I'm just not laughing

Look, I'm the biggest "Mr. Show" and "Arrested" fan there is. I marvel at David Cross's talents, as a writer, actor, even a standup. I even like my share of British humor, and I do admire, in theory, the hybrid of styles Cross is trying for here.

But after watching most of Season 1, I gave up on it, when I finally realized that I was sitting there stone faced each week. The Season 2 teaser episode made me decide to give it one more try.

Nope. Same problem. I can't say the show is UNfunny. But there just seems to be any fresh or surprising moments that genuinely tickle me.

I really wish I could say otherwise, but this one is a thumbs down for me. Let all the other threads analyze or argue; I just ain't laughing.


...so don't watch it. No point in whining when there's hundreds of other things to watch. Get over yourself

My Vote History http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5852860


He's just expressing his opinion of the show, I don't see how he's whining. The only reason why I got through the first season was because I had 2 hours to spare, I rarely laughed. I do like season 2 so far though.

Those who tell others to get over themselves need to get over themselves.


I'm not either. It's annoying and over-acted. I get the character, but DAAAAAMMMMNNNN... it's stretched too thin.



Clearly people who like the op want to like the show and come here to see if they missed something or there is actually something wrong so they can feel better...no one needs to get over anything except maybe you lol


@Cupchange2... you get over YOURself. This was an artiiculate, intelligent opinion until you got butthurt and added Ad Hominem to the mix.





What kind of foster home has a playground?


you are sort of a terrible person. he came here to discuss his dislike, and i came here looking to read about it. you are whining more than he is, to be honest. patheticcccc


How am I whining more than anyone? I made 1 comment and it was 2 years ago...are you retarded?

My Vote History http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=5852860


I guess its just not really your cup of tea. I love it and find it hilarious, but everyone has different tastes..


Captain Obvious over here. I'm a HUGE Cross fan, and I find it tedious at best. Maybe add something to the conversation instead of being a passive aggressive hater.



Huh? Over react much?


Maybe it's Dave. ;)


I watched the first episode only. I had a bad feeling when he left his cat alone, and then gave up on it entirely during the last scene. Most disturbing to me was how many reviewers thought that the sight of Todd's dead cat was funny. I just thought it was cruel.

neat . . . sweet . . . petite


You take things way too seriously. Ever heard of black comedy?


I couldn't stop laughing! I guess, as others have said, that it's just not your cup of tea.

Who are you?! I'm the Doctor!!


I couldn't stop laughing either. I think the show is hilarious.


Pass the tea! This show is hilarious!


Hollywood is Dead!


I completely agree with you famourt. Also a huge fan of "Arrested Development" and "Mr. Show"- David Cross and Bob Odenkirk are among my all-time favorite comedic geniuses- and following some British shows so I was really excited for "Todd Margaret". Expected so much more than lowest-common-denominator humor and poorly written characters. Fans say we "just don't get it", but no, it's just lowbrow, mediocre material and those fans need to watch a heck of a lot more (better quality) television. How anyone could think this is brilliant and hilarious is beyond me!


I agree with if you don't think it is good, don't watch it. Also a huge fan of "Arrested Development" and "Mr. Show" and I think this is something completely different , not low brow


It is effing stupid it is hilarious. I love it. I had to grind through the first 3 or 4 episodes but really love it now.


The scene with Dave and John Hamm in the car with the phones was genius. That was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.


I think that this show is hilarious.

The problem with people who are fans of Arrested and Mr. Show is that the British references and humore go pretty deep. I used to play Snooker I was like, is that Steve Davis in an American TV show.

I live in San Francisco and when I tell people Snooker, they always go "so its pool?"

It goes far deeper than usual "British American" TV shows.

Its also hard to watch Todd just dig himself deeper with every minute, this kind of comedy is really in right now according to me. Characters yo should dislike who keep just making things worse for themselves.

Like its always sunny in Philadelphia. The characters have no redeeming qualities but you still love them.

You know what the Queen said? If I had balls, I'd be King.


I live in Concord and got the Snooker joke without knowing anything about it: Todd doesn't know anything about it and casts a top player of it in his commercial, the end.

