She has a nanny?

Tell you what, when the movie is about a black woman who lives in the Bronx that has to commute over a hour each way for a barely above minimum wage job where she is on her feet all day, then get home at a decent time and still has the energy to spend time with her kids and even cook them dinner, then I will care how she does it.

Sick of these white peoples' problems movies.


Sick of these white peoples' problems movies.

That's a very racist thing to say. Shame on you.


Agreed, except for the white people part.

Lots of people have real problems and not the crap from this movie. Reminded me of This is 40. Cushy, pampered tw@ts complaining about sh!t. Self-entitled and self-involved, depth of a raindrop.


It's not always about you, mrsengk
