First, I realize I am not a great writer, and have no idea how to submit a treatment to any one company or individual. But, I wrote a 14 Episode treatment called 'Heritage'.
I would like to post what I have written on here for your feedback. Now I know some of you are thinking "why would you want to post on here?" Well, I respect what people have to say, even if what they say may hurt or be untrue.
Also, who knows maybe the shows creators, OR, some other type of television producer/creator reads it and thinks, wow, this could 'possibly' be something.
What I would like to do is post the beginning of each episode (i.e. the first 30-50 pages). And also, post them out of order. Each episode is titled as a number. For instance, my first post may be titled '1', but it IS NOT the real first episode.
The season is written like an is a puzzle in itself, meaning, I want YOU to tell me the order you think it should be in. Now, I also have tried to incorporate hints of a connection to the other seasons.
As I wrote this story I try and describe the characters in it to reflect actors from previous A.H.S. Seasons. So, at the beginning of "A.H.S. - Heritage" I have a list of characters I will be happy to put the actors I envisioned in the roll.
So, in closing I will tell you my idea for "American Horror Story - Heritage" actually it went through a couple different names. "Lineage", "Family", & "The Web". It was a hard toss up between "Heritage" & "Lineage", and maybe you all can tell me what fits better. The story is basically about a group of people who are drawn together to a sleepy, eerie, and mysterious town in Minnesota called Red Lake Falls.
The town is filled with various characters that are interconnected together through history and time like an elaborate spiders web. And lying just on the outskirts of town is a venomous family whose bloodline has been altering humankind not behind closed doors, but for all to see, on the dark web.
Sounds great but I doubt anyone is going to read 30-50 pages of fanfic per episode. You're better off just giving a brief synopsis, and in bullet form.
Maybe you should hold it and send to an agent to get to the right people? The worst that happens is nothing, but the best is we can say we knew you from back then lol
True, many places I have researched want you to have had something produced before they accept it. And to get something Produced you need an agent. It seems like a catch 22 sort of a deal. I did send something to Ryan Murphy Productions, but I am sure they get s THOUSANDS of letters a day. But, like you cannot hurt. Thank you for response. I am going to post the beginning parts of some of the episodes. I wrote 14 episodes, and, I tried to somehow attach all of them (and some characters) to the other season (excluding the recent one on TV).
Yes, they want something already produced, but that's why you go to an agent. The agent makes nothing if he doesn't sell anything, so he's truly working for you. It'll be about 30% most likely, but that's more than nothing from not doing it!
You've got this!
Stay in touch - Teraisa <at> gmail . com
~Teraisa J. Goldman I'm a writer. I write checks. They aren't very good.
Some characters created by Brad Falchuk & Ryan Murphy
Ken Rogers Email: ************ Phone: 616-666-****
Note: This is the entire 14 episode Season ‘Heritage’
Each Episode is titled by a ‘Number’, but they do not necessarily go in any order. Each Episode holds a singular puzzle piece for the finally.
TITLES UP: Present Day
A DADDY LONG LEG carefully walks across a dirt road when CRUNCH a duffle bag lands on top of it.
We PULL UP to a skinny white male in his 20’s, AARON WARD. Aaron laughs as his camera takes pictures of something ‘amusing’. Aaron looks like updated version of Shaggy from SCOOBY DOO. Aaron puts his camera away and yanks up his backpack & bags while swinging his thumb into the muggy air.
Aaron exits and we see what made him laugh. The sign reads ‘WELCOME TO RED LAKE FALLS’, and below that it should read ‘HELLO THERE’, but the ‘O’ & the ‘T’ have been removed. Painted in red is the word ‘IS’. Now the sign reads ‘HELL IS HERE’.
Aaron pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and holds it up. Cell phone reads ‘NO SERVICE’.
AARON Go figure.
Aaron puts the phone away wipes the sweat from his forehead. The sun blistering through the large trees lining the heat paved road. There is an eerie silence in the air, Aaron looks around, no birds, no sounds of any animals, nothing. There is no stop light and the only road sign is broken and it reads ‘BROKE BASS ROAD’. This sign also has the same graffiti artwork.
This sign has the letter ‘B’ removed from Bass. Now the sign reads ‘BROKE ASS ROAD’. An old 50’s style Ford truck comes toward Aaron breaking the silence. Aaron waves down the truck.
As the truck pulls over we see an old Haggard Native American man is driving.
OLD MAN EGAN (Friendly) Where ya heading?
OLD MAN EGAN Sure? (PAUSE) Sure you’re sure. Get in back.
As Aaron gets in the back the Old Man shakes his head disappointedly.
OLD MAN EGAN (Quietly) They always want to go to town.
Aaron sits down and pats on the window. Old Man Egan pulls in the direction of town. Aaron notices a lot of trash in the back of truck. He sees a bunch of trash bags and boxes; one of the boxes is half open.
On the outside of the box reads ‘BITTEROOT’. Inside are a bunch of old 8mm reels of film. Looking around at the other boxes and bags Aaron begins seeing a pattern names with the dates scratched off. Aaron reads to himself...‘GODDESS BUNNY’, ‘KRINKLES’, ‘NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM’, and then a box where the date is intact, ‘THE WYOMING INCIDENT – 1987’. Some of the titles Aaron recognizes some he does not. Then he comes across something familiar, it reads, ‘DAPHNE’S DESTRUCTION’.
