Absolutely awful

Worst movie I have seen this year by far, it might appeal to found footage lovers, but even they could struggle to enjoy this pile of crap.

Most positive reviews are saying its good because it looks and feels like a documentary, it does`nt. It looks and feels like a found footage movie. Poor.


"You`re right, no human being would stack books like this" - Venkman (Ghostbusters)


I'm not sure I get the negative reviews on this movie.
What's the beef? Is it all an (over) reaction to the found-footage/faux-documentary style of it?
That would be weird because over on the forums for REC3 folks are panning that movie because it's NOT done as first-person/found-footage (because the first two were and fans just cannot tolerate change of any sort...).

It's obvious The Bay was not made with a HUGE budget but where would more money have gone anyway? Big-name actors would have just distracted. The FX were plenty good enough. Did it need more explosions and car crashes? Action scenes where Bruce Willis gets in climactic fisticuffs against the giant master-bug?

Most of the negative comments I've seen seem to be grasping... bad acting? No, not even close to some of the crap that horror fans fawn over. Lame story? How?
I saw someone complain that the 'science was wrong'... really? Good luck on ever liking ANY horror/scifi/fantasy/superhero/action movie.

I'm almost inclined to think it's a conspiracy of sock-puppets trying to bring down the rating of the film at the bidding of the corporate-farming/mutant meat industry.


I gotta admit that this movie wasnt bad (and I generally hate the found-footage genre), I think what saved it was the use of any possible camera footage.

This time no single person running around with a handicam, but streetcams, internet, phones, journals etc.

I dont think I saw many flaws, however theres still the issue of 'government keeping it quiet' wich would never work with modern ways of communication, not to mention having all survivors keeping their mouths shut.


To each his own,I guess, but this sure did reek.



I've seen "A Good Day To Die Hard" so it's not the worst I've seen, but it was pretty bad. I think the main problem was that it was so dull. And the attempts to throw jump scares in there at the end were pretty lame, particularly considering that they decided to use jump-scare sound effects - making it more obvious than ever that this wasn't real footage and making it feel even more like a cheesy documentary rather than a serious attempt to "reveal the truth".


Agreed, this was a stinker. A cliched message delivered in the clumsiest way imaginable.

My favorite part was the way they made certain shots shakey-cam even though, in real life, the shots would almost certainly be stable. Like the radio interview -- how many times have we seen studio footage from radio stations? It's never shot from a hand held... just ridiculous aesthetic choices.

TV: http://ihatemydvr.blogspot.com


BS it would appeal to Found Footage lovers.

I love the genre but only when it's done right and so far very few have been able to make something compelling or entertaining out of it.

The few titles that really stood out to me are Paranormal Activity 1, REC, Project X, Chronicle, Poughkeepsie Tapes (which I gave a low rating but only because it felt too real), and the first short segment in V/H/S. This film is just garbage.

Stuff like this reminds me of "Movie Poop Shoot.com" from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


Good movie, but I guess I'm biased because I like movies.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Absolutely agree...
You have
-> People conveniently narrating they're own live
-> people screaming, then conveniently stopping to scream, to talk about scary things that aren't on camera
-> millions of cameras convieniently standing around everywhere, all recording...
-> never ending bogus reasons for why it's really important to "film this now": HEY!!! If it's already unlikely that a person would turn on a camera in the first place because of a dangerous urgent situation, don't you think it's even more unlikely the person would start giving reasons for why he's filming?

But on top of that: Scary sound effects and danger-soundtrack - that more than obivously doesn't make ANY sense in found footage...
A rediculous bogus story about *beep* and supergrowth...
Bad actors, pointing out stupid things, at stupid moments, talking about unlikely feelings, that you wouldn't talk about at all.

The piling of convieniently standing around cameras would be unbelievable enough... but hey...
