I was ordered by the judge to go to a scared straight program at 13 years old in my hometown of Houston. I can tell you from my experience I was thinking the same thing, "they can't touch me, guards are gonna be there anyway" Then I saw some scary ass looking inmates who were in for murder, one who looked like and built like Tiny Lister(Deebo from Friday) with an eye patch and was in for capitol murder. He scared the piss out of me and it makes you realize that he was in there for life, if he wanted to break my face he could have. But it wasn't just about the intimidation and more so the one on one you had at the end....they drop the scare tactics and talk to you about how they were once in your situation and kept screwing up so if you want to keep screwing up then its only a matter of time before you end up there. Add to that you get a first hand taste of how small those cells are, food is nasty, having to be on edge the whole time, its ridiculously effective. Worked for me...