Why is this so hated?

This is truly one of my favorite films of 2014 and in general,and all of the problems that people have with this movie do not bother me at all. It seems like superhero movies get the most criticism on IMDB than anything else,so why?


Where do we start:

The villains in this movie are HORRIBLY underused. Electro gets defeated by Spider-Man in THEIR FIRST FIGHT and the focus is taken off of him until the movie's climax and this was supposed to be the main villain (or atleast for most of the movie until it was time for Harry to become the Goblin), he got an origin story and everything. Say what you want about Spider-Man 3 (and trust me there's a lot to be said about that movie) but atleast when they took the focus off of a villain they had another Spider-Man could fight. This movie had no one else to focus on after Electro was taken out, Harry was still being developed and Rhino didn't appear until the very end of the movie leaving the entire middle part revolving around a storyline that no one didn't care about to begin with.

They tried to copy Chirs Nolan's Dark Knight formula with Harvey Dent with Harry's character in this movie by making him a villain towards the end of the movie but they completely FAILED to understand how Nolan made it work. Besides being looked at as a Joker movie, The Dark Knight can also be looked at as the rise and fall of Harvey Dent as well. Nolan build Harvey up as the White Knight of Gotham and towards the mid-section of the movie, Harvey takes a turn into the Dark side, becoming Two Face and all. This movie probably cut out a huge chunk of Harry's story which left his entire character underdeveloped, they cut out all of his Goblin scenes leading up to the climax of the movie. His fight scene with Spider-Man lasted under a minute. I could go on with how they screwed up Harry's character.

The tone was all over the place. One of the few things I loved about TASM1 was how different the tone was compared to the Raimi movies. That completely got thrown away in this movie and they made this movie even more goofier than the Raimi movies.

The action scenes are underwhelming. People go on and on about how the action scenes are good but I have no idea why. The beginning action scene with Rhino before he became Rhino was stupid. The Times Square fight with Electro ended when it was starting to get good, the final fight with Electro was decent but the whole save the planes from crashing against each other ruined it and you basically saw the entire Clock Tower scene with Goblin and Gwen's death in the trailers.

The advertising was horrible. Who ever thought it was a good idea to show Rhino and Green Goblin in the advertising deserves to be fired. Electro should've been marketed as the main villain, Rhino should've been taken out of the movie completely, and Goblin should've been kept a secret. They showed the entire movie in the trailers and after looking at the film, now we know why. The movie was very hard to market because of how all over the place it was. This movie should've just been about Peter/Gwen's relationship after Captain Stacy's death, Electro, and The Osborns.

The movie should've ended after Gwen's death. Instead of cutting out all of the important stuff regarding the villains and characters. They should've removed all of this universe building that was tacked on at the end of the movie.

This movie had the potential to be great had they gotten another director, Sony wasn't so hands on, and they had gotten better screenplay writers.


This movie had the potential to be great had they gotten another director, Sony wasn't so hands on, and they had gotten better screenplay writers.

They pretty much made the same mistake twice, there's really no hope for this franchise so long as it's in Sony's hands.


They tried to copy Chirs Nolan's Dark Knight formula with Harvey Dent with Harry's character in this movie by making him a villain towards the end of the movie

Seriously? didn't you see Spiderman 3, they did the EXACT same thing in that one when James Franco played Harry's character.

Why don't you wish in one hand, and s#*t in the other. See which one fills up first.


Are you kidding me, Raimi spent both Spider-Man 1 & 2 building Harry up to become the Green Goblin. In SM1, Norman took more of an interest towards Peter than he did Harry, Mary Jane fell for Peter instead of Harry, his father becomes the Green Goblin, dies and Harry blames his father's death on Spider-Man and they foreshadow his turn with "I'll put it on my father's grave that Spider-Man will pay" and the camera then pans to Peter. Spider-Man 2, his hatred for Spider-Man intensifies and he finds out that Peter is Spider-Man. He accidently comes across Norman's Goblin gear and then we move onto Spider-Man 3. Harry becomes the Goblin, he fights Peter and gets amnesia (a lazy way to take focus off of him so they can focus on Sandman), he regains his memory, him and Peter fight again and he gets a bomb thrown at him which takes him out of the movie again until they need him, he finds out Peter didn't kill his father, he helps Peter and then sacrifices his life to save Peter who is about to be killed by Venom and he dies in Peter and Mary Jane's arms.

That is nowhere close to what they did in TASM2. Like I said, they tried to copy what Nolan did with Harvey Dent in TDK and they failed to understand how Nolan made shoehorning Two Face into a Joker movie work perfectly due to those idiots removed alot of Harry scenes to focus on Peter's parents.


Yeah it's close alright, very very very close and what you just said confirms it.

Why don't you wish in one hand, and s#*t in the other. See which one fills up first.


Cause Emma Stone was super-annoying and Jamie Foxx played his character (before he turned into the villain) like he was a blend of Steve Urkel in Family Matters and Milton in Office Space.

And it was overall a pretty lackluster story with zero originality and no good bad guys.

Definitly the very worst Spiderman movie made.

Why don't you wish in one hand, and s#*t in the other. See which one fills up first.


