This movie gets too much hate.

Watched it about a year ago and liked it a little bit better than the first movie, which I also really liked. The most common complaint I see about the movie is that "much of movie is just set-up and promotion for the next movie/the MCU". Watching it again, it really only sets up future events within the last several minutes of the movie, with Harry planning the Sinister Six and Rhino breaking out of prison. Otherwise, it expands on things set up in the first movie, like the mystery of Peter's parents, Peter and Gwen's relationship, and the character development of the movie's two villains at (in my opinion) a nice pace; I didn't feel like the movie was too bloated with plotlines.

Just disliking the movie is fine, but the number one complaint I see about the movie is just factually wrong; two brief scenes at the very end don't define the entire movie!


I never really got that complaint either. I love the movie but respect many people didn't like it. However as you say, the only real set up for future movies that I recall are Doc Ock and Vulture's equipment, which are seen for more or less 5 seconds in the background, and the ending with Harry speaking of putting a small team together. How that turns the movie into a "2 and half hour commercial for the next movie" is beyond me.


How that turns the movie into a "2 and half hour commercial for the next movie" is beyond me.

I think critics say that because in all honesty, For a two hour movie, It feels like very little was accomplished in terms of actual plot progression or story arcs.


Maybe, but I find that a completely different criticism. To say it was a commercial for the next one is to imply that there were a lot of 'setups' for the next movie when really there was only the ending and a glimpse of equipment.


The directors would have explored the so called plots which never got explored if Sony kept the rights for themselves but they gave it to MCU.

Critics are insane.


When did the movie show Doc Ock and Vulture's equipment? I didn't see them.


During the last few minutes, just prior to the Rhino/kid scene.




I wouldn't say the movies get a lot of hate, reactions seemed mixed at best, I think just as much people hate as just much like it.

I think it's a great movie. Sure, it has a lot of problems, but it's a much better adaptation than anything Raimi gave us. The fact that it made over $700 million shows the first movie was well-received, even if it did cause a division in the fan base.


much better adaptation than anything Raimi gave us

Because of mechanical web-shooters and Spidey joking around while fighting?. It's still a worser movie from a general perspective of filmmaking than anything Raimi gave us.


Just for those reasons alone are a poor reason to like the film when its still poorly made with its half baked ideas. It tries to get you emotionally invested by an ending it hasn't earned.


Spider-man 3 got more hate yet it's a much superior movie.


Expectations were way higher for Spider-Man 3 to meet than they were for ASM 1 and 2.


Exactly. The main reason why Spider-Man 3 got such a negative reception was mostly because the trailers hyped it as a Venom-centered movie (to sell more tickets) and ended up creating false expectations among Venom fans. If only the promotional material for SM3 had been more honest about the actual content of the movie, I think the movie would have been received differently. Sure it would still be recognized as a flawed movie and considered the weakest movie of Raimi's trilogy, but I don't think there would have been such a huge backlash when it was released.


Exactly. The main reason why Spider-Man 3 got such a negative reception was mostly because the trailers hyped it as a Venom-centered movie (to sell more tickets) and ended up creating false expectations among Venom fans. If only the promotional material for SM3 had been more honest about the actual content of the movie, I think the movie would have been received differently. Sure it would still be recognized as a flawed movie and considered the weakest movie of Raimi's trilogy, but I don't think there would have been such a huge backlash when it was released.

Then there's the fact that the trailers didn't show these scenes.

Green Goblin is great!


I thought that there was a great deal of plot progression. At the start of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker is enjoying life as Spider-Man. But as the movie unfolds his relationship with Gwen is faltering, Harry comes back into the fray and Electro tries to destroy the city. In terms of the overall arch of the franchise - Gwen's death has a massive impact on Peter, doubled with the fact that Harry is no longer his friend. Yes, he has to get over his death eventually to return as Spider-Man. But, if there was an Amazing Spider-Man 3 I like to think that it would have dealt with Peter succumbing to depression and his ongoing battle with Harry Osbourne. The rhino fight would have likely been a brief post credits scene akin to the second movie's beginning.


*her death


It's a phenomenon known as mass-hipsterism.


It's a phenomenon known as mass-hipsterism.

Until these 2 Amazing Spider-Man movies came out I had never heard of the word hipster.

Green Goblin is great!


It doesn't get enough hate if you ask me.


Which other flaws do you find with the movie that you don't think are addressed enough?


I agree.


I just watched and I thought it was great. All the things that people complained about are not something I have a problem with.

-Too many supervillains? It's just 2.5 (Rhino was barely in the movie).
-Too long? Good, I like long movies.
-Bad action scenes? Nah.
-Bad music? Electro's theme was rad.
-Subplot about Peter's parents that no one cares about? Well, you don't care.
-Nothing was achieved in 2 hours? Gwen dying, Peter finding out more about what happened to his parents and the Green Goblin was "created" is nothing?


nah, it was a horrible mess of out of place sequences and over the top romance drama for the sake of it just to push her onto the audience so that they cared when she died, i didnt, i knew it was coming like most did.


The best parts of this movie was Max's Electro 'villain' music.

It's OK in a couple spots, but overall very average, IMO.

When we're thinking about our own brain, would that be a mental paradox??
