MovieChat Forums > Serbuan maut (2012) Discussion > U.S. Remake is coming!!!

U.S. Remake is coming!!! d_in_the_works_17418.aspx

The Indonesian producers are apparently going to be involved, as well as the original fight choreographers but this is Hollywood.

Who do you guys think they will cast as the SWAT team members and then the villain?

I have a feeling that Hollywood might just cast someone like Collin Farrell, Vin Diesel,Channing Tatum, or Tyrese Gibson.Then they would add Cung Le and Quinton "Rampage" Jackson as the villains. I would hope they would add some Hong Kong Action stars like Donnie Yen but chances of that are probably slim.


Unless it has the same team (including writer-director Gareth Evans and actor-fighter-stuntmen-choreographers Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian), I highly doubt this Hollywood remake would be anywhere near as good as the Indonesian original.



Good. Hopefully it will have a plot. And be about something other than guys going "uh" "oh" "hai" and "chop" for 90 minutes. I suppose this movie is popular with the people who have had their brains liquified by video games. But honestly, the movie needs to have a lot more depth and meaning.

The only pathos and metaphor we get is the pending birth of a child.

At least Diehard, the main source material for this snooozer, had a likable protagonist fighting for his wife and a villain with some flair.

As horrible as a Hollywood remake will probably be, it will be a vast improvement over this clunking "original".



If you were snoozing through this, then you need to lay off the valium, mate.

"The only place I get hurt... is out there." - 'The Wrestler'


The movie did have a "plot" and "meaning"... but you were too busy "snoozing" to notice it. You see, The Raid had these things called "realism" and "subtlety", expressing themes like third-world crime and police corruption in a subtle and realistic manner, without beating us over the head with preachy dialogues or wise-cracking jokes... something that Hollywood could learn a thing or two from. But more importantly, it never loses focus on the core elements of an action movie: the action, suspense, stunts, and choreography. It's pure action cinema at its finest. If you're not an action movie fan to begin with though, then I'm afraid this movie is not for you.



What! So instead of listening to the usual grunting and noise of fighting between two people, which...sorry to break it to you sounds like "uh" "oh" "hai" and "chop", you'd rather listen to some Hollywood actor say cheesy wise cracks? Because that will invariably be produced in the Hollywood remake.

So disappointed that the US seems to think they'll do any justice to this movie! The foreign aspects add to it! The misplaced patriotism of some US viewers means they're simply too lazy to watch a movie that has no affiliation with the America in its story. It is only in the past decade where US movies have realised...aliens may not just attack the USA! Shock horror.

It's not supposed to be an action film mixed with romance/family/drama, it's pure action. I'm a girl myself and I get so *beep* off with all the romance! I'm not watching the movie to see them smooch or go on dates I want to see blood and punches thank you.


*beep* why? Godamnnit

Insert @V@T@R


I'm not totally against the idea of a Hollywood remake. A team of freshly trained SWAT trapped in a dingy apartment blocks rules by a gang of merciless thugs is a great storyline but i don't really fancy the idea of involving the original fight choreographers in this movie.

I'm half indonesian, and seeing this movie, spot on i knew they used silat heavily laden with muay thai moves in it. and the thing about silat is, unlike any other martial art, silat is very closely related to muslim people in the nusantara region. As in if one wish to be a master or tok guru in silat, one of the key rules in silat is to never skip the 5-times daily prayer, which is why i guess at the beginning of the story the protagonist was seen praying before he went of to work. in casting non-nusantara or non-muslim actor to play a character that excel in silat..errmmm i feel a bit uncomfortable with that.

Don't get me wrong, as someone who practiced silat, yes i'm proud that finally someone filmed a movie other than a documentary about silat. and yeap probably some of you would say i should open up my mind since silat is now not exclusive to south east asia anymore. but i was thinking if hollywood want to stay true to the original film, why not cast the same protagonist and of course mad dog in this movie? admit it, no one can replace mad dog.

just my 2 cents, haha


yoy seem excited dont be Hollywood is a disgrace right now they just want quick cash and dont give a change to new directors and producers to make new movies instead just remakes all the past movies or foreign movies.


Oh great yet another movie Hollywood is stealing. I love the actors they use but MY god the movies they have been making for the last 3-5 years make me want to stop watching movies all together.


Why all the negative comments towards Americans?? Apparently ALL not some but ALL Americans are idiots that don't enjoy foreign films, right?

I find that sort of mindset very rude, and immature. I am an American who enjoys all types of foreign films ranging from, Brazilian, to Korean, to German, to whatever. Good movies, are good movies no matter who makes them.

Personally I don't see the need for a remake of this film. But given the mindset of hollywood, they see it as a way to deepen their pockets a bit more. The very same reason that they want an American re-make of the Korean film "Oldboy" (not my favorite Korean made film by the way).

Anyway thats my two bits


Lagolas... Anyone who generalizes shouldn't be taken seriously.

Don't get so offended.


Good point


People are idiots. Hollywood makes movies for a World Wide audience not just for Americans. The vast majority of Gross comes from International Box Office.

It's completely idiotic to slam Americans for Hollywood remakes or other crappy big budget movies because they wouldn't exist if they weren't successful in foreign countries.


Why are you so excited? They should invest the money in an original idea and not in a stupid remake so you American illiterates don´t have to read subtitles.


I've never really understood the total uproar against remakes. Remakes have been in existence ever since people started making movies. The remake will never live up the original (and it usually never does) but is it really harming you for having been released? You're going to watch it anyway, probably so you can whinge even more about it but who cares in all honesty?

The director has already announced he's working on the sequel, (THUG) - I can't thuging wait.


It isn't just remakes. I've seen a lot of people get really pissed about a sequel or prequel being made for a movie... from what I've seen they tend to be more upset the longer the time between the original (or their favorite which they pretend was the alpha/omega).

Personally, I don't hate remakes, prequels, or sequels on principle. It is easy to point out a lot of horrible remakes, Hollywood/America is not the only guilty party, and I have often cringed at the cheap tv versions of movies releasing at the same time. Regardless, I can watch movies like The Thing (2011), Wolfman (2010), Let Me In, etc... and enjoy them for what they are prequel/sequel/remake. I'll even watch a shot for shot remake of a movie I like, I just hope they improve on the technical aspect without botching too much.

Anyways, I'm going to go try and watch this movie now. Wish people would stop bitching and moaning about things that they haven't seen, yet... but hopefully I at least heard of a good movie thanks to all of it.

*edit* Well it was pretty good.. didn't go over the top too much either.


That wouldn't translate at all. People don't fight like that in America, especially drug lord gangsters. lol.. I'll be looking forward to Berandal, The Raid sequel instead.


There is a US remake of sorts.... the upcoming Dredd movie with Karl Urban looks to have a very similar plot to it.
