Why is this so hated?

This is truly one of my favorite films of 2014 and in general,and all of the problems that people have with this movie do not bother me at all. It seems like superhero movies get the most criticism on IMDB than anything else,so why?


I enjoyed the movie as well, it has it's problems, but it's not Batman and Robin and it's not Spiderman 3.


Definitely agree! I do not understand why people would at all compare this to Batman and Robin.


Let's face it the Raimi movies came closer on the cheese factor to Batman and Robin then ASM2 ever did. Rain Drops scene, the board turning into skeleton's, Macy Gray and dancing Emo Peter.


No just No. Any scene with Paul Giamatti was more cheesy than anything in Raimi's Spider-Man movies and I mean anything.


No just No. Any scene with Paul Giamatti was more cheesy than anything in Raimi's Spider-Man movies and I mean anything.

I don't know, it was over the top yes but I guess in my opinion since he was only at the beginning and end of the movie it didn't betray the tone of the movie. Rhino was always an outrageous character.

Having Peter strut down the street with an emo hair cut and dancing around the jazz club, that stuff is on par with Batman pulling out a credit card. It just comes out left field in terms of how the character was portrayed.


I don't know, it was over the top yes but I guess in my opinion since he was only at the beginning and end of the movie it didn't betray the tone of the movie. Rhino was always an outrageous character.

I don't get why people complain about that when that's pretty well how he's been portrayed in every cartoon he's been in. I've read mostly Silver Age (60s comics) with him and he's always been portrayed a rather stupid guy that's all brawn and no brains in both the original comics and all the cartoons. Yet that guy doesn't even bring up the fact he's portrayed like that in all the cartoons that feature him. Heck, he's like that in the video games he's been in too including the Video game of Spider-Man 2. Though I guess you can't expect everyone to watch all cartoons and play every video game that has to do with Spidey.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


I don't get why people complain about that when that's pretty well how he's been portrayed in every cartoon he's been in.

In the cartoons, He was a lot more subtle and less hammy


I guess he was a bit over the top in the movie. But did you forget some of the video game adaptations of him? In the end of the PS1 game he and the other bad guys are playing Go fish and then he thinks he's won and starts bragging about it but then says he made a mistake and didn't really win. He's also not one of my favorite villains. Heck, if I were to make a top favorite 10 Spider-Man villains list he probably wouldn't even be on it.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


Let's face it the Raimi movies came closer on the cheese factor to Batman and Robin then ASM2 ever did. Rain Drops scene, the board turning into skeleton's, Macy Gray and dancing Emo Peter.

Well if you're comparing just the two different adaptations of spiderman then yeah, you're right Raimi's came closer to B&R in cheese factor. The facts are though that Raimi brought in more revenue with his worst SM movie than TASM brought in with roughly the same budget. TASM2 earned less with a slightly bigger budget than TASM. So while you may think SM 1, 2, and 3 were worse than TASM 1 and 2, the profits speak for themselves. Now I'm not saying TASM was unsuccessful but we're talking about how SM1, if we accounted for 10 years of inflation, made more than TASM1. I dont have figures for TASM1 home release but SM1 made over $400 million in DVD/VHS sales bringing total revenue for just that one film over $1.2 billion.

Not to mention, also, that if it wasnt for Raimi's version of Spiderman, we wouldnt really have the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Avi Arad liked Spiderman 1 and 2 but saw that X-Men (box office was less than $300 million) and Hulk (also made less than $300 million) were not great and thus formed Marvel Studios. So that is to say if it wasnt for Raimi making huge box office figures with Spiderman we probably wouldnt have the MCU. SM1, and 2, also saved Marvel as well because it showed that if you make a good comic book movie it can be very profitable, which gave investors justification to green light movies like Ironman.

I guess my point is, just because you found Raimi's adaptation corny, which that was intentional, doesnt mean that it was a bad movie, or not, it paved the way and was influential to every comic book movie made since. The only reason Raimi didnt go on to direct a 4th film was because Sony has to release films by a deadline or the rights go back to Marvel and he couldnt meet the release date Sony wanted because he was working on other projects. If he was free at the time, we would have had a 4th, 5th, and maybe 6th movies.


Actually it's just like both of those, if not worse. It can definitely be lumped in as one of the worst superhero films of all time!


I've never understood. Sure they tried to pack a lot into one movie, but I've always enjoyed this film and really wish we got a sequel.


I agree to that they did try to stuff too much into one movie,but I really liked all of characters and plot points.