Aaron sits back abruptly, but not enough to alert Old Man Egan. He carefully removes his camera and takes pictures of the boxes.
The OLD MAN pulls into a parking spot in front of the Peacock Diner. Aaron pats the window to say thank you and glad to be out of that truck. The people outside who saw Aaron all pause with curiosity. The Old Man pulls back out and drives away.
A pregnant woman in her thirties comes out of the hardware store and walks toward Aaron. Her clothes are tattered and torn and there is a large hole in her shirt stomach area. Aaron makes eye contact with her briefly and noticed she has one green eye and one Mirror eye. Aaron is startled by his reflection in that eye. He had no face in the reflection.
Aaron looks down and a deformed looking BABY hand moves across her belly in a cutting motion.
AGNES (Giggles) Kind of tickles.
She gets into a truck being driven by a woman in her 50’s. Agnes hands her bag to a Dwarf sitting in a child’s car seat next to the driver. Aaron watches them pull away as Agnes waves like a prom queen and blows him a kiss. As he watches a group of four kids on the same side of the street enter the Dime Store.
Aaron looks up and down the street at the connected buildings. Some of the stores are a Grocery, Barber, Hardware, Movie Theater, and Pharmacy. A group of teenagers come out of the movie theater laughing. Two boys, identical twins standing next to each other stare directly at Aaron but are not laughing. The group of teenagers disperses revealing the boys share a body and middle leg. The site of the Siamese twins startles Aaron at first, but then he becomes fascinated. The twins put on sunglasses, turn down an alley and disappear.
The theater sign says now showing “Peeping Tom” & “Eyes without a Face”. He briefly catches two women in their thirties enter a beauty parlor.
Aaron turns to walk into the Diner and catches one last site. At the end of the street a Catholic church stands. The priest standing at the bottom of the steps waves to Aaron. The image reminded him of the church from ‘Little house on the Prairie’. Aaron even thought the priest looked like Reverend Alden. Old Man Egan stopped at Church, got out and removed the box with ‘Daphne’s Destruction’ on it and handed to the priest.
AARON (To himself) Reverend Alden...what the hell?
Aaron turns and enters the Diner.
It was like the town was still stuck in a different place in time, the 1950’s. Lots of cobwebs are visible in the windows and corners outside and inside the buildings. Nobody welcomed him as he entered so he made it to one of two only open bar stools which were next to each other. Aaron was thankful he was at the end of the bar and did not have to sit by anyone. The plump girl behind the counter came over and handed him a menu. Her name tag said ‘REGINA’. Regina filled his glass with a rust colored liquid.
AARON No tea miss can I have a glass of water?
REGINA (No emotion) That is water.
Aaron did not say anything about the odd water or the fact she has not smiled or greeted him.
AARON Thank you. Do you have any ice?
PLUMP WAITRESS REGINA (Southern draw) No sir and the special is the tuna melt I'm Regina yell when you’re ready.
Aaron faked a smile as the sticky menu pages unfolded. The pages made a sound like scotch tape being pulled. He knew the whispers of talk around him were about him so he reached for his camera in his bag. When Regina saw the camera she quickly came over and slapped her hand on the counter.
REGINA No pictures!
Startled, Aaron dropped the camera exposing the few pictures he had already taken. The film rolled out and landed at the feet of a man in his mid-fifties, Alexander McDonald. Aaron quickly picked up the film and returned to the seat ready to be scolded. Aaron put the camera away embarrassed by the outburst and got up to leave. Alexander put his hand on Aarons back to calm down the situation. Aaron notices a bandage on Alexander’s cheek leaking blood.
REGINA Mr. McDonald...
ALEXANDER Regina, coffee, please.
Aaron moves his bags to let Mr. McDonald sit. Alexander extends his hand to Aaron. Aaron looks up to see a very well-mannered and groomed gentleman. Alexander appears a bit out of place much like Aaron.
ALEXANDER Hello, Alexander McDonald.
Aaron sits and composes himself. The Diner goes back to ‘normal’.
AARON Hello Mr. McDonald, my name is...
ALEXANDER M. Aaron Ward.
AARON (Taken aback) Yes, you know me? How?
ALEXANDER M. Peggy Lipton.
AARON You know Peggy?
ALEXANDER M. Yes, she came through the other day, car trouble and got lost and walked to my farm.
Alexander notices Aaron looking at his bandage.
ALEXANDER (Rubbing bandage jokingly) Razor went a little ‘Billy the kid’ on me.
Some of the people in the Diner tried eavesdropping in to Aaron and Alexander’s conversation. Regina walks over with the coffee and sets it down in front of Alexander. She smiles at Aaron, a different smile, an eerie smile.
REGINA And would you like anything more sir? Food?
Aaron thinks briefly. Regina’s tone is eerie.
AARON Ah no...No thank you.
Regina smiles and begins wiping off the counter waiting for them to continue. Alexander nods Regina off as if they were communicating through eye movement.
AARON (Cont. to Alexander) So, my partner Peggy.
