I may be the only one but I'm not terribly interested in black panther. I'm just not interested in it ,nothing caught my attention when watching the trailer. I never really cared for the comic either. They aren't bad I just don't care for them. When talking about this in conversation I always get "have you seen the cast doe!" "Black people neeeeed it" or the occasional comic snob telling me im not a real fan . Go to any BET comment Thread on the movie and you'll see comments saying that black people HAVE to support this movie and that it's going to change everything for us. Why in 2018 are we basing quality and impact of a movie on skin color that just doesn't seem right to want or like a movie just because there are people of color in it. I felt a similar way about wonder woman. A lot of people only liked it because it was a women in a lead role. I seen similar post when the trailer for that movie was released. "Women everywhere HAVE to support this." Why do we throw out all criticism for movies like these because of the race or gender of the star. sometimes even the idea or message of the movie overshadows the quality . Movies like will smith's bright are prime examples. that movie was underwhelming and kind of lazy but because it had a message about social issues the black community loved it and deemed it award worthy. Am I being unreasonable and ridiculous or do I have a point somewhere in my nonsensical ramblings
I think its good in the sense its a character that hasn't been a lead on film and may make for an interesting story...maybe. But it also has all the wrong things attached to it as far as diversity and the false idea of representation. Black Panther does not represent any living person, a hero should be judged on who he/she is not what color they are. Their really is no difference in seeing a film because a person is black and than not seeing it for the same reason. You are not valuing the character or the actor...but merely the least important part about them. There is a segment of the population that likes to divide and pushes this ideal in the guise of inclusion and representation..."diversity". But the values they push are about the same as a Klan members values..just focused differently..its the skin or some other unimportant qualifier.
I remember when Michelle Yeoh was cast in STD. I was interested in this because unlike Green whose prior performances didn't impress me I really like Yeoh and have watched many of her films. But instead of articles focusing on her as a great veteran actress, bringing a little class to the production. We got articles about her accent, that she is Asian, and the checkbox nature of Asian Female Captain..as if this would be stunning in a world that you have already had Asian and female captains..but somehow it should be impressive together. Instead of the value of what Yeoh brings to production you have articles that basically could have been written about any Asian lead and they could have cast anyone..she did not have value (Interesting enough Yeoh is one of those female action leads that has been doing movies for years that some people seem to think didn't exist before Atomic Blonde)
Their has been plenty of racism, sexism and overall ignorance in the past, but what passes for diversity today is just as shallow and wrong as those things ever were.
I agree a movie does not seem better because it has (in this case ) an almost all-black cast, to me anyway. I don't get the recent idea that because of that it's going to change the world as we know it or the black world. and I think you put it a little better than I did."There really is no difference in seeing a film because a person is black and then not seeing it for the same reason. You are not valuing the character or the actor...but merely the least important part about them."
Diversity for diversity’s sake and it’s Hollywood furthering their agenda. Apart from following Marvel in general, what attracts me the most about this film is the fact that it does look like a superb film. Having an interest in the title character is also a huge bonus.
Oh, this features a predominately black cast with one of the first black superheroes in comic history similarly to how it is, you know, in the comics it’s based on? EXCELLENT! So how is this for all the wrong reasons again? It must be the progressive musical choices in the trailer otherwise you really do just have a problem seeing a film with a mostly “color” cast. You can believe what you want but all types of people will be watching and appreciating this one for numerous reasons. Maybe you genuinely want to sound fair compared to a lot of those on here constantly whining about PC Hollywood, but I can safely say that your concern/issue with this film comes from the same place as the angry conservative crowd (they run rampant on this site and, well, all over the internet) that’s fed up with diversity in modern films because they claim the reason it’s happening is thanks to Hollywood spreading propaganda (better than white power propaganda) and that they are missing the point or whatever... geez. Let me emphasize this again, this film is based on a comic series and it appears to be extremely faithful to the source material. It is taking liberties by adding a “PC” message? If it makes you feel any better, then you tell yourself that.
