MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > Val Kilmer throat cancer - Good God, I h...

Val Kilmer throat cancer - Good God, I had no idea!

I heard Val Kilmer over the last few years was ill, but I had no idea it was this bad!

I thought he looked ill in the movie as an actor, not just as a character, and so to eventually hear him speak hoarsely with much effort instead of typing his lines on a screen must've been overbearing for him as well as Tom Cruise, but he really gave it his all!

Val Kilmer really is a true acting professional to give some of his time to something like this. RESPECT!


It was a shame when it happened. I wasn't a huge viewer of his movies but I loved him as Batman in Batman Forever. I get he had a reputation in Hollywood to be difficult to work with but no one deserves this and it's a shame. I am actually really glad he was able to work with the team to get that scene in there because it meant a lot and he deserved it. I do believe he had some IA assistance with his voice so what we saw on film may not been 100% accurate to how he is really talking now.


Correct. It was computer generated voice from Sonantic.


I'm fine if people hate on Batman Forever, but I feel the same way about his performance there; I thought he was a great Batman and Bruce Wayne, and I think had the material not been dipping into camp, history would not have looked back on him there so unfavorably. It's definitely a shame what happened to him. Talented, versatile actor, and he's cool as hell.


Kilmer was amazing as Jim Morrison.


I still haven't seen it but the he looked amazing in photos I've seen. There really is a list of 80s/90s movies I need to go visit. They were never my thing back then. But now that I am older, I'd love to go see all the things I've been missing


Watch his documentary on Amazon. Its very good.


His documentary 'VAL' is on Amazon. It discusses his career and getting throat cancer.

They actually managed to replicate his voice for 'Top Gun: Maverick' using a computer simulation. Pretty incredible.
