MovieChat Forums > Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Discussion > Little things that made you laugh

Little things that made you laugh

The sign at the beach says



when sam is making his way to the dressing room during the play and there's that gaggle of kids playing recorders and making that awful noise of a bunch of recorders blowing at once. i don't think anyone can get a good sound out of those things, and it just cracked me up.


I loved the short snippets of Sam at home with his bad-ass brothers.
Absolutely hilarious and totally reminiscent of my own childhood!


"What kind of bird are you?"

"Well I'm a sparrow, and she's a-"

"I didn't ask you. What kind of bird are (points) you?"

This kid is such a little bada$$, and I don't think he realized it.

"I don't jump sharks, I f#@% them for breakfast."
--Mr. Plinkett


I didn't read all the post...

Sam's dancing was fun...

You're one smooth talking city dude.


When Bill Murray's character calls the scouts "beige lunatics".


When Bill Murry threw his shoe at the other guy.

"The only exercise I take is walking behind the coffins of friends who took exercise."


When he pulled the turtle from the water with a net, and the turtle said "Albert" on it in red writing. And when he threw the pine needles up in the air to see if the wind was wasn't.

"Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of silly persons!"


hahaha i loved how Albert was written on the turtle, and then he just threw the turtle back into the water.


All of the scouts trying to chase Sam, with no one catching up to him, even not veering from their course after Sam veered from his, until they got to the point where he had done so, like a Benny Hill chase.


I loved how one of the badges on the Khaki Scouts uniforms was a picture of mountains and it just said MOUNTAINS on it. I don't know why but I thought it was funny.

