If Brian May is happy, then should it matter? It's not like having a profession being creative is anything to be ashamed of.
shareAnd it's not like a phd in astrophysics is going to put you up for researching anything the world is ready to pay money for. It's the English Lit of the Science Faculty.
shareWith all due respect, your dad sounds very uninformed about Brian May.
Sure but 3/4 of the band aren't "queens" if you know what I mean.
Your dad is also missing out on some of the greatest music ever!
Brian is not a one-dimensional guy. Besides his passion for music (and might I add NO ONE can play guitar like him), he and his dad built his first guitar, which he still plays till this day. It's called The Red Special.
Not only is he an astrophysicist, graduating with high honors, he also has a passion for animals and is very involved with protecting them. And if that's not enough, he's a 3-D photographer!
I would say Brian has done anything but ruined his life.
At nearly 72 years old he is still rocking out, flawlessly.
He is one incredible man whom I find beyond interesting.
It's just music, no big deal. Science is more important and animal WELFARE, not animal rights, is too.
share"he still was part of a music band at one point, which nullifies anything he may have done since."
Your father is a dick, not only becasue he dosent realise its Brain May's choive to do what he wants,
but even worse , to write off Brian Coxes huge scientific achievements becasue he was once a successful musician is unthinkable. Just shows he has no appreciation of science as well as music.
I wouldn't trust this guy's one-sided interpretation.
shareYour dad sounds about as exciting as my dad.
shareI can't believe this guy is your father, or anyones father for that matter. Not only is it amazing that he was able pry himself away from his research long enough to impregnate your mother, but that there was a woman out there who was willing to be around him long enough for him to impregnate her. Probably thinks the missionary position is to risquΓ©.
shareYour dad is a fool. Brian May is one of my personal heroes, as in a world where most people are doomed to slave away at soul-crushing drudgery to stay alive, May has mastered two interesting and fulfilling fields, and has done so on his own terms.
Quite frankly, I'd have given anything to be able to have lived a life like Brian May's!
And he's an absolutely genuine hard-rockin' scientist. That is as cool as it gets in my book.
Fuck that, not everyone can be lucky enough to choose to be a famous rock star. You say that like it's their fault or something.
shareOoh, someone's a little hypersensitive today!
And not very up on their reading comprehension, either. That is not at all what I said.
No you just don't understand yourself. You admire someone for things that are a result of luck and privilege. Unless that's really what you're about, praising people for being lucky. If so, fuck that.
shareJust so you know, NOBODY gets into a phd astrophysics program because of "luck and privilege"*. They get there by studying really hard! And yes, obviously there's a lot of luck involved in becoming a rock star, but becoming a good musician is, again, largely a matter of working hard and mastering your craft.
And you sound like the worst sort of jealous bitch.
= = =
* If you want to take advantage of luck and privilege, go into acting or politics.
You sound like the worse kind of celebrity ass licker. I'm not really into rock, but I doubt he's such a stellar musician. I don't think anyone would be talking about him if he didn't have such a famous lead singer. There are better musicians out there that don't get lucky and financially funded to progress in their music. I appreciate musicians that are underappreciated but are still dedicated, not those which become 'stars' out of sheer luck who get hero-worshipped by people like you for doing nothing important.
shareJust so you know, the "worst kind of jealous bitch" is someone who goes around denigrating other people's accomplishments out of insecurity, jealousy, or pure assholery.
Everybody dislikes people who do that.
1. It may be a cliche, but I don't care what people think.
2. To "denigrate" is to criticize unfairly. Stating the truth about the rock guy whose name I don't know is not criticism. I criticized you.
And I criticized you back, because you're being a total twerp. I did not say anything about May which is untrue or excessive.