ALEXANDER Yes, Peggy (PAUSE) beautiful Peggy.
Alexanders tone was off yet calm as his words began to wonder with his thoughts.
ALEXANDER Yes, sorry, your friend Peggy Lipton. At first I did not believe her, you know her name? But when I saw her driver’s license, well, I had to believe her then.
AARON Believe what?
ALEXANDER The name. I mean she is no Peggy Lipton look-a-like that is for sure.
AARON I was supposed to meet her at Cutters Creek about...
Alexander interrupted while ripping the sugar packet open and poured it into his coffee.
ALEXANDER Miss Peggy is not at Cutters Creek.
AARON She’s not?
Alexanders grin displayed yellow stained teeth that had been sharpened to points like an animal. He sipped his coffee as Regina sat two plates down in front of them. Each plate came with runny eggs and what looked like an undercooked steak.
REGINA Your usual Mr. M. and you, here, you’re going to need this.
ALEXANDER Eat up son; we got a long day ahead of us. Aaron sat confused as he moved the food around on the plate. Alexander pats him on the back. A group of three people in the back of the café get up out of the last both and exit through the kitchen. We can tell it is two men and a woman.
ALEXANDER Eat up. Miss Peggy is waiting.
Alexander patted Aaron on the back again, Aaron also noticed the room seemed less tense and no one was paying any attention to him or Alexander. Disgusted by the food on his plate he boldly took a bite of the egg. Alexander smiled as he chewed on the raw bloody steak. Aaron felt sick.
Alexander’s truck was a Ford from the 80’s. Pungent odors of dried sweat, rotted food and cow manure, all permeated the truck. Alexander turned down the dirt road labeled “BROKE BASS ROAD”. Aaron snickered about the sign they just passed.
ALEXANDER Something funny son?
AARON No sir, just admiring the artwork.
ALEXANDER (Angry) That is defacement of city property son, not something you admire.
AARON I apologize sir. Meant no offense. I am sure the police will punish whoever did it. I just needed a laugh.
As they continued down the road the landscape changed, it felt like they went from Minnesota to Iowa. The trees in the review mirror got smaller as the rows of wheat and corn littered both sides of the road. One eerie thing that caught Aaron’s eye were the large amount of Scarecrows dotted through the cornfield and wheat fields. He looked at his bag in the back of the truck wishing he could get his camera.
ALEXANDER (Grin) Yep, they were punished.
Alexander looks out in the direction of one of the scarecrows.
Close on Scarecrows face. Through the muddy/bloody partially soaked burlap sacks face a distinct green eye blinks quickly.
ALEXANDER (V.O.) Around here the punishment fits the crime. Remember that. You deface our property...well you get the picture.
Aaron feels content; something about this area feels warm and familiar.
ALEXANDER You got family?
Aaron pauses for a moment on a subject he is not comfortable with. There is no eye contact.
AARON Um, no, Peggy is basically it.
ALEXANDER (Intrusive curiosity) Mom, Dad, siblings?
Aaron shakes his head no and tries to change the subject.
AARON What’s with all the scarecrows? And why put them in a wheat field?
ALEXANDER Same reason you put them in a corn field.
Aaron realizes he should just ignore the obvious.
ALEXANDER Now, about that family. Who raised ya?
AARON (Frustrated) Foster kid, bounced around a lot, lived on the streets for a while.
ALEXANDER City streets make you smart? Won’t help you out here.
AARON Probably not. Not much out here that can hurt ya like the city.
Alexander just laughs it off. Aaron continues to look around in curiosity.
AARON Not a lot of houses or farms out here.
ALEXANDER I like my privacy. We’re halfway there.
Aaron looks at all the trees. Now, an immense forest lies on both sides of the road.
High above the treetops we float. The truck looks small like an ant walking in dirt. The expanse of the forest stretches out below us like a spider’s web...foreboding and desolate.
AARON Hard to believe Peggy walked all this way.
ALEXANDER (Anger- distrust) Why is that hard to believe?
Aaron catches Alexanders tone.
AARON (Nervous humor) Well, you’ve seen her, not that athletic.
ALEXANDER I wouldn’t say that.
There was that grin again. Aaron turns to look back out the window at the thick forest. Very dark out there, both sides. ALEXANDER Your parents... Aaron stops Alexander’s family questions. Notices a spider walking toward him on the front seat but it is not sure what kind it is. Aaron lifts his hand slowly a right before he slams down on top of the spider Alexander screams out.
ALEXANDER DON’T even think about it.
Alexander slowly sets spider down into the field.
ALEXANDER Never kill a spider.
AARON Sorry.
ALEXANDER (Watch Spider disappear) You know spiders are cannibals? They keep the other insects at bay. Did you know if a spider became the size of a house cat they would be at the top of the food chain?
AARON Good thing they’re not.
ALEXANDER (Quietly) I wouldn’t say that.
Alexander and Aaron walk back into the truck and leave.
AARON Cutters Creek, does it really lead all the way to Lake Michigan?
ALEXANDER (Patient) Yes, Peggy did not tell us why you’re going up to Cutters.
AARON Really? Normally she can’t keep her mouth shut about it.
Alexander scoffs.
