The true reason behind White guilt

Ask yourself how come there is basically no White guilt relative to Asians? There are definitely some bad things Whites have done to Asians historically, and Chinese for example helped build the American railroads that connected the country. Yet almost no one is pushing White guilt towards Asians or the idea that "Asians built the country". How come?

Because Asians are successful and there is no need for that narrative of Asian victimhood. Blacks on the other hand are not, so they must push one sided, decontextualized and exaggerated narratives of White guilt and Black victimhood. (If Asians on the other hand had the same problems as Blacks, we wouldn't hear the end of how Whites treated Japanese Americans during WW2, how Chinese built the railroads and what the British Empire did to China during opium wars).

Liberals know that without that one sided narrative of White guilt towards Blacks, Whites might start judging Blacks according to their character, and that is unacceptable. (liberals are now openly saying this MLK standards is racist, ask yourself why)

White guilt isn't the result of White behaviour, it's a result of BLACK FAILURE. If Blacks in America were successful, NOBODY would be pushing White guilt today.

The fact Blacks are such miserable failures in America is already costing White people trillions, not to mention all the city destruction, crime, affirmative action etc. But as if that is not enough, now that Blacks have such problems, Whites have to be demonized on top of it just to fight potential resentment against Blacks which they bring to themselves with their behaviour.


Good points you made. I still don't know anybody who has white guilt. I have white pride though. 😉


The entire media and education system believes in White guilt. What planet are you living on?


I think 'SweetTooth43' is saying there's a huge difference between what people feel (and what they're told to feel)

I think it's all about your social circles. White-guilt is more common amongst younger people (in that they've likely been falsely indoctrinated with CRT for a while through education, and haven't experienced enough life yet, to see through the bullshit)

The fact that older people buy into this false narrative also, is likely due to their futile attempts to be relevant (and 'down' with the kids)

'White-Guilt' only gains traction, due to the fact that those who oppose it are likely too busy (working) to go on constant demonstrations (yelling at the top of their lungs) about such?

Most normal people (thankfuly *still* the majority) can see through the bullshit.




The media and education system is ran by democrats. Democrats cater to the minority to win the vote. So they pretend to care about race. Get with the program.


There is only one race that fails everywhere.




careful there, Sparky.... the internet doesn't deal with facts, truths OR reality


White guilt
White privilege
White fragility
White (insert new buzzword)

All excuses for your own failings and so manufacture reasons to explain them without having to blame yourself. Basically.


If I ain't succeeding, racism, systemic racism, structural racism, environmental racism, institutional racism, economic racism, basically all White people fault so tear it all down and put us in power instead because we can make it better than Africa and turn it into Wakanda.


Wakanda is fictional.


And yet last night's super bowl was nothing but a celebration of black success in America.


Black "success" comes from White pity.


Does anyone celebrate black success in Africa?


No, but judging by twitter, Africans appear to be rooting for Putin and Russia.


"And yet last night's super bowl was nothing but a celebration of black success in America."

so true. the most successful booty-shakers, crack-selling, pimping examples among us. true heroes!!


That's an interesting argument.

Look at Jewish people. During WW2 they were hunted down, rounded up, and exterminated. The Nazis literally tried to wipe their kind off the planet. Yet today, they're doing fine. Among some of the most prosperous and successful people in the world.

Because they brushed themselves off and got back to work, back to living. They didn't forget the past but they also didn't let it define them. They also don't blame today's generation for the sins of the past.

It's all about culture. The Jewish people have a strong and proud culture and their place in society shows it. Other cultures however are about glorifying criminality and blaming everyone else except themselves for their current state.




African-Americans like LeBron James clearly have it in for Asians, like some others in the black community. James makes tons of money each year off of Nike, who uses Asian slave labor to make its junk. Because, to LeBron, slavery is bad but only if it involves African-Americans. Asian slave labor is "no problem" to those getting Nike millions.