I agree: its not a perfect movie but it doesn't deserve the hate it gets. This movie has a good mix of humor, soap opera and fight scenes, and those are the three elements that every good Spiderman story needs. Plus, I thought that the villain Electro was very well realized, and that Jaime Foxx did a very good job with the role.

That being said, the movie does have some flaws in my opinion The minor flaws are:

1) Sally Field seemed too young and strong to be a convincing Aunt May.
2) There was no sign of J. Jonah Jameson, and the Spiderman saga just isn't complete without him,

The major flaws are:
1) The unneeded, unasked for subplot about Peter's parents
2) The Green Goblin. I mean, this is Spidey's arch enemy we're talking about. If he can't be the focal point of the story he shouldn't be in it at all

Even with the major flaws though, this movie deserves much better than the critics gave it


1 Sally was born in 1946. Marisa Tomei was born in 1964 and she's going to be the new Aunt May.
2 I like JJJ as much as the next man, but after JK Simmons, anyone else would be a pale imitation.

3 I wouldn't say uneeded. The producers had to find something to mark this as something original from the Maguire trilogy.
4. Even the Goblin didn't start as Peter's arch enemy. Again, they needed to do something different from the original trilogy.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Because this movie made Spider-Man 3 look like Spider-Man 2!!!
It was terrible!


So you're saying that your opinion is the only opinion?

This is why IMDB is one of the worst forums online because everyone thinks they're right.


Ever been to Youtube or a news site?


Ever been to Youtube or a news site?

Yeah, that's where everyone thinks they're right...and they're racist!!

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.



It was a bad movie that doesn't gel completely and there are so many missed opportunities throughout it.


Because its garbage!


(sigh) A lot of my friends and people I know completely despise both TASM movies. And somehow they prefer Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man over Andrew. Now, before I start my rant, I will say that IMO the only really great Spider-Man movie we've had out of the 5 is Spider-Man 2.


1. Andrew Garfield showed here that he fit the role of Spider-Man really well here, and we see Peter become more sure of himself, as opposed to staying one-dimensional. Cracking jokes with villains and kicking ass while doing it.
2. The chemistry between Andrew and Emma Stone was really good,(shame that they broke up in real life)
3. Explored the mystery of Peter's parents even further
4. Dane Dehaan's Harry was miles better than James Franco IMO
5.The special effects were really well designed
6. The intros of Felicia, Smythe, and a brief tease for Drew Goddard's Sinister Six
7. Sally Field's scene with Peter: "Your My Boy!!"
8. The scene with the kid at the end


1. The romance stuff was fine and all, but it was on the verge of becoming too much of a focal point IMO.
2. Too many characters: Now, Sony had initially intended for TASM 3 and Sinister Six to be released in the same year, but they delayed TASM 3 to 2018 and kept Sinister Six in its original release date. So many people say that "TASM 2 is nothing more than a set-up for Sinister Six" blah blah, but I didn't really mind it since it was only briefly referenced towards the end.
4. Electro's dialogue: Jamie Foxx did pretty well as Max, but some of his lines were cheesy as hell.
5. The fight with Spider-Man and Harry ends way too quickly: This is the one thing that perhaps bothered me the most. Its starts out rather promising; and when Spidey says: " You wanna fight? Well Fight me!", I just knew that the fight was gonna be awesome. But its over in a matter of seconds. Literally like a doomed train that is still on the tracks, but is about to go off the rails. With Gwen's death being a vital point in the movie, I would have liked the fight scene prior to that to be more epic-instead it just feels rushed.
6. Rhino: Now Paul Giamatti's a talented actor, but I could not take him serious as Rhino.
7. Some of the deleted scenes(Great job Sony) should have been kept in the movie.
8. Chris Cooper's Norman Osborn was a joke.

And Interestingly enough, I still like TASM 2 even to this day. Is the movie perfect? Hell No. And like I said, the only Spider-Man movie I consider great to this day is Raimi's Spider-Man 2. But TASM movies offered a more darker tone and different take on the character of Peter Parker. Sure, Andrew may not have been as convincing a nerd in some people's eyes as Peter Parker, but he's arguably the best Spider-Man we've had thus far.


In the comics Max Dillon is a hothead. Here he's a middle aged man almost in tears because Spiderman didn't acknowledge his birthday. FAIL


To be fair in the original comics, his origin is just that he's some electrician who is fixing a powerline, gets electrocuted, gets powers from it, then just randomly decides to use his powers to rob banks. Because apparently electricians didn't get paid very much in the early 60s.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw


It's hated because it's a *beep* movie.