AARON We work at the magazine together. She is a writer and I’m her, well one of their photographers.
ALEXANDER What magazine? Time? National Geographic?
AARON (Pauses) The Advocate.
ALEXANDER Never heard of it. Porn?!
AARON Ahhh no sir.
Aaron thinks to himself and does not want to tell Alexander the type of publication The Advocate is.
ALEXANDER Publication?
AARON Here Media I think.
ALEXANDER I meant to ask...
AARON (Interrupts) Peggy wanted to write a story on the Cutter Boys. You know the one that went on trial a few years ago for killing his older brother.
ALEXANDER (Angry) We’ve had enough press up here to last us a lifetime. Why don’t you all leave those boys in peace?
AARON (Stuttering) No, you’re mistaken.
Alexanders anger increases.
AARON (Cont.) Peggy believes them; she believed Leonard Cutter was...I mean is innocent. She wants to help.
ALEXANDER So, you think you too can come up here take a few pictures, say some nice things and everything will just go back to normal for us all. AARON I beg your pardon Mr. McDonald, but how does it hurt everyone? Or, you?
Alexander pulls over to the side of the road. Aaron becomes more agitated and nervous.
AARON (cont.) Why did you stop?
ALEXANDER Who do you think we are?
AARON (Excited/cheerful & nervous) No, please Mr. McDonald. Look, we are just doing a job. Peggy wants to help. Maybe she can write the towns story, you tell the world how bad everything got for you all up here. She can make you all famous...well in a good way. Maybe take that stigma on this town and turn it around.
ALEXANDER You think we want to be famous?
AARON Ok, bad choice of words. Look I am sorry. Can you just take me to Peggy?
ALEXANDER Why didn’t you come with Miss Peggy?
AARON I was just trying the whole Chris Johnson McCandless’ thing.
ALEXANDER Who is she?
AARON It is a ‘he’. Look you said we were almost to your place. I appreciate the ride. Can we just go? Please?
Alexander puts the truck in drive and continues home.
Alexander pulls into the dirt driveway and stops at a gate. Alexander begins humming a strange version of ‘Old McDonald’.
Aaron quickly gets out and reaches in his bag for his cell phone.
ALEXANDER Hey! What are you doing?
Aaron startled turns around surprised.
AARON I’m just grabbing my phone.
ALEXANDER Oh. (Returns to unlocking gate) no service up here.
Aaron pauses looking at the gate and the barb wire fence that seems to go around the large property. But, no animals.
Alexander opens the gate still humming.
AARON Where are the animals?
ALEXANDER What animals?
Alexander notices Aaron looking at the fence line. Alexander mumbles something.
AARON notices no bars on his cell.
ALEXANDER I said out the barn. As them two drive up Aaron sees Peggy’s car unhooked from a tow truck. Side of the tow truck reads Skip’s Tow and a phone number. He looks down at his phone and noticed there are multiple WIFI connections, but requires a password.
AARON (Excited) Hey there is service. Do you know AM247854? Wow, there are like 1, 2, 3, 4, a ton of WIFI signals out here. Where are the towers?
Alexander shakes his head. Aaron excited by the internet access.
AARON Peggy’s car looks good.
As they come closer to the farm house a woman in her thirties comes running out the front door screaming. Clothes are ripped. Right after her comes another woman in her 50’s and two girls in their early twenty’s all dressed in homemade clothes from another time, similar to the clothes people were wearing at the Diner.
AARON What the hell?
Then a handsome guy in his early thirties shirtless comes out with a rifle raised and shoots into the sky and howls like a wolf. All the women stop except the first woman. Aaron gets out of the truck as the girl gets closer. Her head is bleeding and she has barb wire wrapped around her hands and ankles. She stops as she gets closer and a look of joy comes across her face, it is Peggy.
PEGGY (Breathless) Aaron? Thank God!
Peggy moves toward Aaron more but stops in her tracks.
that was great ken!!! definitely feels a little cliche at moments but it was creepy for sure and i thoroughly enjoyed the read. I also write scripts!! i have a few different ideas for AHS seasons and I want to make them into reality so this felt pretty inspirational... keep working on it!! And yeah it doesn't necessarily have to be for AHS, it could be an individual thing as well.
As the screen comes up from BLACK we hear Peggy Screaming and a faint SMACKING SOUND. This is the sound of Alexander coldcocking Aaron with his gun.
ALEXANDER (V.O.) Well isn’t this a pickle.
WE pull back from the window looking out onto Alexander’s front yard. There are multiple screams and yells, nothing discernable. We PULL back from window and hear a sewing machine and a naked pale figure sewing ‘something’ together. The figure (CUPID) is humming a distorted version of ‘It’s a Fine Day’. WE PULL BACK farther to see the entire backside of the figure that is naked. Pulsing through its skin are bulging blood red veins connected together like a spider’s web.
There are various items scattered throughout the room from different sized Owl statues to boxes overflowing with papers. Through all the clutter we do see cameras hanging from the ceilings. Various styles of posters hang around the room from Margaret Keanes Happy Mask, Unhappy Boy (1963) to a movie poster for ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ (1974). The most disturbing poster is the one hanging over the sewing machine. The poster is a depiction of adults sacrificing their children to the demon god ‘Moloch’. Next to that stapled poorly to the wall is the Serenity Prayer & calendar that says ‘Milton’s Paradise Lost’.
