
This show is dire. I really don't get why people like it, it's nonsensical, the writing is ridiculous and the acting is two dimensional. So much of the writing is inaccurate, it's like it's written by morons.
I realise the cast and crew must love making this, but please give the audience something other than beautiful scenery.


it used to be brilliant seasons 1-3, then it went downhill

I can't stand the new girl on there she has no zest no character... where is Camille??


actually I am loving this season


I am loving it too. I think it has improved greatly and have forgotten all about the original cast.
This weeks episode was really sweet.


The cheesiness is part of its charm.



It is entertainment and that is exactly what it does and it does it well. You want serious writing? There are plenty others that have it. Comedy relief is great and needed every once in awhile

This show did not miss a beat during cast changes. Kudos to the whole company

Never laugh at your spouses choices. You are one of them.


It is entertainment and that is exactly what it does and it does it well



I think we take for granted that things in a "resort" location are simple and stupid. There are all sorts of things, societies, social status, personalities, and past histories going on in this little island (fictional though it is).

They certainly never get called out on a "slum" crime (wife-beating, Saturday night stabbing, etc.), but other than that, it's quite interesting people and cases.

"We will bury you"-NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV


There is nothing wrong with watching light entertainment. But then, I watch "Down Periscope" every time it pops up on TV. 


Wow, you don't like it OP...


Si vis pacem, para bellum


Anyone not understanding the charm of this show needs to recheck their priorities in life because they are lacking.
