MovieChat Forums > The Expendables 2 (2012) Discussion > Old action stars missing ?

Old action stars missing ?

Good cast but what other stars from back in the day would Imdb'ers like to have seen? Me personally Wesley Snipes
Steven Seagal
Hulk Hogan


Jackie Chan, a high priority and a good candidate according to himself.
Steven Seagal, he's full of crap (and other things) but dammit, he should be in part 3.
Wesley Snipes, out next year. a good condender. If he's in it maybe Gallowwalker will be finally released
Carl Weathers, get him in part 3

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I can't believe no one has said Samuel L Jackson yet


When was Samuel L. Jackson a 1980s action star?
Oh, right: never.+


Why does that matter? Jason Statham is a contender for the deuteragonist in this series and he didn't make a movie until nearly 2000


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


The answers you've been getting are pathetic.

Carl Weathers,
Charles Bronson(RIP),
Jesse Ventura,
Yaphet Kotto,
Steven Seagal and
Wesley Snipes.

That's your list.

Maybe throw in Jim Brown, Fred Williamson and Danny Trejo.

And possibly Jackie Chan.

"Maybe there is a beast... Maybe it's only us."


Good luck in getting Charles Bronson

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Answers you've been getting are pathetic, but you pretty much said what everybody else has been saying. Except Jesse Ventura, hahahaha, really?


Someone already mentioned him...but only once and it's a damn shame. Michael Jai White NEEDS to be in E3. Dude is amazing.


Carl Weathers is just in no kind of shape to do a film like this. He's really let himself go, and doesn't seem interested in getting it back.
Same with Ventura.
They need to get Eastwood.
And Seagal (who might not be in shape, but rarely ever was anyway).


Kurt Russell (Snake Plissken era);
Weathers, Carl

and Hulk Hogan as a cameo appearance...helluva team!


btw Scott Adkins & Daniel Bernhardt would kick some serious asses also...


Lots of good ideas. I love the thouht of Seagal being in one, but Sly already approached him the first time around. Seagal didn't want to do it because he had a problem with a producer involved with Expendables. It's unfortunate too, he has let his ego burn too many bridges in Hollywood it seems.


Hulk Hogan in a small but memorable role as a barroom troublemaker.
Clint Eastwood as a foulmouthed ex-military man.
Steven Seagal as a villain.
Diane Lane as the woman Barney left behind.

And Christopher Lambert.


This topic has been covered so many times already. Wesley Snipes was originally cast for the first "EX" film but had to withdraw because he was sent to jail. His role went to Terry Crews. He will be released next year and Sly already plans to add him to the cast. Steven Seagal was initially approached by Sly for the first film as well but declined it because the "EX" franchise is produced by Avi Lerner whom he doesn't get along with. However, Seagal apparently and allegedly is sorta giving in and open to appear in the third film after being re-approached by Sly. Hulk Hogan for reasons unknown was never approached to co-star in the film series.


Was Hulk Hogan ever an action star? I only remember him being in stupid kiddie movies.


Snipes was never really old school, or Seagal but seagal should have been in.And hulk Hogan is ok but not old school, only wrestler. He didnt make action films till the late 90's.


Randy Couture was better known as a UFC fighter when the first was made. Terry Crews and Jason Statham are newer than the other guys, too. Hulkster would be good in the right role, maybe as a barroom troublemaker who picks a fight with Barney.

"Adrian! Catch meeeeeeeeeeeee!"