As WE COME in to a side view of the figure we can see the hands are dirty and covered in scabs and the finger nails have been removed. Moving up the arm there are hundreds of track marks. Still humming the creature picks a scab off its arm and lowers it down to an open box near his chair.
We follow the blood dripped scab down and just as the fingers would disappear into the box, something jumps and grabs the scab out of the fingers quickly. The box moves around furiously. Something inside is very hungry. As we come closer to the box, we hear small sounds of movement. CUPID slowly lowers his hand down again this time holding a red rabbit’s foot. He moves the rabbit foot around in a circular motion. Then out of the box come two long legs covered in course hair, like tiny needles. Then two more legs reach out for the foot. The four legs wrap around and clutch the rabbit’s foot and Cupids fingers. Finally the rest of the legs come out from the walls of the box. Cupid grunts and laughs like a child, we still do not see Cupids face.
But the spider, now out and crawling up Cupids arm with the rabbits foot dangling from its tiny machete sharp fangs has the length of a daddy long leg, yet the hair of a tarantula. Inside the box we get a full view of cat sized spiders living area, which is covered by a type of spinning web, the kind of web created only by a Scytodes, the spitting spider. Cupid grunts and strokes the spider like a cat as the spider purchases on his shoulder like a bird. Suddenly we hear someone storming down a hallway towards the sewing room. The large spider leaps onto the sewing desk as Cupid scrambles for a burlap sack on the floor. Cupid is frightened.
BIG MOMMA (O.S.) (Angry) Cupid! Cupid! You better have your hat on.
Cupid quickly gets the burlap sack on his head we get a glimpse of the bottom portion of Cupids face. Like the rest of his body is pale like an albino, but, his lips and tongue have been removed. This is why he spits on everything and cannot talk. All we can see are rotted teeth, some like Alexanders chiseled eat meat.
BIG MOMMA (O.S.) You better not be messin with those spiders again.
Cupid gently puts the spider in the box and takes back the rabbit’s foot. As he closes the box he pets her one more time. Closing up the box it reads MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY – S. LINK EXPEDITION – NEW ARACHNID SPECIES. The rest of the label is torn.
A very large woman, BIG MOMMA comes stomping into the room. Between her weight and clubbed foot always give her away. Big Momma is a domineering woman who loves wigs and classic movies. You can tell her mood by the wig she is wearing. And today she is wearing her Joan Crawford Bouffant Wig. Big Momma is not happy as she looks out a window facing an enclosed yard. She screams out the window at someone we do not see and pulls the drapes.
BIG MOMMA Cornucopia gets off that roundabout and leaves those boys alone!
Then Big Momma stops and turns dragging her club foot against the floor past the Spider box toward Cupid huddled in the corner shaking. There is one whole for an eye and Cupid cannot take his eye off that club foot. Big Momma was dragging her foot like a baseball player up to bat.
BIG MOMMA (Deep and Low) And you, you putrid little toad. You let her out didn’t you?
As we close in on Cupids eye shaking and tears coming out. He mutters and grunts like scared child holding onto the rabbits foot for dear life.
BIG MOMMA You kids will be the death of me.
Cupid lifts his hands to protect his face and the rabbit’s foot hangs dangling from a finger. Big Momma swings her leg and CRASH.
The CAMERA very slowly PULLS BACK. The sparkling surface turns out to be many carats. We see the stone, then the ring, and then suddenly, something sweeps by.
REVEAL a mechanical claw above the ring, hanging from a crane. The ring sits in a sea of miniature freak dolls, fake bloody eyeballs, and other carnival junk.
The claw descends on the ring again and again, sometimes catching it for a moment then tragically dropping it.
WILLOW & HARPER (O.S.) Ooo...Ahh...
INTERCUT with the HANDS of a young man working the controls (ASH), and another guy's HANDS (IMPULSE) digging in his pocket for change.
Impulse puts more QUARTERS going into the slot.
WILLOW Almost honey.
IMPULSE Last of the quarter’s man.
The claw inadvertently snags a RED rabbit's foot. Ash grabs the rabbit’s foot and hands it to Willow.
ASH So sorry Wil.
HARPER (Mocking) Oh so sad.
Willow kisses Ash on the lips.
WILLOW I could not love anything more. Matches your eyes.
HARPER Are they real or fake?
Willow examines the foot.
WILLOW Fake I hope.
HARPER (Laughs) His eyes, not the rabbit foot.
WE follow the four teenagers outside to their CAMPER VAN.
IMPULSE Your turn to drive bro.
Impulse throws the keys to Ash. The group gets in the gaily decorated ‘Scooby-Doo style’ camper-van.
HARPER What time is it?
ASH Little after 12 noon.
IMPULSE Nervous Wil? This time tomorrow you’ll meet her.
Willow shakes her head yes.
HARPER Wonder why she didn’t send you a picture. Oh wait! What if she is rich?
WILLOW I cannot wait to meet her.
Ash starts the Van and grabs Willows hand.
ASH It’s going to be great Wil.
