In my mind, this is as good as it gets. Look at it this way: Stallone started too small in the first film. Really, I think he did. Not enough big names were there for the first movie. In this second one, we have better additions with much more screen time. In the third, we have the second one only with two big problems: we don't have everyone that we had in the second, and we have additions no one cares about (the younger guys). So, my dream cast, of course, is to have EVERY Expendable (excluding dead ones and villains, of course) to appear at once. Imagine what 3 would have been like if we'd been rid of the young people and kept everyone from this one on the project, including Norris and Willis. That's the ultimate action movie. Of course, we've all got wishes as to who they should add, me personally Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan. I do think that it would be nice to change the cast we already have, most notably Terry Crews. He's cool and muscular and all, but he's not really in action movies, you know? Seeing him in bit parts in Get Smart and Benchwarmers really makes me doubt his expendable-ness. If Wesley Snipes hadn't had legal problems, he would have gotten the role of Hale Caesar from the beginning. That alone would have helped.