MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > It's an average movie , it's just most m...

It's an average movie , it's just most movies are so bad these days

Seriously.. there's nothing special about this movie. It's competent. ..It's coherent. That's about it. It's very cut and paste. Overly predictable..i mean c'mon ,Did we REALLY think for a second Maverick wasn't gonna fly the mission and he and Rooster weren't gonna kiss and make up? Have we not seen 1000 fighter jet movies before ? It's nothing ground breaking here..Is it because most movies today are so terrible that this is being passed off as some work of art? I get the political climate of right now but is that really the reason it's so popular? Sidenote: are we forgetting that Tom Cruise is bat shit crazy?


You're right it's an average movie and yes, most movies these days really suck. In Maverick's case it's a movie that only Tom Cruise can pull off. People go to see a Tom Cruise movie because it's virtually guaranteed to be at least decent, if not very good to excellent.

So, Tom Cruise star power + nostalgia + every other movie is a piece of shit = Billion Dollar Box Office.


I feel what is ground breaking is for most of the flying, the actors were up the for real, not cgi, not green screen.

That made it worth seeing a few times for me.
I hate it when movies are just cgi cartoons.


I don’t really agree. I don’t think mechanical = mediocre. Yes it has a very boilerplate structure, but it executes that structure excellently and it deserves praise for doing that. I don’t care if I can predict what’s going to happen as long as I feel that the film earned that inevitable emotional payoff. Even though I have been primed for a reconciliation the moment I see rooster and maverick on screen together, it is woven into the script and the action well enough that I am psychologically primed for it when it occurs and experience a satisfying emotional conclusion to an arc that was set up earlier. It’s not ground-breaking, but it is done extremely well. Combine that with thrilling practically shot action and you have a great action movie. It doesn’t need to subvert my expectations, just set things up well enough that it earns the payoff. It won me over and managed to manipulate my emotions to where they were intended to be in each sequence without me feeling like I was being cheated. Something recent films have forgotten


I agree with everything you've written here.


Yes, you are right.


Where did you watch it?


I saw it in the theater. Worst part is I went to Applebee's after and they were running some top gun Maverick promotion and there were posters everywhere I felt like such a whore LOL


I saw in IMAX opening night. Possibly one of the best cinema experiences of my life. I don't think it can be replicated at home.


Why? Because of ridiculously loud speakers? No thx. I don't need to have my ear drums shattered


Your local theatre must be piss poor if it’s affecting your ear drums.

IMAX is about immersion. Maverick is proof of why the cinema experience is so important.


It can with a 70” lg oled screen and 7.1 thx certified Dolby/dts sound, theater chairs, cup holders, and a good popcorn.


I have a Nakamichi 7.1 and I love it, although I still want to get the 9.2.


Why stop there? Why not 9.4.4 of course with 4 identical subwoofers and 1 monoblock Class A amp for each of the passive speakers. Do it up right.


9.4.4? dam, that would be insane. didnt know that was even possible.


"It can with a 70” lg oled screen"

No, you need a projector. Not only can you easily have, e.g., a 150" screen (or up to about 300" with most any decent home projector if you have room for it), but the nature of the picture is correct, whereas it's wrong with an OLED or any other type of direct-view display. Images formed from reflected light look different than ones formed from a light source, and are more natural looking, because everything we see in real life is reflected light, except when looking directly at a light source such as a candle flame.

Movie theaters use projectors (light reflected off a white screen), so you can't replicate the experience at home by staring at a light source (direct-view display), regardless of how big it is. And 70" isn't big anyway, at least not by projector standards.


I have not seen TG:M yet but I just can't figure out why people think movies are not good today. There have been some very good films that have come out over the last 10 years or so. Here's a few...

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Life of Pi
Dallas Buyers Club
American Sniper
The Martian
Get Out
JoJo Rabbit
Drive My Car
Power of The Dog
Don't Look Up

and many more....

