You realize Affleck passed on this because it was too crappy, right?
It's bizarre that ANYONE is excited for this dumpster fire. Remember, Affleck's standards are so low he read the putrid script for Batman v. Superman (written by Razzie award winning David S. Goyer, the guy who destroyed the Blade, Terminator AND Ghost Rider film franchises) and he said "Cool, I'm in!)
But doing The Crapman solo film was a leap too far even for Affleck. First, he said he would only direct if the script was good. Then he saw the script and IMMEDIATELY announced he would NOT be directing the film. Then they green lit that trash, tried to get him to sign on to "star" in it, and Affleck called their bluff and said "ummm, i think I got another film lined up... sorry about that, see you guys!"
So then the got the guy from Twilight to play "Batman". Anything for a paycheck, right?
I didn't think it could get any worse than Batman & Robin, but Batman v. Superman proved me wrong. Now I don't think its possible to make a worse Superman film than Batman v. Superman, but THE CRAPMAN is stepping up to bat...