MovieChat Forums > Chronicle (2012) Discussion > I was AMAZED at how much I disliked it.....

I was AMAZED at how much I disliked I alone?

I like superhero movies; I like high-school dramas. I'm down with the found footage technique, though I think it's over-rated. I watched this film with a friend who has similar tastes. We kept cringing, and around the beer pong scene, were actually curling up on the couch in physical suffering over how much this movie sucked. I really feel like I'm close enough to the target demographic...although apparently I'm just getting out of touch.

It's like the screenwriters designed the characters--emo loser, philosophical type, and popular jock--and then hired whoever wrote the MTV remake of Skins to write all three of them. All three characters talked the same way, all the time. Matt's character in particular was the mostly poorly written "philosophical type" I've ever seen in a High School movie; he had no insights and could rarely form an articulate sentence. Andrew's character arc had some promise; his home life was genuinely disturbing, but having it end with him hurling school buses and patrol cars through the air was the ultimate cop-out to generic action, strangely anti-climactic amidst all of the effects.

In-as-much as the movie has a "message," it seems to be that if you're an abused, disturbed teenager, letting out your anger by killing hundreds of people doesn't make you a bad person because after all, you're an abused and disturbed teenager. Imagine this: a movie about one of the Columbine killers which ends with one of their friends in Tibet saying, "you're not a bad person. I'll do better. I'll help people..." Of course he's a bad person, and so is Andrew. The script is so under-baked when it comes to morality and motivation that it rams down our throats the idea that Andrew's actions are somehow inevitable and more his friends fault than his own, since they didn't love him in the way that he wanted.

Two scenes I liked: playing at the store with their powers (the shopping cart, etc.), and when Andrew beats up the bullies, there's a the moment when he's twirling their inert bodes, possible their corpses, around on the pavement, almost using their hair as paintbrushes to smear the blood on the street. Now THAT was compelling sh-t, most disturbing image in the movie by far.

I dunno...I guess the point of this post is to ask a simple question: Did anyone else just really basically hate the movie, mostly because of how annoying and one dimensional the characters were? Or am I just completely missing something?


You are so NOT alone!

"I'll slap you so far into next week, it'll take a team of surgeons to get Wednesday outta yo' ass"


You're not alone.


This movie is retarded. Why does it have such a high rating on imdb?


Obvious troll is obvious. Or else you are an idiot. One of the two.


I'll be the odd one out -- I actually really enjoyed the movie. I didn't look too deep into it or try to make it some symbolic movie that I wanted to sit and ponder over for an hour after it finished... it was purely entertainment. And entertainment it had. The acting was just about par, and I found it impressive that at the beginning of the movie I really felt bad for Andrew, but by the end I absolutely hated him -- somewhere in the middle unknowingly changing my mind. I loved Steve the entire movie and actually felt a bout of pain from his untimely death. As for the other dude (the philosophical one?), I'm glad they didn't make him all predictable and Socrates-like. He had all the philosophy in his brain, and that's all that matters. He wasn't STEREOTYPICAL. Just because someone may be intelligent or philosophical, doesn't necessarily mean they're good at pronouncing their thoughts and/or feelings.

Oh, forgot to mention, I thought some of the camera angles were REALLY awesome and creative. Using the convenience store camera, the girl's camera, hospital cameras, and then all the cameras that were circling Andrew by the building? That was neat to see. You can't deny that took some creativity.

I think you guys are reading way too into the movie. It's an entertainment movie, not "Requiem for a Dream" or "Vanilla Sky". Get over it.


From the comments is seems the OP is not alone, though from the score I guess it's the minority. I like it, it was getting a little boring around the time he did the talent show, but after Steve got killed it picked up and the end scene with Andrew going crazy was really well done.

The gradual evolution of Andrew from shy introvert to crazed mad man was well done imo. It would have made a pretty cool origin story tbh.

"I can't, I have to stay here and smoke this pot or else I won't get high"


I thought it was horrible and am shocked at the 7.2 here at imdb. Some [real, actually intelligent] American teens told me to avoid seeing this. Wish I had followed their advice.

"Rampart: Squad 51."


So wait, are you saying that intelligence (measured exactly how, btw) is directly related to taste in movies?

That makes no sense.


I didn't like it that much. I have to be honest and say that I have seen much worse, but I would probably never watch it again. I also like superhero movies. I love science fiction things.. i can suspend my belief system for a movie, but this one did nothing for me.

The acting was so-so.. the story line was alright, but the ending was quite ridiculous. Some things seemed silly - why not pull the truck out of the lake with their powers? No other "research" on the area/aliens/supernatural stories similar to theirs at all? The whole mother dying and father being a jerk was overkill. The story could have been just as good without this subplot happening.

Also, one of the first scenes where he stopped the ball? Wow, one of the most fake special effects I have seen in a long time. Also, I think it would have been better if we ONLY saw it from the kid's camera and not the girl's or the security cams.. that really made this movie worse than it could have been.


So how is it IMDB and Rotten tomatoes are reviewing this garbage so well? I used to be able to trust the ratings to some extent. But this movie just seems like they hired thousands of people to write positive reviews.


Because people who don't like something are always a lot more vocal on these message boards than people who do like something.

You could make the best movie in recorded history, and it wouldn't take an hour before IMDB would have a 20+ page thread going "WORST PIECE OF GARBAGE EVER!!!"


I didn't read most of it either, but I know you're definitely not the only one that hated it. A couple of my friends thought it was awful. I enjoyed it, but I didn't get the same impression that you did. I never felt like Andrew's actions were justified, or meant to be. He was tragic in some ways, but by the end, a complete lunatic. I got the sense that we were supposed to see him as a bad person, which is why they had Matt kill him. Matt was so torn up over it because he loved Andrew and barely showed it. He felt he was responsible. That doesn't mean it's true. A lot of people feel guilty when someone that was close to them does something horrendous. It's usually unfounded, but a common reaction.

My power, my pleasure, my PAIN


You are not alone, it was a bag of old arse.

i thought this was america? huh isnt this america, im sorry i thought this was america


This film should only be enjoyed by the young or the emotionally stunted. Essentially the wanna be Andrews ornthe ones that think they are Matt.
