I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)
I personally think it was unnecessary as well. I just think Denzel is a little too old to be in these types of scenes. He is my favorite actor in the world and I just do not understand why he would agree, being a family man and all. The typical man on here will defend him over the issue at all cost; I already know that. Meaning, well, it was necessary to show his lifestyle/consequences/blah blah blah. Anyways, like some others stated, it is rated R and you know that covers nudity. So you should always be ready whether you agree with it or not. There are ways to show post sex and the audience will get the point, e.g. being covered up in bed smoking a cig. I am just a little disappointed in Denzel, however he is still my favorite actor. If you do not think that there are pedophiles, perverts, and sadists posting on here at times, then you are fooling yourself.
"Yeah well, you know, that's just like your opinion man."
A little too old? Wha? What are you implying? He's an ACTOR. I really hate people who want reality to be encased in a nice little box with a bow on top. There was nothing apologetic about this movie, yet it wasn't over the top in it's delivery. I don't know what you people want. Complaints about this scene are null and void. All responses I've seen on this board are just statements that affirm their hypocrisy and urgent need to grow the hell up. BTW, you all bought tickets to see an R rated film.
Why was so bad about it ? I mean I haven't seen it myself but if you can tell me in great detail about the scene then I could tell you if you have a point or not .
You don't want your husband to see naked women in movies... Poor guy probably can't see very much. They showed a woman's body, it was not even in a sexual context.
You didn't mention fast forwarding past Denzel Washington's exposed butt when you watch the DVD so YOU don't see it...
I enjoyed it because she had a banging body, but it was indeed gratuitious and provided nothing for the movie other than to catch the attention of guys like me.
Maam, do you not walk around your bedroom naked? My wife does. Millions of women walk around their bedroom naked, especially after waking up. That's all the woman in the movie did. it was realistic and normal, whether you think it was out of place or not. I appreciate the reality in films. This scen was real
Many people, whom are in a physical relationship, forgo modesty - especially if they have been up all night partying and having sex.
But mostly, I believe this first scene was essential to give the audience an immediate sense of what kind of man is Whip Whitaker. The nudity, the sip of booze, and then the line of coke...it had to happen.
I totally agree. I'm an adult but there use to be a time when you would go to a movie and not be exposed to nudity, or at least keep it more discreet and leave most of it to your imagination.It use to be just brief " chest shots" now its the whole darn thing, ebing wayed like a flag in front of your face. Even to the point where you have to watch her put her thong underpants on. Come on, was all that necessary in what is a great movie. It would have been just as great without all that. As a woman I'm just tired of all this "sex sells" routine that I have had pushed in my face over the years. Annette513 I have your back on this one.
Well Meezer3, I have your back and Annette513's back. You can go back and read what I stated. I agree, we could have done without it and left it to our imagination. I think the whole buzz is about what you stated Meezer3, they try to wave it in front of our face and see who bites. The scene was way too long and you are 100% about the ideology of Hollywood, lets show some nudity, so that we can sell more tickets. Many of us watch regular television all the time and see a couple in bed with sheets over them. We get it, they just had sex and we can choose to leave it to our imagination if we so desire. I would go as far to say that it may be on some subconsciousness level that a lot of people do not even realize. Sure, there are guys out there that want to see the nudity in order to fulfill their fantasies. However, for a movie like this, I just do not see the need to throw in a 3 min or so nudity scene. The people who made this film are way too talented to need this sort of thing thrown into the mix. I see it as tasteless. For the men who need to see nudity in a movie, there is always Cinemax.
"Yeah well, you know, that's just like your opinion man."
Many of us watch regular television all the time and see a couple in bed with sheets over them. We get it, they just had sex and we can choose to leave it to our imagination if we so desire.
Read up on the state of that industry overall, then think real hard on whether or not such a philosophy is likely to be very profitable for much longer.
I have to disagree. I think that movies have gotten a lot more tame when it comes to nudity and sex the past couple of decades. Looking back at lots of movies from the 70's and 80's, there was a lot more nudity and it wasn't a big deal because they were adult movies for adult audiences. Hollywood has sanitized a lot of things over the years to make more money in the PG-13 realm. Perhaps there's been some resurgence of actual rated R movies in recent years that aren't dumbed down for teenagers, but it's not that many.
Our society seems to be much more comfortable with violence than nudity for some reason. I really don't get why nudity is offensive. I think people are uncomfortable with that opening scene because we've become too accustomed to PG-13 type material.