RT 82%

Probably will settle around 75 but it's a lot higher than I expected.

Consensus seems to be: better than anything after Aliens ... which doesn't say much given how bad those are but still ... I will watch it.


I mean, people wank themselves silly over Alien and Aliens, it's practically impossible for a new Alien movie to be better than them in the minds of some. They have that 'classic' aura and reverence, even if a movie came out and had superior effects, better acting, a more interesting screenplay, was more entertaining etc, etc, people wouldn't allow it to be considered better.

So better than anything post-Aliens is about as good as you can ask for.


So what? That's the critic's score. We need the audience score. I don't trust woke critics.


I don't either but I doubt this is woke thrash.

But I concur, waiting for the audience score.


88% audience score ... wow


You trust internet trolls and random people who can vote (even if they haven’t seen it) opposed to professional critics? Sounds idiotic to me.


Only a 6.6 ave amongst Top Critics; 7 overall.


7.4 right now top critics.


7.5 on imdb, pretty high for a horror movie ...
