Watched it about a year ago and liked it a little bit better than the first movie, which I also really liked. The most common complaint I see about the movie is that "much of movie is just set-up and promotion for the next movie/the MCU". Watching it again, it really only sets up future events within the last several minutes of the movie, with Harry planning the Sinister Six and Rhino breaking out of prison. Otherwise, it expands on things set up in the first movie, like the mystery of Peter's parents, Peter and Gwen's relationship, and the character development of the movie's two villains at (in my opinion) a nice pace; I didn't feel like the movie was too bloated with plotlines.
Just disliking the movie is fine, but the number one complaint I see about the movie is just factually wrong; two brief scenes at the very end don't define the entire movie!
You're so right. The movie should not get hate because it is inanimate. It cannot respond to criticism. So therefore, all hate should go to the director and writers of this turd. Oops. Of this film.
Tomato, tomato.
Ending schmending.
Guess what, The Mist was a great movie until the conclusion...and that really left an overall bad taste in people's mouths.
The ending alone does not make this film bad. Yes, there are more than enough lovers of this film out there but we all know why they are doing a reboot. Backlash. Reviews.
I'm not saying Raimi hasn't committed unforgivable sin with Spider-Man 3, but we SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE THIS PATH.
This movie is great, and one of my favorite superhero films ever made.
Most of the complaints are either entirely hyperbolic in the extreme, or like the OP said, flat out wrong.
Apparently, the movie is so cheesy it's comparable to Batman and Robin. I find this so patently absurd that it's not even worth taking seriously as a complaint. I will admit that the scene with the German doctor is a little too silly...but it's nowhere near anything on the level of B&R. To suggest otherwise is just...stupid and trolling.
If people want to take shots at this film for being cheesy, they need to look at their precious Raimi films. Those films are nothing but corny dialogue, corny gags and corny acting. How anyone can watch hammy performances like Willam Defoe and Alfred Molina and praise them but then turn around and say Jamie Foxx was too goofy is beyond me. Defoe in particular delivers one of the most over-the-top villain performances in any superhero film ever. Molina is nothing more than a cheesy grandstanding, moustache twirling bad guy yet gets praised.
Raimi's tone for his Spidey films is purposefully corny and mildly tongue-in-cheek. Webb's tone for TASM2 is more earnestly light and comic booky. Raimi is having a wink, Webb is just letting it be itself. The performances and dialogue in the Webb films are EASILY much more natural and believable than anything in the Raimi films. The performances are ok in the first Raimi film, but in the sequels every single cast member gets worse and worse. Tobey Maguire is simply an actor I cannot believe ever got famous. The guy can't act. I've never seen a Maguire performance I believed. NOT ONE. He's so feckless and cringey as Peter it's embarrassing. But people want to hate on Garfield's Peter as an emo douche because he wears a hoodie. Talk about ridiculous. The Raimi films are just so awkward in damn near every way: From the way the characters interact, to their dialogue and to their performances. How can anyone watch Maguire talk at a pay phone with nobody on the other end and confess he's Spider-Man to it without cringing? It's so damn awkward. I don't believe for one second Peter and MJ love each other. They have ZERO chemistry. And the morals and themes of the Raimi films are so pathetically up front and shoehorned it feels like an after school special. The characters all blatantly talk about the lessons, morals and themes all the time. It's hilarious.
TASM2 is the Spider-Man film we deserved from the start. But because people grew up with the Raimi jokes, nobody actually takes a step back to examine the films fairly.
No you just have poor taste if you found either Amazing Spider-Man film any bit good, at least Raimi cared about developing his characters and was interested in telling a story. The Amazing Spider-Man movies are soulless studio pieces of crap and you're a terrible person if you enjoyed them.
Too much forced humor with a sudden "serious scene" then back to silly humor really took a toll on the pacing of the movie. It was hard to really feel anything for the characters because everything felt so rushed and out of place. Many scenes didn't feel needed and it was as if the studio was having trouble putting a script together that can really hold together so they added a ton of filler to fill the gaps. In terms of a fun movie it was just that, but you have to really forget about the plot as a whole and try to just enjoy it for what it is.
