MovieChat Forums > Pompeii (2014) Discussion > Emily Browning is the ugliest leading ac...

Emily Browning is the ugliest leading actress I have ever seen

her hand maid is way hotter...shouldn`t it be the other way around?


Totally agree with you, the maid Ariadne is way hotter, she is way more boobilicious than tiny Emily Browning.


Emily Browning is weird-looking, they should cast Caitlin Stasey from Reign and Tomorrow, When the Began as her role. I agree her maid/friend look better than her.


If the way you evaluate a woman's beauty is by looking at the breasts, then you and many others here have a lot to learn about beauty.
To the ones that said the mais was prettier, admit it, you were just looking at her already half out boobs all the time. If she was covered it would be a different story.


I still thought Browning was quite fetching, but she definitely lost a bit too much weight, doesn't suit her at all. She does look quite odd from some angles in this movie, with too big a head.

And yes her handmaiden's twins upstaged her in many scenes.


Is Pompeii ze first und only moviefilm you have ever vatched?
Because in zat case I understand your mistake und vill allow you to live.

- Vhen zere is no more room in hell, women shall valk ze earth
- IMHO = In Mein Honest Opinion


The shape of her face looks Asian to me, but with the white skin. I think she is one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood. Her booty is not bad either :) Her booty can be studied to great extent in Sleeping Beauty.


Excess - Data...Alert


Actually I think Emily Browning IS ONE OF THE HOTTEST ACTRESSES.


Does Emily get a generous amount of screen time in Pompeii? Would help to justify picking up the 3D edition...



Agreed. The handmaiden is very beautiful.