If you think every movie should be the next Godfather then yeah, you'll probably be disappointed. Not to mention, there's a huge list of TV shows that you can choose from as well. There is no shortage of good movies/TV shows.


Yeah, there is, unless you like horror, cartoons or family orchestrated bunk.

Where have all the sci fi's gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the sci fi's gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the sci fi's gone?
The execs have cancelled them every one.
Oh, When will you ever learn?
Oh, When will you ever learn?


What I miss are male-oriented films from the 70s and 80s like The French Connection, 48 Hours, Escape From New York, Southern Comfort, Dirty Harry, The Last Detail, and so on. These days a "male-oriented" film stars infantile dweebs with no gravitas. Brad Pitt is probably the most iconic macho American star and he's pretty much a clown, acting as if he's making fun of himself most of the time.


That might be true, ccr1633. When was the last time we saw a male-oriented film featuring a bad-ass cop? I mean, we've seen some bad-ass gangster movies over the last 10 years.

But what about cops? The only ones I can think of right off the bat are Hell Or High Water and the remake of True Grit and maybe The Hateful 8 but I haven't seen H8 yet.

And the way people now view cops, thanks to the left-wing agenda, I doubt we're going to see more "tough guy" films in the future.

I guess Tarantino films kinda fit the genre.


Tarantino is pretty much the only one who would make such a film, but it would be drenched in self-conscious irony. It's hard to imagine him playing it straight and making a film like Dirty Harry, for instance. The last film I can think of that was serious and had a male lead that was cool, tough, and reasonably intelligent was "Drive." Of course, that was basically a cross-fertilization of Thief (1981) and The Driver (1978), but I'll take it.


They're ok. Nothing special that would turn a person into a superfan, compel multiple rewatches and an entirely new franchise. No serious films released that people are fawning over.

Each summer, I used to watch at least one great sci-fi or action flick. Movies, video games and music are at a low point now. TV and streaming series are a bright spot along with books.



Ok?? you would give all the films on my list like what, a 5 out of 10? lol.. come on man.. they're a lot better than that.

A few more I would add are...

Moonrise Kingdom
Even that Dune film was pretty good. And I'm sure I'm missing a few...

But I do think we are seeing a lack of summer blockbusters that get people buzzing about, but to say we just don't see good movies is a stretch. However, the pandemic slowed the industry down somewhat. Maybe it will pick up in a year or two. We'll see...


I watched 9 from your first list. Some were very good - closer to 8/10. But, I've only watched them one time.

I saw 3 out of 4 on your second list. Again, some very good.

But, after I watch them, I move on.

That lack of buzz - or excitement- is what I'm talking about. There are movies that elicit a strong passion and you want to relive it by repeatedly watching it and becoming a fan. That's what's missing with the recent movies. I miss the excitement (magic?) like I had after watching the original Matrix, Alien, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Superman, Lord of the Rings, etc..

I guess Black Panther created buzz, but it did nothing for me. I'm sick of most superhero movies, although I like a few series like The Boys because they're creatively different.


Half of those movies you mentioned are overrated garbage. Not to mention, they were nominated or won Oscars in their respective years. I think the point is about how bad the average movie is nowadays, not movies that win awards.


"there's nothing special about this movie".. ?
did you want Maverick to jump out the F18 flap his arms and fly like a bird..?
this sick need for movies or series to be unique and special is why most of them suck.


Seriously.. there's nothing special about this movie. It's competent. ..It's coherent. That's about it. It's very cut and paste. Overly predictable..

i actually agree with you 100%.

it shines by comparison, over recent years, and that is its luster.

when i told everybody it is the best movie i have seen in 10-12 years by far, what i was really saying is that this one is the first one in 10-12 years that is actually well done.

but you are right, it's just level par for what one got on a regular basis years ago.


It's a nostalgia trip Clearly, it was the right time for it. I thought it would be successful, never imagined it would do this well.