Goddamn, a kick ass brother starring in his own big film that’s dedicated to his culture and sends a positive message can’t catch a break from those with a backwards mentality. Goddamn the hypocrisy and ignorance. By the way, WE OWN YA!
none of what you said had anything to do with what I said also I am black and I am not a conservative don't group people together based on nothing douche
also, don't try and tell me where the fuck my criticism comes from you don't know me all you know is what i gave you now OF COURSE IT IS NOT THE SAME FOR EVERY SINGLE FAN OF THE MOVIE that was never implied you are reaching how many black people will be there because its an all-black cast and for that reason only? I can tell you from the comments on every social media article about the movie that 80% don't give a rats ass crack about the story its black people on a screen so its good that attitude is ignorant and that's what me and the other commenter were talking about and I gave you a damn example. bright was a shit movie it was lazy and more of the same from will smith but people love it and claim it as the movie of the year solely because of the "hidden message" about race relations in it that attitude RUINS movies you and your condescending holier than thou attitude can go kick rocks with open-toed shoes and again don't fucking people in groups based on trivial bullshit
If the intention is to spread the same kind of ignorance as white power propaganda it is not good, its the same.
Black Panther is either a good character or he isn't. His story is excellent or it isn't. People should see it because it is good movie,not because the lead is a certain color. No where does the OP suggest these groups are lesser or should not be in big movies. The OP questions whether we should promote the same kind of ignorant thinking that has been displayed by white power individuals..and other exclusionary groups throughout the world. Black people should not see black panther because the lead is black..they and everyone should see it if they think it will be good and they will enjoy it. He should be seen as a hero, for anyone and everyone. Current diversity does not value the people but their least important features, people that value this shallow diversity perpetuate the ideals that lead to fools like the Klan. Morgan Freeman has it right. He is a not a black man, he is a man. Current diversity values the former over the latter, no different than the way a Neo Nazi would see it.
That's a fair critic to make about the movie. It should be judged on the merits of the story itself, and not the skin color of the cast. I agree they did the same thing with Wonder Woman, and with Ghostbusters 2016. The difference being however Wonder Woman was really good movie. Ghostbusters however was not.
I think Black Panther will be a good film. I liked the character when I was a kid along with Luke Cage. I even found this crazy gold dress shirt that looked like his, and would wear it around the house pretending to be Luke Cage. See even as a white kid I would pretend to be black superheroes. I didn't need the hero's skin color to be like mine for me to identify with him. If he was cool looking, and had a good story then I liked him.
I completely understand as a kid though you don't care about that stuff but as you get older it just seems like it's forced and your movie taste is more than what looks cool
Female comic book hero movies done long before Wonder Woman. Black comic book hero movies done long Black Panther, people know what to expect with Marvel movies now, I don’t think it’s all about colour maybe the setting and character more. I doubt a Falcon or War Machine movie would have the same buzz as Black Panther.
I think the movie has some legit interest in it, I want to see it as well. But you have those people that straight out say you should see it because its a black superhero and for no other reason than that...and for some reason they actually believe its the first black superhero movie?!? They must suffer from the same illness as those people that believed Rey and Atomic Blonde represent firsts as far as action heroines.
I may be the only one but I'm not terribly interested in black panther. I'm just not interested in it ,nothing caught my attention when watching the trailer. I never really cared for the comic either. They aren't bad I just don't care for them.
You never need to justify why you like or don’t like anything to anyone, period. That’s like man, “your opinion” or your own feelings. Unless you are seeking validation? Thus your engagement in what you are doing on this forum. Agree?
When talking about this in conversation I always get "have you seen the cast doe!" "Black people neeeeed it"
Why are the credentials of the cast a “Negative” or at best “Neutral” to someone’s assessment of the movie being a quality movie? And yes, People of Color do neeeeeed this film to be shown, neeeeed this film to be successful and neeeeed to see this film because of what Marvel has invested into this film and because Marvel/Disney entrusted Ryan Coogler to deliver something in his own voice. If you are not a fan of Coogler you probably have no interest in the film also.
or the occasional comic snob telling me im not a real fan.
But you self-described yourself as Not a fan of the character or the comic? How is the “Snob” wrong for pointing out the root of your disinterest? Why call the person a "Snob"?
Go to any BET comment Thread on the movie and you'll see comments saying that black people HAVE to support this movie and that it's going to change everything for us.
More often than not “People of color” have a shared experience and a shared historical perspective which has generated at least one collective POV. Exclusion was bad. People of color have been marginalized in so many areas and positive realistic inclusion is difficult in a media mass entertainment zeitgeist. BP, like Roots, could change the existing accepted narrative for the better.
