MovieChat Forums > The Expendables 2 (2012) Discussion > I've had it with 'What were you expectin...

I've had it with 'What were you expecting?'

I thought the "what were you expecting" argument was dead and buried, but apparently some people still think it's a valid logical figure. What was I expecting? For 15 bucks, quite a bit more than an overstretched Saturday Night Live sketch crammed with self-referencing unemployed 80s stars. For a budget of 90 million dollars, some cinematography would be in order. This movie is made amateurishly, like they are on a budget. If you think that's a "tribute" to the 80s, then you haven't seen any 80s movies lately. They were good products, well shot, well edited, characters didn't just pop out of nowhere for plot convenience.

An action movie is not good just because it has action in it. Audiences are quite aware of that. Case in point, how does a Steven Seagal movie fare against a Jason Bourne one at the box office? People may be stupid but they realise when they are treated with respect and when they are contemptuosly patted on the head. That's why this piece of garbage flopped and that's why further instalments will keep flopping.


I totally agree with the OP! And my main argument is this: most of the films that these action stars were in in the 80s at least attempted at having better storylines than this garbage!


Agree with OP and I didn't even have high standards for any scene where *beep* didn't get blown up. My problem was that the movie tries to make fun of itself but the jokes fall really really flat and that at the same time its supposed to be serious (STALLONE'S speech at the Liam Helmsworth's grave was umm....yea *beep* Like a better plot would be like the movie RED where all these old timers need to get back together and do some mercenary work for some reason. Also, *beep* just happens in the movie to bring in cameo's that don't make a lot of sense (sidenote, was Chuck Norris ever really that big of an action star, I honeslty need to know this b/c im 26 so all I remember from his career is Walker Texas Ranger, and that movie sidekicks)

Is it really that hard not to be a dick on IMDB???


I agree with that. If you watch the old 80's and 90's films (T1, T2, Rocky, Predator etc.) they all had better story lines and dialogue. Even though they had aliens, time travel and cyborgs running around they were still good movies that kept you in suspense. I would f.ex dare anyone not to be terrified watching Terminator 1. That scene when the terminator comes out of the fire at the end, *beep* Or Predator where there is a menacing monster picking the guys off one by one. Those movies were great and still manage to terrify to this day.

Then they get those all those action heroes do a movie and this is the outcome? Really? The lame puns and them ripping doors of cars and managing to evade being shot by like 30 guys all shooting at them at the same time.

Come on. It's just ridiculous.


Funny how this movie made the first one look better.
I was kinda disappointed after watching the first one. When this one came i was pretty sure it was going to be way better than the first. What a disappointment. No need to repeat what was bad, it have been said here many times.
I went back and saw the first Expendables for the second time and suddenly it looked better in every way.
