Season 2 Episodes

The cast at the Los Angeles Film Festival made the announcement that the second season will begin on August 1! The first episode, "Scaryoke", will be on Disney Channel. On August 4, Disney XD will premiere "Into the Bunker". A sneak peek of "Into the Bunker" was shown and you can see it here:

The cast also revealed through a table read an alternate scene from "Summerween" and an unused introduction of Bill Cipher. There's also a showcase of various Season 2 backgrounds. ke-the-gravity-falls-live-panel-today

So get ready everybody!

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Nov. 10: "Blendin's Game"

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Nov. 26: "The Love God" (Wednesday)

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Nov. 28: "Society of the Blind Eye"

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Do you know when the next episode airs???


It's on break for now; there's no word on when it'll return.

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Disney XD's January 2015 press release had come out and there's no mention of any new episodes for the month. Here we go again...

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Ugh...that's bad news :(


Tonight at 9:00!

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Feb. 16: "Northwest Mansion Noir"

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


-All hail the Gnome Queen 2!

-I can see Mabel getting waaaaaaay more protective of her brother here, for obvious reasons.


January 30

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Mar. 9: "Not What He Seems" (from Zap2It)
Could this be about Stan? Even the cryptogram during the theme song said, "Stan is not what he seems." Always excited, though!

Also, another month with a single new episode. Don't continue with this in April, Disney!

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


3 weeks?!!

I'm not even angry at Disney anymore. I just expect it.

reply cliffhange-216411

Alex says that the show is in hiatus again and will resume this summer.

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


Well, after Not What He Seems, Gravity Falls does deserve a good long rest...



Next episode will be called "A Tale of Two Stans", coming July 13th!

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!