Why in 2018 are we basing quality and impact of a movie on skin color that just doesn't seem right to want or like a movie just because there are people of color in it.
The desire to see BP by People of Color has little if anything to do with the projection of quality onto the movie by People of Color. More often than not most posters on BET are speaking to the importance of the movie as it relates to popular superhero culture. You might have run across the terms of “Lit”, “Woke” and even “Dope” when BP is referred to.
Why should a group of people NOT want to like a movie because it reflects their culture unless you are suggesting that the makers of the film are “pandering” in a bad way to an audience? People of color also WANT the movie to be Good or dare I say Great because most any movie that has a predominantly black cast is almost automatically derided as being divisive if it is TOO Black. Whatever that means.
BP is aware and many, many, many People of Color have connected to this referential awareness. Created in the 60's BP is a departure from Luke Cage's creation by Marvel which is steeped in the Blaxploitation theme of the 70's. Most fans of T'Challa/BP are excited because of the Marvel created mythology and the Coogler interpretation and treatment on the screen. People of Color who are new to BP/T'Challa because he is quite different from what they have been exposed to on the big screen and in print, an unbowed Person of Color.
I felt a similar way about wonder woman. A lot of people only liked it because it was a women in a lead role.
So you are saying that you are not a woman and don’t identify with the lead director, Actor, cast and overall theme of the movie. You don’t connect to WW the way Women, Girls and females connect to the movie. Why are you unable to engage in the movie “As If” you were female? Let your feminine side flow. Wait, how do you know WHY they liked WW?
I seen similar post when the trailer for that movie was released. "Women everywhere HAVE to support this." Why do we throw out all criticism for movies like these because of the race or gender of the star. sometimes even the idea or message of the movie overshadows the quality .
There are two entry points into that statement of yours. (1) Why is there a need to “Criticize” the movie (or movies like these) because it has a female lead before the movie is released?
(2) Why is there this linkage of entitled “Quality” that you keep injecting onto, in your words, “Movies Like these”? I’m not sure what “Movies Like These” even means now that you've mentioned it..
Movies like will smith's bright are prime examples. that movie was underwhelming and kind of lazy but because it had a message about social issues the black community loved it and deemed it award worthy.
You’re going to have to point me to this love that the “Black Community” bestowed upon Bright because I haven’t seen it ANYWHERE.
Am I being unreasonable and ridiculous, or do I have a point somewhere in my nonsensical ramblings.
Yes you are and very much so being nonsensical.
Critics will give it favorable reviews just as with the recent Star Wars films for fear of being labeled as racists who just don't get it.
Are you able to provide an example of just when this happened? Have you talked to some critics who were, ahem, pressured to provide a favorable review in exchange for NOT being called a racist? Will you point us all to those suffering critics unable to perform their jobs with honesty, and integrity? Can you name one? Just one to validate anything that you are saying?
Aren't there some critics out there in Critc-Land who are fearless, brave, patriotic, proud and willing to call a "Spade" a "Spade"?
What? They have no backbone, no spine, no courage of their convictions, no sense of fairness and justice to say, "Move or you will be moved"?
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Of course if they'd just made Marvel films diverse from the start, none of this would be an issue. There wouldn't be all this debate over the long-awaited FIRST film starring someone other than a white man, we wouldn't have to argue over whether it meeets everyone's hopes and dreams and expectations and represents billions of people correctly, or whether it changes the geeky side of the entertainment industry, because there wouldn't have been a massive and obvious shortage in the first place.
That's the problem with putting off things you should have done in the first place, by the time it actually happens it becomes such a great big hairy deal that you can't possibly please everyone.
Do you even know Marvel films? BLADE had 3 movies. all starring a black superhero. Get your facts right.
''There wouldn't be all this debate over the long-awaited FIRST film starring someone other than a white man'' < Blade. Blade III and Blade Trinity. All started in 1998. Which is 20 years ago. Sure it doesnt happen often, but Black Panther is NOT the first.
Exactly. Read the quote. You didn't specify MCU. You just said ''long-awaited FIRST film starring someone other than a white man''. No mention of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And Blade is indeed a Marvel character.
lol it doesn't matter because they will just split hairs and mention he wasn't a part of the MCU..ignoring the fact..he is still a marvel character and he was very popular and he was black.