Atleast Raimi was consistent with the tone of his movies. TASM was just trying to copy what ever popular CBM/trend that was out at the time whether it was Batman Begins and The Dark Knight with TASM1 or The Avengers with TASM2. Wasn't TASM supposed to be a more dark and gritty take on Spider-Man just like Man of Steel was with Superman? And you're getting mad at people for pointing out that TASM2 was the exact opposite. LMAO just stop, you're making TASM fans look even worse than they already do especially when you compared Raimi's tone to Schumacher's Batman.
Apparently, the movie is so cheesy it's comparable to Batman and Robin.
It's more like Batman Forever. Jamie Foxx certainly looks like he walked off the set of that film.
The performances and dialogue in the Webb films are EASILY much more natural and believable than anything in the Raimi films.
The scene where Peter and Aunt May argue about laundry in TASM 2 is unquestionably more cringe-worthy than anything in the Raimi movies. As was any scene involving Harry ("He can do everything else a spider can")
watch hammy performances like Willam Defoe and Alfred Molina and praise them
Both of those performances were nowhere near as hammy as "The Rhino" or Urkelectro.
Molina is nothing more than a cheesy grandstanding, moustache twirling bad guy yet gets praised
He gets praised because he was an interesting, likable and relatable bad guy with understandable motivations which is a lot more than I can say for Butthead on meth "Green Goblin", Cheesy and pointless Electro and "The Rhino".
The characters all blatantly talk about the lessons, morals and themes all the time. It's hilarious.
As opposed to the characters in TASM 2 talking about hope all the time?
TASM2 is the Spider-Man film we deserved from the start
So you're saying we all deserved a piece of absolute garbage?.
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The villains in this were all half baked. Harry was badly casted, looked like a a goth/emo boy and it was obvious that he was going to be a bad guy from the start, did not have the right look. He was also defeated far too quickly and far too easily, so we have all this build up for very little reward.
Electro had potential but his dialog was cringe worthy and his motivation for hating Spider-Man after initially liking him was stupid and forced. The first fight scene was also very awkwardly staged. He just doesn't have enough to do, and again he gets defeated quickly with not a lot of difficulty.
Don't even get me started on the corny rhino which felt like he was just thrown in there at the last minute.
The action was not even amazing, it lacked weight and emotion, it felt flashy and gimmicky with the slow-motion effects all to capitalize on the 3D aspect. In other words all style and no substance.
This is a mediocre film in every sense of the word. The only positives I can think of is that at least its bigger in scale and better looking than the small, cheap looking, bleak and dull affair of the first Amazing SPider-Man. It's also more entertaining despite its mediocrity. The first one was so badly made as well as boring.
Well the thing about this movie is that there is pretty much to complain about... Many people get obsessed by one thing they disliked or get overwhelmed by the many different things they hated. Here are all the negative things I could mesh together from most complaints (I agree with almost all of them):
- the script... Nothing sounded like something real people would say. Especially the love scenes and villain monologues. The tedious love banter seemed to be written by a guy who has only watched bad romcoms, was hung over and had a 5 hour deadline.
- The thing with the planes almost crashing just so there would be a "countdown suspense scene" was so irrelevant I was actually confused why they were showing it.
- The "German torture scientist cliche"....Kafka
- He tortures the guy made out of electricity by inducing electric shocks...what?
- Electros motivation: Cops are shooting at me, Spiderman is trying to help and tries to get to know me (all I ever wanted).... oh no his head is on the screens now AAARRGHH let's kill him (and not the cops who are activly trying to snipe me in the head). He adores Spiderman, worships him at every turn but suddenly he turns against him just cause his face was on the screen and another guy tried to shoot him.
- The electricity meter on the side of electros head.... He can't even see it himself. What kind of meter is it? It only has 5 bars.....
- Electro becomes powerful enough to evaporate water but a thin neoprene suit is too much of an insulator...
