
This show is dire. I really don't get why people like it, it's nonsensical, the writing is ridiculous and the acting is two dimensional. So much of the writing is inaccurate, it's like it's written by morons.
I realise the cast and crew must love making this, but please give the audience something other than beautiful scenery.


I quite liked the first two series, I liked Ben Miller's character, but don't care for the new chap.


There are plenty of serious shows if that's what you're after, e.g. CSI and its many spin-offs.

I can't even take CSI seriously because the show purports to be "realistic", but it's sheer nonsense how they can blow up an 8-bit pixelated image of a car registration taken from outer space and be able to read it perfectly.

DiP doesn't have the most original scripts, but it doesn't pretend to be anything but a lighthearted show.
