Not to piss on anyone's bonfire but action movies with a single female name?
Hanna... Lucy... Nikita... Colombiana...
Maybe even Salt (if you allow surnames,) China O'Brien & Jackie Brown (if you go with full names,) GI Jane (if you allow rank,) Red Sonja (if you allow hair colour and freakishly large Danes.) And, while i'm obviously in a joking mood, let's add titular characters with silly names, like Elektra, Barbarella, Barb Wire, Aeon Flux or - god forbid - Ultraviolet.
Anyway, Rocky, I have to agree with the rest of your post and that of some others. This film is 'horses for courses...' The trailer gave no impression that any boots would be meeting any arses nor the gentle blowing (or eating) of any brains.
It clearly markets Maggie as a cerebral look at the human cost of such a pandemic and, while it stumbles once or twice (zombie make-out sessions?) it essentially delivers.
As to the casting of the Governor, I think it's an inspired masterstroke... if only Arnie could act, eh?
Well, blow me, it turns out HE CAN! It may not be Iolanthe or King Lear, and it may not be as strong as the weakest of the greats, (Michael Caine? Clint Eastwood?) but, DAMN, he sure convinced me that losing his daughter one day at a time and the inevitability of what he would have to do was tearing him apart.
I commend him for taking a chance and the producers for giving him the chance.
It may not be in the top 50 zombie movies, or even the top 50 of any genre, but it sure as hell is not crap, or boring... or arty.