Do we want this movie for the wrong reasons?
I may be the only one but I'm not terribly interested in black panther. I'm just not interested in it ,nothing caught my attention when watching the trailer. I never really cared for the comic either. They aren't bad I just don't care for them. When talking about this in conversation I always get "have you seen the cast doe!" "Black people neeeeed it" or the occasional comic snob telling me im not a real fan . Go to any BET comment Thread on the movie and you'll see comments saying that black people HAVE to support this movie and that it's going to change everything for us. Why in 2018 are we basing quality and impact of a movie on skin color that just doesn't seem right to want or like a movie just because there are people of color in it. I felt a similar way about wonder woman. A lot of people only liked it because it was a women in a lead role. I seen similar post when the trailer for that movie was released. "Women everywhere HAVE to support this." Why do we throw out all criticism for movies like these because of the race or gender of the star. sometimes even the idea or message of the movie overshadows the quality . Movies like will smith's bright are prime examples. that movie was underwhelming and kind of lazy but because it had a message about social issues the black community loved it and deemed it award worthy. Am I being unreasonable and ridiculous or do I have a point somewhere in my nonsensical ramblings