-his web shooters are able to withstand the shock but whole towers, who's purpose it is to store and transfer electrical power get obliterated.
- How would blowing him up work when we have clearly seen that he has no physical form if he chooses to.
-why was the energy too much for him to handle? he was able to store all the power before, why not again?
- How the cops react to electro: Spidey is obviously calming him down so the best course of action is to shoot him in the head even though it has already been established that bullets don't work.
-Harrys motivation: "Give me blood" "no" "you evil", he takes the venom, it doesn't work .... soooo kill spiderman since he was right all along? What?
- Supersuit that can heal him....
- The way they killed electro. They pretty much shout their plan to each other but electro still can't figure it out? And all the electricity of the city flows through peter but he just shakes it off while a man made of electricity dies????
- Gwens Ghost dad
- breaking up so that he could stalk her so they could get back together...
- Gwen not reacting at all to the stalking...every's not cute, it's super creepy
- The fact that only Peter could become Spiderman is a lame chosen one story and undermines the concept that it could have happened to anyone, which is what Spider-man is all about.
- Every scene where aunt may and Peter talk, seems like it's written by someone who is too old to remember how you were as a kid and too young to have teenagers of his own.
-The elevator scene with harry and gwen: "everything is always complicated with Peter" haven't seen him in 8 years, I doubt he was complicated at 11!
- The fact that everything is Oscorp related
- The fact that even though everything is Oscorp related we never heard Peter say anything about Harry being his best friend.
-The fact that Norman allowed Peter to be Harrys best friend even though he murdered his Father
-the fact that Peter refers to Harry as his best friend even though they met up once in 8 years.
-I never once bought that Andrew is a science geek with superpowers. He never seems overly intelligent.
-harry is a git from the get go so we (or I) never sympathize with him or his sickness. It obviously wasn't going to kill him right then and there.
-Barriers and spectators materilizing out of thin air everytime something happenes
-Gwen finds her way through half new york in a copcar during a blackout (with traffic and riots and so on vs spiderman who is faster than a car on a highway)and is able to hit electro with that car...
-Gwen being able to turn off the grid even though she works in the bio-medicinal part of Oscorp... Oh wait it was a convenient red button.
-If you read the comics it was soooooooooo obvious Gwen would die this movie (as soon as she gave that life and death speach) and from there on out everything just seemed like a build up for her death: look we are giving her a bright future so her death has more meaning (i know this is a nerd complaint)
- After her death aunt May gives the weirdest: forget about her speach so that we can't land on a somber note because god forbid if Gwens death actually meant something
- Uncle Bens killer? wait that was a storyarc once?
- emo stalking, can't say this enough. Just think about it. If this were any other movie, then this behavior would be flat out creepy. If you still had feelings for your ex (who has superpowers and could break you like a twig) and met him again to maybe get back together and he/she told you they'd watched you every day I would get out of there as fast as I could. And this is the best case scenario. Peter doesn't truly know how Gwen feels. She could hate and resent him and he would be an even creepier stalker. It's a terrible role-moddle and only makes it worse that it actually worked. "hey kids if you have feelings for someone, you should devote lots of time in following them around and then confessing it to them. If it works for Spiderman it should work for you!"
- Spidey toying with a maniac in a car full of explosives so that he can run over several cabs and buses instead of stopping him from the get go.
- every other comment about him..why would Oscorp give a billion Dollar Suit to a guy for him to rob a bank? Spiderman wasn't even showing up anymore, how is giving a billion dollar suit, that can easily be traced back to Oscorp, to a random idiot going to draw out Spiderman? The plan is so incredibly stupid and is only made worse by the fact that it actually worked.
- The whole Peters father backstory in general together with the opening scene could have been left out and nothing would have changed.
- Andrew as Peter Parker in general (but that's probably just me)
- The fact that we already know that every supervillain in the near future will be Oscorp.
-the web turning into a hand when he was trying to save gwen.
