CGI truly ruined movies.

The sets and locations in this film look like shit. You just know it's digital. By contrast you really feel immersed in a real city in the original film. There is truly nothing like the real thing, something solid that actually has weight.


I got into an interesting conversation the other day with some film guys about CGI and they brought up a pretty good point. In this age of modern HD, 4K and ever escalating home technology, traditional movie effects simply don't hold up anymore; not for miniatures, makeup, monsters in rubber suits, you name it. The CGI has it's own drawbacks, but it would look infinitely worse without it. I feel I must agree with them on that score. And of course the complications with producing 3D features and that being a big money bucket for the studios.


Pretty true. The escalation in picture fidelity is an equally annoying factor in the overall lame-quation of modern movies for me tbh. I miss the filmic surface. : ( Every movie looks like a got damn iPhone.
