MovieChat Forums > Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Discussion > Little things that made you laugh

Little things that made you laugh

The sign at the beach says



Basically everything and anything Edward Norton's character did.


When Suzy's father says, "Did she sit for this?" after they find Sam and Suzy's letters to each other, along with the nude watercolors. I'm sure the line was scripted, but somehow it just seems like a total Bill Murray thing to say!

After Sam says, "What kind of bird are YOU?" and specifically points to Suzy, and the sparrow who first willingly answered Sam changes her attitude to a snotty, "Boys aren't allowed back here."

When Sam is cooking and flipping the fish over the campfire, the horrified/perplexed look on Suzy's face is simply priceless.

Captain Sharp picking up the Khaki Scouts' hammer-and-nails weapon to protect Sam from Social Services.


"Dear Suzy. I accidentally built a fire while I was sleepwalking" and then we see how the foster parent tries to put out a fire in their doghouse.

I also really liked the narrator and his little green hat.


Murray throwing his shoe and Norton's failed attempt to escape... it was just spontaneous.. :)


but there is a lighthouse. arent lighthouses located in places were there are rocks and are dangerous? wouldnt swimming be dangerous there too?


The line up at the camp breakfast, resembled The Last Supper with one apostle missing.

And when we didn't have no crawdad, we ate SAND!


Suzy charges the desk!

The music during that entire sequence was hilarious.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I think my favorite moment (other than Sam's dancing/flailing on the beach) is when Sam, Suzy and Troop 55 arrive at the big camp to find Cousin Ben, so he can perform the wedding:

They're hiding behind the wooden fence, and another scout gives them all gumballs from a broken gumball machine. A few scenes later, when Cousin Ben is talking them about the huge step they're taking, the most important decision they'll ever make in their lives, yadda, yadda, all of the kids are chomping ib the gum! Of course, Ben makes them all spit it out.

I loved how one of the badges on the Khaki Scouts uniforms was a picture of mountains and it just said MOUNTAINS on it. I don't know why but I thought it was funny.

The little details on the Khaki Scouts' uniforms are hilarious, too. They each have their own special designation patches: Signal Scout, H2O Purifier, Woodmaster, Bear Spotter, Petty Bugler. Cousin Ben's says Legionnaire, and Scoutmaster Ward's says, of course, Scout Master.


I just noticed when they return from talking by the trampoline, everyone else is chewing gum again...INCLUDING Cousin Ben!


one of my favorite parts not yet mentioned (I think) is during the pen pal montage when Sam is watching a movie in the boys home and he punches a kid and immediately runs away. reminded me of a prison movie. american me or shawshank again

How is 'Harvey Wallbanger' one word!?