-every scene just felt like a plot device to get to the next major scene. As if the executives and writers had thought of two movies with cool scenes and just somehow meshed them together without regard for structure or narrative flow.
-the whole movie felt like a giant toy commercial
-again...magical healing suit???? First of all how did it heal Harry? why did the venom give harry rapid desease growth instead of turning him into a giant spider-human hybrid (like the lizzard guy from TASM1)? How could the suit counteract a poison that has had no clinical testing?
-Gwen is able to cut the spiderweb with a fingernail scissors... and is then able to steal a copcar...and so on yada yada.
-weird edditing choices throughout the whole movie.
-story was all over the place with little payoff to each arc
-Peter defeats electro the first time and suddenly gets the urge to solve dad mystery...why? was it just time for that to happen in the movie?
-Aunt Mays nurse story arc
- The oscorp lab voice telling the scientists what their job is...
- The bullied kid confronting Rhino... he walked up 10 meters or so and no cop even attempted to stop him. Then spidey shows up and Rhino just lets them talk for another
- why was Harry in such a hurry with the venom? he literally has the best researchers of the world at his fingertips to just make one or two simple scans. he wasn't gonna die in the next five minutes.
- folder named "secret projects"
- the way he finds that folder
-The worst spider-man theme I have ever heard. it sounded like something that would be playing in the back of a bad Superman show.
-It ended right at the beginning of a major super villain fight. That was in the trailer but I thought they would finish it in the movie considering The Rhino is a second class Spidey Villain.
-Peter Parker suddenly works at the Daily Bugle. Don't even bother to show us when or how he got the job much less even show us JJJ.
-Vulture wings and Doc Ock tentacles are already made so we don't have to even bother with their origins. Just pick two random guys to fill the parts like
-Electricity fixes Dillon's teeth somehow...
-Harry can't recognize Peter's voice under the Spidey mask after he hung out with him the day before and they are supposed to be best friends all of a sudden.
-Electro and Harry both had super villain suits made, fitted, and waiting for them to wear.
-Norman Osborn was a waste. One of Spider-Man's greatest foes and he is only given 10 minutes of screen time and dies off screen. Imagine if the Joker was treated that way.
- door just randomly opens to the magical healing suit
- The whole override was pushing a button twice? couldn't Gwen just have told him that? Did she really have to be there for that super complex mechanism?
- Peter could have given Harry the blood and told him to make a few tests first.
- Why did Peter Parker's dad hide subway tokens in his calculator? Even if they were some special "get into the secret" lab coins, it would have been less suspicious to just carry them in a wallet.
-how did he build a whole secret lab in a subwaystation? Do you know how heavy some of that equipment is (not to mention expensive).If oscorp would have known they would have ransacked it. also, why disguise the lab as a subway car when there are windows you can look into and see...hey there's science *beep* in there. At least put some shutters in front of it.
- Why did Peter's dad upload his confession to his secret lab, where the only person who could find it was someone who broke his calculator and made a great research to randomly find the station? Wouldn't it have made more sense to send it to the press or just spread it over the net?
- Why, after being accepted to Oxford, would anyone decide to fly immediately to England without saying goodbye to her family, friends or loved ones, dealing with her job at Oscorp or other social engagements, or even packing?? How did she even get a flight at such short notice overseas?
-And lastly: How does Peter know where she is in traffic so that she can see the message and he can sweep her up seconds later. What if she had been at the airport? What if she hadn't looked out of the window? what if she was at an angle and couldn't see her? how did spiderman know where she was? It must have taken him some time to find her go to the opposite bridge, make the letters and so on... unles she was stalking again...which would still be creepy.
I know I'm late but I love this comment. I've been saying these things since the movie came out. Let me just add in the part where Peter researches his father's death and a jarringly unfitting pop song plays in the background.
And what about the idiot assassin who kills the pilots of a plane he himself is on, without even putting it on auto-pilot first. There wasn't a reason to believe he would sacrifice his own life for this. And why was it so difficult for him to kill them in the first place?