As they pull away we see across the street is THE LONG PIG BAR & GRILL but it is closed. A few cars litter the parking lot of the bar. FADE TO:
The camper van passes a sign shaped like Minnesota that reads ‘MINNESOTA WELCOMES YOU’. We hear rock ‘n roll coming from the radio as this much-in-need-of-repair vehicle honks the horn entering a new state.
IMPULSE Goodbye Iowa!
INT. CAMPER VAN Everyone except Ash passes around and tokes on a joint.
At the wheel Ash, a 23-year-old whose well-developed upper body is a tribute to his strict weight lifting. Ash is handsome, kind, and honest and is in a relationship with Willow.
Sleeping in the passenger seat is Willow, Ash’s girlfriend. Willow is a very shy and quiet girl. Wears very little makeup and brings no attention to herself. She recently received a letter from a woman claiming to be her mother. That is what this trip is for. Willows mother lives in Red Lake Falls Minnesota.
In the back sleeping is Impulse, an athlete whose clean-cut look is as American as Apple Pie. Impulse is the same age as Ash and is highly intelligent. Impulse considers himself a hacker just like his girlfriend Harper.
Harper is the funny girl, average looks, and always looking for fun. Harper enjoys every minute of every day. Nothing bad ever happens to Harper.
Outside the sun has fallen behind rain clouds in the East and dense fog rolls in. Ash can only see two to three car lengths ahead and is now on back roads.
In the back of the Camper Van Impulse moves his hand slowly down Harpers shirt.
HARPER Sex is all you ever think about.
Impulse says nothing.
HARPER Don’t play possum with me.
She flips over and begins tickling Impulse.
IMPULSE (Laughing) Hey, stop I think of lots of things.
HARPER Like what?
Long pause.
HARPER Exactly.
Willow wakes up.
HARPER Are we there yet?
WILLOW (To Ash) We close? How long was I a sleep?
ASH (Worried) You were all out for hours. We should be there by now.
WILLOW What do you mean?
Ash taps the GPS Navigator as if that will help it work.
ASH It just stopped working.
WILLOW Is it plugged in?
ASH Of course it is Wil.
Ash is sweating so profusely he rolls down his window.
Ash slows down the Camper Van and comes to the Paved/Dirt road intersection.
ASH We’re here.
WILLOW (Excited) We are?
Headlight beams break through the thick fog coming from the direction of Alexander’s house. It is Old Man Egan. The Old Man stops at the corner and looks at the Camper Van. Ash doesn’t move.
IMPULSE (To Ash) Ahhh dude what are you waiting for?
ASH (Nervous to Willow) You want to come back in the morning?
WILLOW What? No, why would I turn around?
HARPER Yeah, we’re here. Yes! And I have to pea!
IMPULSE Me too. Impulse and Harper get out of the Camper Van behind a row of trees.
WILLOW Are you alright? Ash shakes his head yes. Willow gets out as well. Ash begins to open up his door when...
OLD MAN EGAN slams the door shut and scares Ash.
OLD MAN EGAN What are you doing here?
Ash says nothing and begins to roll up the window. The Old man puts his hand on the window to stop it.
OLD MAN EGAN You turn around now. (TO ASH) Make it right. Turn around son. Make it right.
Harper and Impulse get in the other side followed by Willow.
IMPULSE Hey man you got to go? Do it now.
Ash turns back and the Old Man is walking back to his truck.
WILLOW What did he want?
ASH Nothing. Get in; it is going to be a cold night.
HARPER Let’s stay at a motel.
ASH They don’t have anything like that here.
WILLOW How do you know?
ASH (Stuttering) He just told me. And, we are not far.
Willow smiles and calmly rubs Ash’s leg while leaning in and kissing him.
WILLOW You are the best.
Ash watches Old Man Egan do a U-turn and go back the way he came. As the Camper Van pulls past the sign we can see the shadow of what look like children running through the fog.
Lamp post light the short main road of Red Lake Falls. Various flying insects circle the flickering lights.
HARPER Wow, so you were born here Wil? WILLOW I have no idea where I was born.
The group looks out the windows at the various businesses that line the street. Everything is closed up; there is no one around until a small child runs in front of the van. Ash hits the breaks and the child disappears as quickly as they appeared. The girls scream.
ASH (To Willow) You alright?
WILLOW Yes. Did we hit them? ASH No. Maybe we should park...
Just then hands come down on the front driver’s side of the van. It is the priest. Everyone screams.
The four young adults sit at a wooden table in the back of the church. The church is very clean and there are 14 stain glass windows, seven on each side, which are 12 feet high and 6 feet across. They each represent a station of the cross. Two of the windows have been broken and have wood coverings. Each window is a very detailed station of the cross. The girls look at the one closest to them, the last one. “Jesus Rose from the Dead” is written in Latin.
A nun sets down a tray with tea and cookies for them. The nun says nothing. The nun is part of the “Sister of the Annunciation”. Her habit is white, with a red scapular and a black veil.
PRIEST Thank you sister.
The nun says nothing. She smiles and leaves. The nun appears to float away. The Priest looks right at Ash.
PRIEST What are you doing ba..?
ASH (Interrupts) We’re here to find…
WILLOW (Interrupts – Happy) My mom.
