probably a vast majority of peoples are NOT racist. we just respect everyone and never give it a 2nd thought. we live life, love, and treat everyone the same.
this racism blossom only profits someone somewhere, somehow, and we can all do our part by not participating in it.
there will always be bad, dumb, racist people, and no one will ever stop that. just like crime: we know better and there are laws forever, but crime will always still happen because of bad seeds.
I'm tired of hearing about it, which, of course, automatically makes me a racist. But I didn't used to be one. I have never mistreated or taken advantage of a non-white person in any way, and I've never had anything against them. In fact, I wished them well. But when racism was redefined in woke terms, I saw the line retreating out from under me, so far towards irrationality that the mere fact that I am white makes me a racist, against my will. At that point I just checked out. If woke-ists insist that I'm racist, then what the hell, I'm racist. I just don't give a damn anymore.
EXACTLY! That is exactly what is happening. a RENEWED "Look how everyone is racist" even when they aren't. I aren't. And I don't care what others say, I'm not automatically a racist. And I'm tired of seeing it all over the net. Just move on, everyone.
I know many very successful, motivated black people. I know many lazy, unmotivated black people. And guess what? I know many successful, motivated white people, and many lazy, unmotivated white people.
Great opportunity is out there, but it is never HANDED to you. You got to reach and fight for it. Always have always will.
Booker T. Washington warned as far back as the 1800s that there will always be "race hustlers," people who stir up trouble between the races for personal profit. He hasn't been wrong yet, and it's only gotten worse since the Obama administration.