorance to yourself.


How right you are kiss_kamilla...bullying happens everywhere! Everywhere, anywhere and pretty much anytime. I was bullied in school...elementary & junior high...and it was no fun at all. Luckily for me there was no internet when I was in school...thank God...cause it was bad enough without it! But with or without the internet, bullying can severely hurt and scar a child for life. It is cruel, senseless, insensitive, unexcusable behavior that no one should ever have to experience. Most bullies I have dealt with were usually just punk ass kids trying to impress their peers, or jealous of something I had and they didn't...or they were just too stupid to realize that they were no better than me, or anyone else for that matter, but wanted to make other's think they were. By the time I was in high school, all the bullying stopped for me...maybe they were bored because they couldn't crack me...I don't know. But...for whatever the reason...I was was a nice change of pace to actually enjoy going to school.

The bottom line child should have to go through the hell that a bully will put them through while going to school and growing is cruel and inhumane...treat other's the way you would want to be treated...with kindness and respect...even if you don't really like them. Life is too short for all that bully crap...grow up!

"Ain't life grand?"


No Message


You know, it's weird. The man I have fallen in love w/ was bullied in grade school. He had sandy hair & long eyelashes, he still has the long eyelashes, but people made fun of him for it. Now, he is model attractive if he would let himself model. Anybody can be bullied, but that doesn't mean we should let the bullies get to us. My niece got pulled out of public school due to bullying, but she needs to be more like her aunt (me) & fight through that ish. She doesn't need to start fights, but she needs to know she is beautiful inside & out & that anybody that bullies her is jealous. Bullies are just miserable people who take their miseries out on other people. Enough said.



Anybody can be bullied, but that doesn't mean we should let the bullies get to us. My niece got pulled out of public school due to bullying, but she needs to be more like her aunt (me) & fight through that ish. She doesn't need to start fights, but she needs to know she is beautiful inside & out & that anybody that bullies her is jealous.
I agree with you that every victim should fight back, but I'm a 40 year old who can look at a young person and think that he/she is beautiful and unique and have his/her entire life to live. That same young person might not think that same way. Some children were blessed with outgoing, I'm-not-going-to-take-sh*t personalities, while others (like myself and my son) have sensitive, things-can-really-bother-me personalities. We are all different and unique with different personalities.

While one young person can withstand the pure hell that bullies can inflict on him/her, another can't. Unfortunately, we have a suicide epidemic among our youth. It is the 2nd leading cause of death in ages 10 to 24 years old and the 3rd leading cause of death in youth grades 7th thru 12th. Those are such sad statistics and this society needs to wake up and realize that cruel words can hurt just as bad, if not worse, than cuts and bruises.

She had the saddest look I've seen in years, A kangaroo cry ~ Blue October


Well geez you're arrogant. Of course bullying or rather "bullying" is everywhere, just like racism or whatever. Those who don't see it aren't necessarily 'blind', could be that the bullying just isn't that visible. People don't walk around thinking hmm I wonder what's going on in that person's school life. Bullying is unfortunate, but mostly it's nothing. What disgusts me is people thinking that bullies are some kind of monsters and thos ebullied are like angels. It's so ridiculously stupid and unfair. You don't deserve to be bullied, you don't deserve not to be bullied. Simpel as that.

Anyway, high school kids and middle school kids have no life so whatever happens to them doesn't really matter. They're all part of a bigger picture and thus worth about rat's *beep*


ShannonHBC, with all due respect that is one of the most ignorant comments I've read on this board so far. I have a feeling you are very young and naïve and do not have children of your own. Or maybe you have a hardened heart or have never met, much less talked to, a parent whose child committed suicide or attended the funeral of a child who has committed suicide.

I hope that one day you will educate yourself regarding this subject. I also hope that you never have to watch a child of yours (if you ever have children in the future) suffer at the hands of a bully or bullies. It's sad that there are people who think like you in this world. I guess that's why this world is so cruel.

She had the saddest look I've seen in years, A kangaroo cry ~ Blue October


Anyway, high school kids and middle school kids have no life so whatever happens to them doesn't really matter. They're all part of a bigger picture and thus worth about rat's *beep*

If this is how you really feel, please don't procreate.


I wouldn't mind bullying you because of your inability to spell even simple words.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.


I've been bullied before. This movie still sucks.


You can be a bullying victim and still think that this movie is bad and doesn't portray the "anti-bullying" message in a realistic or convincing way. 