People have fond memories of raimi's spider-man because, to its credit, it did change the game. It showed that really comic booky can work. Toby's Peter was great but it's his spider-man I had issue with. Not enough of a punk.

TAS has its strengths as much as people crap on it. Andrew's spiderman was pretty spot on and its story was decent. But because we're flooded with so many quality superhero properties, people may not think it lives up to the current standard. But a bad film? I don't think so.

"Can you hear them singing?"


Too many characters, ridiculous villains.

Jamie Foxx wasted.

Plus TASM movies are incredibly miscast, Garfield lacks charisma and talent.

Emma Stone is the best thing of the movie.

Dane Dehan is ridiculously bad, he's like an even more annoying Jesse Eisenberg.

If anything it's overrated, it deserves a 3 rating.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


Just caught the last half hour and I "hate it" for the same reasons; not to mention Peter's moping around for months! Love is one of those selfish emotions that I'll probably never understand completely! It seems one person's needs and want should take precedent over everything and everybody! Peter's a jerk in so many ways! The ending with the Rhino just made no sense; esp. since a follow-up hasn't come along yet; if ever! ;-(

- - http://scifiblogs3.blogspot.com/ - - Sci-fi, Batman, and E:FC

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Just caught the last half hour and I "hate it" for the same reasons; not to mention Peter's moping around for months! Love is one of those selfish emotions that I'll probably never understand completely! It seems one person's needs and want should take precedent over everything and everybody! Peter's a jerk in so many ways! The ending with the Rhino just made no sense; esp. since a follow-up hasn't come along yet; if ever! ;-(

I thoroughly disagree. I'm honestly offended by that statement of yours I put in bold. Just because you've never had that special someone doesn't mean you should bash others for having one for mourning over losing said loved one. Besides, Raimi's Peter gave up being Spider-Man because he lost his powers and because he wanted to spend more time on his personal life. Also unlike ASM's Peter he walked by a guy who was getting beat up by 2 thugs and did nothing. Not even call the police on the nearest payphone. That's way more selfish than anything ASM's Peter did.
Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


Sorry, not a Marvel hero worshipper! Used to self-sacrifice of DC heroes like Batman and Superman! :-)

- - http://scifiblogs3.blogspot.com/ - - Sci-fi, Batman, and E:FC

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/ - - Homage to DW & B7


Sorry, not a Marvel hero worshipper! Used to self-sacrifice of DC heroes like Batman and Superman! :-)

Then don't bother watching any Spider-Man movie. Also Superman gave up his powers to be with Lois in Superman 2. Why does he get a free pass?

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


Boy you went back a long way; it was over 16 years before Kidder flipped out! I did say it was the most selfish thing Superman could have done at the time; just that one time and he gave it up as you well know by movie's end!

- - http://scifiblogs3.blogspot.com/ - - Sci-fi, Batman, and E:FC

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/ - - Homage to DW & B7


my point was a lot of superheroes put the love interest above other people.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


Jesus. You weren't paying attention to Spider-Man 2. Peter lost his powers out of depression, because he wanted a better life for himself. He wanted to be happy. It was a psychological need. It was brilliant.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


1) Garfield, the tall, skinny Spidey with the weird accent is totally unlikeable.

2) Foxx- terrible acting.

3) Sally Field- too vane to try to look like Aunt May.

4) Boring script.

5) The strange DeHaan as Harry. Terrible casting. So creepy.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


I think Dane and Andrew should have switched roles because Dane was acting circles around Andrew in this.


They're both bad, I thought. But it is the fault of the writers and director. That Dane guy is too weird for me though.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


Garfield, the tall, skinny Spidey with the weird accent is totally unlikeable.

Spider-Man is supposed to be skinny
Garfield was very likable
I admit his accent did slip a few times, but for the most part it was pretty good


Not that skinny.
No, he wasn't.
No, it was terrible.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


This movie is hate, it hates anyone with an intellect. If nothing about this movie bothers you, then you are probably either an incredibly thoughtless person with no standards for their art/entertainment, or just too young to know any better. And by too young, I mean you'd have to be like 8 years old or something to still justifiably be entertained by this crap.


It was pretty insulting to my intelligence. I mean, just look at Paul Giamatti as Rhino. Every time he was on screen, I swear it was like my brain was being sucked out of eye sockets. It literally hurt.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


Because it's based on a beloved character, and as you know, fan-bases have a tendency to be overblown and hyperbolic.

If this were the same movie based on an original character named Spider-man, it'd be watched and forgotten as forgettable fluff. Which it is. An okay ambitionless popcorn movie not worth obsessing over or even thinking about after it's done.

But as evidence on the Internet has indicated, people in general are awful judges of quality.

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


I didn't find it awful, it was just decidedly average. It was way too busy, they should have cut out Electro completely and had the rise of Goblin. He should have turned full GG at the midway point and then spend the second half of the movie battling Spidey. Hell, even Rhino would have been better than Electro.

Where was Jameson?

This film was so manic it gave me a headache. They should have concentrated on one villain, and trimmed maybe 30 minutes from it. Just my opinion though.


Suburban Robot That Monitors Reality
