Will it be woke ?

Will it ?


no idea, but definitely really underwhelming, contradictory with the other parts, and confusing


Well it definitely has the diverse cast. I guarantee that one or two of the characters are gay. Wokes love there silly box ticking.


Remember Jussie smollett extra role in Alien: Covenant and his husband Upworth?


Hate to break it to you, but the Alien franchise has always been 'woke.' All the way back in 1979, Alien featured a female lead and a diverse cast (albeit only considering the small cast size) in a movie that was an allegory for rape.

But here's the thing: I don't care if a movie is "woke" or not. I care if it's GOOD. The original Alien is a great watch because of its suspense, atmosphere, groundbreaking special effects, and Ripley as a complex, compelling character.

Before a film even comes out, I see people on MC freaking out about it being "woke." Why does anyone care? I just don't get why some people are more obsessed with whether a movie has women and a diverse cast than if it's actually good. So much mindless hate.


These boards are just a maga chud brainrot dump.


That's right. This is really a great board if you stay inside the movies pages, but all that persona page stuff attracted the same political discussions you can have anywhere else on the net if you aren't tired of it yet.


You far right fucks would call the original woke if it came out today.


You wokesters didn't even know about the Alien movies till right wingers told you about them. Before then, you thought Captain Marvel was the first female lead action movie.


And let's not forget Barbarella, who became an iconic female action hero 11 years before Alien.


Very true.


Who can forget that.