The Priest eyes grow and stare down Ash. Willow hands the Priest the piece of paper she received in the mail. Harper looks through a crack in one of the broken windows. She is trying to make out the figures and shapes outside.
The fog seems to move like a snake around the cemetery tombstones. The cemetery only has only about 40 to 50 tombstones of all sizes and is almost surrounded by Pine trees.
There is an archway near the front of the church. Harper thought it odd no one noticed it when coming in. It reads ‘PINE FALLS CEMETARY’.
A different nun steps outside holding a bucket of something and begins tossing what appears to be raw meat. We see glimpses of small animal type creatures rummaging through the fog. They are barely more than silhouettes. We see flashes of TEETH, and GLEAMING EYES; glimpses of naked, patterned flesh. The nun turns toward HARPER, this nun is different, and this nun has the face of a man, a blind man. Their eyes are white with cataracts.
HARPER falls back aghast.
IMPULSE Hey babe you alright.
PRIEST Please come away from the windows. As you can see they are easily breakable.
Harper pulls Impulse to the window.
HARPER Look. Do you see them? Him?
Impulse looks out and sees nothing.
PRIEST (Firmer) Please come away from the windows.
Impulse walks over to the table and begins scarfing down cookies. Harper looks at one of the stain glass windows not broken. Small creatures are sprinkled among the stain glass windows artwork.
HARPER What are these?
Referring to the creatures not the windows.
Harper keeps looking around at the windows for more of the small pale humpback creatures.
PRIEST The windows are a story of a savior. A savior who died for all of our sins.
HARPER Not the windows...these...
She points to the small stained glass creature in the window artwork.
HARPER I saw this outside. Just now the nun in drag was feeding them.
PRIEST I must apologize for Sister Francine. Her appearance can be frightening, but I can assure you she was doing no such thing. She has a kind heart and a love for all animals hence her namesake St. Francis of Assisi.
Impulse keeps pounding down the cookies
IMPULSE (Mouth full) These are good.
PRIEST You should swallow before you speak.
IMPULSE That’s funny coming from a Priest.
Impulse pulls Harper down next to him. The Priest returns Willows letter and stands and walks over to the same window Harper was at.
The Priest looks out at the moon and sighs. In a defeated voice he shakes his head and turns to the group of kids. PRIEST Miss, I am sorry to say, but this town, it’s dead. There are only a few families who still live around here. And, I know them all. The name in this letter is unfamiliar to me.
WILLOW Well, we are here and there is the Peacock Diner which she said she is going to meet us at tomorrow morning.
PRIEST Well, at least allow me to be hospitable and give you all sanctuary tonight.
The Priest looks directly at Ash in a defeated voice.
PRIEST After tonight there is nothing else I can do.
WILLOW Ok, so do we sleep in the pews?
PRIEST (Calls out) Sister Mary. We have a room that was once used as an infirmary. In the basement.
Impulse picks up Harper.
IMPULSE Lead the way Garson.
PRIEST Please show some respect. This is still a place of God.
IMPULSE (Sexual tone to Harper) Then we will talk to God.
Out of the darkness we hear Harper and Impulse making love.
HARPER (In ecstasy) Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!
Harper and Impulse scream in ecstasy and finish. We hear the sound of a match strike. And light emits from the small lantern next to them on the floor.
As the room lights up more we can see the kids took the single mattress off the beds and laid them on the floor next to each other. Ash and Willow appear to be a sleep next to each other with headphones on.
HARPER (Quietly) Doesn’t this seem weird?
IMPULSE What do you mean?
HARPER (Thinking) Let me finish before you say anything.
Harper looks over at Ash and Willow again.
IMPULSE Ok, I will wait until you are done.
HARPER Ever since Wil got that letter... Ash has been acting different...
IMPULSE (Interrupting) How so?
Harper puts her hand up to Impulses mouth.
HARPER (Whispering) Let me finish. I don’t know how, just different. He told me the day after she got the letter that he did not want to come. Then on the way here he kept getting lost. I think he was doing it on purpose. Then that weird Indian guy, and then those things I saw outside. The Priest acting all strange, and this basement, what is that smell? It is like a set-up in a really bad horror movie.
Impulse looks at her waiting.
IMPULSE Are you done? Safe to talk? And we just had sex in a church, so what? We die?
Harper gets up with the light sniffing an odd odor.
IMPULSE I will take that as a yes. Who cares Harper? Let’s just have fun. Come back to bed It is a basement, they smell.
Harper tries to open a few doors on the other side of the room, but they are all locked. Finally one door opens and there is a spiral stair case leading down. A pungent odor emits from that room. Harper cannot see any further than a few feet.
HARPER Hey come here and check out this stair case.
Impulse mocks her as he puts on headphone.
IMPULSE Go check it out. They would never do that in a scary movie.
Impulse rolls over as Harper turns and shuts the door. As Harper gets under the covers we see Ash
Impulse rolls over as Harper turns and shuts the door. As Harper gets under the covers we see Ash is not sleeping and his eyes open just before Harper extinguishes the light.
Ash quietly enters the candle lit church from the back. The Priest sits knelt with two nuns on each side. They are praying, but Ash cannot make out what they are saying.
