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GQ interview - Robert Pattinson thinks working out is overrated and isn't doing anything for Batman role

Some people might have a different opinion on this subject, but shouldn't he take the role (the physical side) more seriously?

The film studio hired a trainer who left Pattinson with a Bosu ball, a single weight, and a sincere plea to use both, but right now, he says, he’s ignoring her. “I think if you’re working out all the time, you’re part of the problem,” he says, sighing. By “you” he means other actors. “You set a precedent. No one was doing this in the ’70s. Even James Dean—he wasn’t exactly ripped.” He says that back when he was the star of the Twilight franchise, “the one time they told me to take my shirt off, I think they told me to put it back on again.” But Batman is Batman. Pattinson called another actor on the film, Zoë Kravitz, the other day, and she said she was exercising five days a week during their exile from set. Pattinson, well: “Literally, I’m just barely doing anything,” he says, sighing again.

Arguments why he needs to work out harder:

- This isn't the 60s and 70s anymore. With special effects looking so much better and more realistic, there's now a new expectation the superheroes look above average. I don't think they should look like the random weekend gym goer you see. They have to look like people in top shape that make you go 'wow'. These superheroes dedicate their lives to fighting baddies and saving the world. And in order to do that, they have to be in peak physical condition to survive grueling physical tests.

- Robert Pattinson has a coveted role that thousands of actors would kill to have. If he's getting paid millions, shouldn't he push himself harder in all aspects of the role (acting and physical training)? If he finds it boring, there's lots of actors who will gladly work their tails off in his place.

- Gal Gadot and Alicia Vikander both admitted they were more on the 'thinner' side before taking on the roles of Wonder Woman and Lara Croft. They both worked out hard to improve themselves, so that you can somewhat believe they are fighting groups of baddies, leaping across chasms, and carrying heavy things (and yes I know it helps that Wonder Woman is a demigod, but at least Gal did not look like her skinny Fast & Furious physique while doing it).

- Hugh Jackman was into his 40s and could've used the excuse to slow down, but he only intensified the workouts even more. He had more experience under his belt and probably had to overcompensate, if anything, due to his age. He didn't just say "Eh, I look good enough, and Wolverine is supposed to be naturally enhanced anyways. No need to work out that hard."

- Kumail Nanjiani looks so much better with his new body compared to his Silicon Valley body, and almost everyone would agree the new body fits his upcoming role as a superhero way better than his SV bod:

- Also, James Dean never played a superhero. His life was cut short and he was only able to do 3 films! Ripped also means "lean". James Dean was ripped aka lean, Robert!


In my opinion, it's a very peculiar attempt at virtue signalling whilst failing to understand that men don't care about their heroes/icons not having realistic bodies. Men don't care if Wolverine or Batman or Superman is ripped as fuck. We understand that it makes sense for someone to be in peak physical fitness if a character is going to spend all night fighting and whatnot. When I see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. I think to myself "damn, that dude has put the effort in to get there. Well done to him". Sure, he's basically being paid to be in shape, work out, have private chefs plan his meals etc. but the point still stands.

Men simply don't care. We don't need obese superheroes, models etc to make ourselves feel better about our normal bodies. Leave all that jealousy BS to women.


How much working out did Keaton do? A Batman costume does a lot of heavy lifting for you.

I'd be more concerned about him doing so for the physicality of the role.

I would think he should but I don't consider it a deal-breaker for someone who doesn't lean towards being out of shape as it is. He's a pretty lanky dude.


I agree with Pattinson. Fuck it.


If that's the case then they might as well hire Jack Black to be Batman. Reality is you don't watch a movie about Batman or Superman so you can see an average Joe wearing a super hero costume anymore than you would go to see Wonder Woman played by Rebel Wilson. If you want the part then you owe it to the people buying tickets to look the part. Maybe if he was being paid zero salary and just a percent of the box office he would take the role more seriously but I guess when you get the money up front you can say fuck it I don't care how I do in the role.


Adam West is easily my favorite Batman, and I bet that the only workout regimen he followed involved banging extras in his trailer.


post of the week


"I didn't need plastic molded to improve my physique. Pure West."


"Adam West is easily my favorite Batman"

No accounting for bad tastes.


No accounting for bad spelling/grammar.


I concur with the fuck it sentiment.

Also, just want to point out that Gal Gadot was pregnant during a lot of the Wonder Woman re-shoots, many of which made it into the film. So if a pregnant woman can play WW, I'm pretty sure Pattinson can play a masked hero whose muscle mass doesn't mean shit to his performance of a fictional character.


This tells me that there may be very little of batman as a physically intimidating threat. They have said it will be a more story driven noir tale focusing on the detective side, RP must be comfortable that the little fighting he may have he will be able to sell it. I personally think batman has to have the physical presence too but as someone says the suit may do that we don’t need to see a shirtless ripped Bruce Wayne to believe it. Time will tell I suppose


I agree,he should work out


I don't know what sort of movie this is going to be but the original Batman costume and all early superhero garb was based on circus costumes, as worn by men an women displaying their physiques in form fitting gear. These would often be acrobats of lean, but muscular appearance... The first sign I found of Batman working out was before Batman had an origin story, in a 1940 comic where Robin is introduced. Batman, in shorts and wife-beater (typical workout attire of the era) instructs Dick Grayson in boxing and "Jiu jitsu".
The problem is that Batman, from the very first story is the consummate acrobat. He somersaults, swings from ropes and does "human fly" stunts. Batman has to be lean and muscular and if the actor isn't, this needs to be hidden in shadows, muscle suits and the use of body doubles or cgi...


Bruce Wayne won't be intimidating. But Batman will.
I read that he was cutting up for it, not bulking up. He said he was running a 5k or 10k every day.


That sounds good to me. I wonder if we will see the climbing and acrobatics that used to be essential to the character. You know, how he turns up unexpectedly at a thirteenth story window and then avoids bullets.

One of the early comics did make mention of bulletproof armor (which would have to have been along the lines of Doc Savages ultra-thin bulletproof chainmail), but it was ignored thereafter. Batman got shot fairly often, and was treated, often under police protection with his mask left on. I recall a late '60s or early '70s Batman where we learn that the bat symbol in the yellow ellipse on his chest is a bulletproof patch, providing a likely aiming point for snipers without the encumbrance of overall armor.


I agree that he doesn't need to be ripped or huge like The Rock, but weight training 5 days a week should be easy for any actor especially if you're going to take on the role of Batman who is in top shape. Seems like he already has a low % of body fat so should be somewhat easy to add on some muscle with a personal trainer and dietitian provided by the studio. I mean you only need to do this for a year or two, for the biggest role of your career so far and a huge payday. Step up to the plate and put some work in.


Out of curiosity, I checked if there was some pic out there in internet, and here you have

I think that's enough to play the role. He doesn't need to work out as he was a body builder.


I agree, fighters usually don't have big buffed muscles, they're lean and mean, with great agility and stamina.
