MovieChat Forums > The Woman (2011) Discussion > A WARNING TO THOSE WHO HAVENT SEEN IT


This has been mentioned by others on this page before, but I felt another voice needed to be added to this side of the argument for what is obviously, although somewhat surprisingly, a divisive film.

This film is VERY DISTURBING, and for some (myself included) you may wish you hadn't watched it. I'm not going to get into the argument of if this is a good or a bad film, or discuss the music, or the character development, or if this is art designed to make you think. I just want people to know before watching it that this film is dominated (almost exclusively) by scenes of misogyny, mental and physical torture, abuse and rape. This is the point I wish to make, and I'm not commenting on the merits of these scenes, just that they're the overarching theme. So if you don't wish to watch 2 hours of that kind of thing, then don't watch this film, like I said, I wish I hadn't.

And just to explain myself a little, I have no problem with horror, torture, gore, and most other staples of these kinds of films. But, and this is just a personal thing, the one thing that I can't watch is violence against women. It's not that I've ever had to deal with this in my life (I'm male, and had a fairly normal upbringing) but it's just something that's always made me sick to my stomach...I don't know why. And needless to say this movie made me feel the same way. So this is why I'm writing this. If you aren't prepared to watch a lot of degradation and violence against women, DON'T WATCH THIS FILM.



Thank you for the heads up.

If I may add to this (and I haven't yet seen the film), one of the things I think would disturb me the most in the film, is that it revolves around an abusive father (which I have experienced). He is also sexually abusive to at least one of his daughters, and physically abusive to his wife. That's just what I've picked up on from poking around. There may be more that could be mentioned.

I thought I should mention it for those that might find those things in particular especially disturbing.

I still might attempt to watch it on a day when I feel that I can stomach it (I do have PTSD, so I do have to be aware & treat myself accordingly), if for no other reason than I would like to see some kind of revenge carried out. I am a huge fan of horror (though probably more the schlocky kind, but I've definitely delved into the very nasty), gore and interesting subject matter. I guess we will see.

