MovieChat Forums > Once Upon a Time (2011) Discussion > Snow seems like the real evil queen

Snow seems like the real evil queen


....just saw the latest ep page 23, really hate how fucking negative she is. Regina made the EVIL queen good....and she's like a debbie downer 'but really is she good?'

Regina is not really the evil queen at all imo. It's Snow. She was a spoiled brat, got Regina's love killed by betraying her trust, love just fell into her lap. And all she does is act negative....

Regina is really a victim. Just wish Regina ignored Snow. Regina talking to snow it like a Rocket Scientist talking to a child. Regina is much wiser, I think it's downright insulting. I don't recall one single moment when Snow helped Regina. All she has done is bring her down, as always.


Agreed. And even after throwing Regina under the bus for the umpteenth time, Snow always acts like everything should just be okay because forgiveness is divine or whatever. But then always has reservations about Regina's trustworthiness, without understanding why.


Honestly I'm ready for them to kill Snow off. And her dim-witted Charming. They both are just a waste of time on screen. I'm gonna summarize both their parts in the show. That is to basically say you can do it just believe, etc... Really it seems like too repetitive.

Do these two actors have some sort of unbreakable contract or something? I even noticed Emma having less screen time these past few eps. I mean I'm all for more screen time for Hook/other side characters/etc....but can we get snow/charming free eps? It's like they always pop up to annoy us and waste screen time.

Yeah to me, Regina is more pure of heart then Snow. She did all she did as a response to her life. Snow was a spoiled selfish brat who's life was handed to her on a silver platter. Regina trying to kill her was justified for all that little brat did. And all the while people died for Snow....this show, all Regina wanted was justice and she still did not get it lol


I'm into season 4 for the first time now and Snow is definitely the true villain in this story. She wrecks everything. And by extension Swan even more so.


Really glad more and more people are seeing this. I always felt like Snow was the true villain. Happy that more and more people are realizing this. Just don't get how anyone can be a fan of Snow


I just shake my head at the TC and the other people in this topic. For a moment let's ignore the things she did to Snow White since you find her annoying and disregard the fact she was ignorant as a child how corrupt Regina's mother was. I'm just going to list the things Regina did that were truly evil and should make her spend the rest of her life in jail.
1. She murdered Graham/the Huntsman.
2. She murdered her own father to make the curse work.
3. She murdered a little boy's father when said little boy and father were just camping in the woods after their car broke down outside Story Brooke.
4. She trapped Jefferson in Wonderland because she thought her father's life was more important than his.
5. She separated Hansel and Gretel from their father just to be a jerk.

But I guess the TC and the other people that replied are just going to ignore all these things just because they find Snow White annoying.


6. She slaughtered a whole village...
7. And then the whole curse thing. Kidnapping and brainwashing everybody for 30 years.

I loved Regina as a character because the actress is great. But yes - she belonged imprisoned.

And don't get me started on the ending in season 7 ...


Didn't she kill Snow White's husband, or had him killed. I was through with her when she murdered her own dad. I am currently watching S1. It is an interesting show.


Actually, no. I'd rather not spoil it though since you are only on the first season.


I'm still pissed at how badly the two creators/writers of this show F'ed up the stories so badly. They had a good idea going, but ended up not only messing up their own storylines, but breaking their own narratives, multiple times! Plus it got really stupid after season 3.

I'm particularly angry at the messages this show was saying, like:

- magic is like a crutch and a drug, and only the bad guys can use it without getting lectured about the consequences
- nobody's allowed to have true, lasting happiness, ever, not even if you're a "good guy"
- families can never stay together for longer than a few minutes before being torn apart again
- the good guys often have to be as terrible as the bad guys in order to "win," and end up regretting it later
- being "kind and merciful" to your enemy only ends up biting you in the ass years down the road
- the only way to get ahead, whether you are good or evil, is to screw over others in the most evil way possible
- true love's kiss and amnesia apparently are the only ways to keep a story going
- love doesn't heal a bad relationship, all it does is delay the inevitable heartbreak and shit-hitting-the-fan disaster that comes later
- no matter how hard the good guys fight, they always get screwed over in the end
- listening to good advice, making good decisions, and learning from your mistakes are a big no-no