The two nuns get up and walk toward a door behind the Altar area. Just before Sister Francine walks through she turns and looks directly at Ash the whites of her eyes gaze right through him. The Priest turns to and motions to Ash. Ash approaches the Priest and Sister Francine disappears.
Ash kneels down and does the sign of the cross.
ASH Is this really happening?
ASH I love her so much.
PRIEST Of course you do. Jesus was loved to.
The Priest stands and offers his hand to Ash.
PRIEST Come walk with me.
The two walk slowly side by side around the Church. The Priest motions to certain windows as they pass.
PRIEST Remember we are at battle every day Ash. There are monsters all around us.
ASH The sign coming in was sprayed again ‘Hell is here’.
PRIEST Egan, superstitious old man. And he is right hell is here. We are literally standing on the belly of the beast.
ASH And we are in a church. How ironic is that? Father what if she is not the one? What if they are all wrong?
PRIEST Then God help us all.
CLOSE UP on Ash, closed eyes. He is dreaming. His gaze roves beneath his lids.
Willow's lips come into shot kissing first his eyes and then traveling down his face to his mouth.
WILLOW Ash wake up.
Ash’s eye flicker open.
WILLOW Good morning.
Now Ash's eyes are fully open. He sits up and looks towards the open door to the Church above. Willow kisses him, distracting him.
ASH (Nervous) Morning. You hungry?
Willow keeps kissing Ash.
IMPULSE I am starving!
HARPER Me too!
IMPULSE Get up Ash, I could eat the ass out of hippo...where is Oprah when you need her?
Ash says nothing and Harper slap Impulse.
HARPER I like Oprah. Be nice.
INT – CHURCH – MORNING The church looks more welcoming in the daylight. The only person besides the kids is an old woman dressed in white, with a black headscarf wrapped around. As the kids walk past her she looks up at Ash. She is very old, with dark circles around her eyes and her lips black and shiny. She smiles, her mouth large with rotted teeth. Her entire mouth is black as tar.
OLD WOMAN (Raspy chant) Gold coated the pilgrim’s icons in the name...
ASH Let’s go. It’s crazy lady from Dark Web video.
The Old woman continues to chant but does not get up or leave. We can see the Priest at the front of the church as the kids exit. The Priest says nothing, just the old woman ranting on and on.
Ash pushes Willow out the door and they all stop looking out at the Main Street. The quiet street looks oddly familiar to when Aaron arrived.
We can see Old Man Egan pulling up and parking with Aaron in the back. Ash, Willow, Harper and Impulse walk towards the Peacock Diner. They step up onto the sidewalk and are stopped by a couple of young kids who run out in front of them into the street.
WILLOW Be careful.
One of the kids turns around and glares at Willow. Harper screams which distracts everyone.
HARPER A Dime Store! Oh my gosh they have one of these in Coopersville, MI.
IMPULSE What’s a Dime Store?
Harper grabs Impulse and pulls him into the store before she can answer.
HARPER This is so great!!!
Willow smiles and turns around to Ash.
WILLOW We have time so let’s check it out.
Willow kisses Ash and enters the store. Ash turns around and looks at the Priest. The Priest waves with a weird grin.
Frolic style music plays over the speakers in the run down store. A woman smoking behind the counter is watching a program on her 50’s style Magnavox television.
A small bustle of ladies stands near their husbands by the Soda fountain. Everyone stops talking when the group comes in.
IMPULSE So everything a dime?
The woman behind the counter with her dark rimmed glasses shakes her head no.
HARPER Where is your beer?
STORE OWNER No liquor here.
The people in the store seem to drift away from the young kids. Ash doesn’t make eye contact with anyone and stands near the front of the store.
Looking out the front windows Ash can see two women who do not fit in with the environment. The two women enter the beauty parlor across the street. Who are they?
Harper and Impulse are in the back of the store and Willow is looking at postcards on the end of the main counter. She picks up one it is Picasso’s ‘The Crying Woman’. Willow hands the postcard to the woman watching the program.
STORE OWNER That’ll be ten cents.
There is a CRASHING SOUND coming from the back of the store. Willow takes her post card and calls to Ash.
Ash doesn’t move because Ash knows exactly what is happening. But Ash does not know what is happening across the street.
STORE OWNER (To Ash) You tend to your business and leaves there’s alone. May-Z and Cornucopia got them taken care of.
The store owner grabs Ash arm.
STORE OWNER Now tend to your Herb honey put on my Liberace record we are closed. As Ash and the store owner walk toward the back of the store Liberace’s ‘Stella by Starlight’ begins to play. And as the music increases we see the three other teenagers hog tied and their heads covered with burlap sacks. They are not moving and standing around them are four people, we are not sure if they are men or women as they also have burlap sacks over their heads.
STORE OWNER Hey its almost over son.
Ash is scared and shaking.
ASH (Crying) Mom, please don’t.
STORE OWNER It will only hurt a second. You know I love you.
WHACK & THUD – ash falls to the ground.
STORE OWNER (V.O.) Dammit Herb, you could have let me kiss him before you did that.
Hello, I know IMDB is getting rid of their boards soon. I am going to create a American Horror Story - Heritage Facebook Fan Page for the entire script soon. Thank you.