No, I'm laughing with you not at{against} you!


I don't think you have to be British to understand the comedy of saying that a famous Snooker player is "bigger than David Beckham."


Quite agree. There are many levels of humor on this show. I've only seen the first episode and I'm in love with it.
First of all. I'm an american living in the UK for the past 25 years.
So I seeing this from a totally different perspective. I live near Cambridge, party in London and I have close friends in Leeds and Manchester. The part about the short streets in Leeds had me in stiches because it so true and only an American would say address number XXXX when in town center, it doesn't go past XXX. That's just the subtle things I find amusing about this show.
I totally agree this isn't for everyone, but to say this show is unintelligent and low-brow is far off the mark.


Gotta agree that the show isn't exactly awful, just feel that it's not funny. It can pass a half hour at 2am but not much more.

What I do love are the folks on imdb that claim anyone who doesn't enjoy the show must either not like British comedy or be of lower intelligence. There's nothing remotely British about the honor. Just coz it's set in England and has a couple of English a characters doesn't make the drab uninspired humor British. A very below average show with an arrested develoment/fawltly towers fanboy fanbase.

Ps, while I'm typing this Todd is farting: And also making woman's period jokes. Sigh.

Pps: Look at Todd. He played rugby and fell down! Hilarious!


Dave's a prick but he doesn't ruin the show, it's actually frickin' god damn hilarious.

Will Arnett & David Cross ftw!


I've watched all of the episodes through episode 4 of season 2. I have to agree with you and have decided to give up on watching this show. It really isn't very funny and seems to be going nowhere. It hasn't improved at all.

I don't think that your voicing a negative opinion is wrong at all, anymore than someone voicing a positive opinion. If only positive opinions were allowed on IMDB, what would be the point of rating movies and TV shows at all?


i agree with the OP's POV, but this reply goes out to any and all:

But Lynch notes that his findings are not about, “sexists like sexist jokes, and racists like racist jokes,” but rather the conclusions show that laughter often acts as a hard-to-fake signal of the somewhat unconscious beliefs we all hold, whatever those beliefs are.

from http://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=its-funny-bec ause-its-true-09-10-13

for example, i first encountered a 'speed bump' when watching a setup to a gag for which i accurately predicted the payoff: todd poorly provides for his cat upon leaving his apartment... i knew the cat would die, that it would be a sight-gag, and that it wouldn't be funny. it wouldn't be funny because 1) i saw it coming a mile off, and 2) i have a bias toward preserving the lives of non-human animals as i know they do not enjoy the same legal privileges as humans in this society. in both theory and practice, i carry this bias with me.

that was just one small example of one gag that turned off the funny, and it took a paragraph to explain, but the reaction was instantaneous and visceral. we can 'get' every joke (get=understand) but understanding does not equal agreement.

"Ugh! I don't like this." --Ambrose Bierce


That study was for 60 students. Not even a close sample size for me ...

I do agree with seeing what Todd would do or react a mile away and for me that's one reason why I could not get into this show as much as I wanted because I love David and will. . The other was I was in disbelief that any person with an iq of 80 would be less clueless then Todd. Tobias is less oblivious then Todd. My mind literally rejects the idea that Todd could be this stupid while being able to function on his own. I did laugh as there was good jokes and I've heard a lot was improv

Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?


I know it's 6 years later, but I had the same exact experience with leaving the cat like that. And I also questioned the reality of Todd Margeret who can give verbal warnings to his employee for mouthing off in the tiniest bit but will allow that same employee (Dave) to completely embarrass him time and again in public and in front of a woman he is trying to impress. After the fact you could argue it is all a dream but at the time it feels like the story is falling apart.


yes! and you know what, if that belly laugh had been there, i/we wouldn't have allowed logic to get in the way of a good time.

but it wasn't a good time :/


LOVE this show, but it's definitely not your run of the mill scripted American comedy like "How I Met Your Mother" or "Big Bang Theory". I could see where brain-dead viewers used to the usual spoon-fed setups and laugh tracks couldn't adapt to this kind of humor.


Oh, that's why some people don't think it's funny. They're just not as smart as you.


I think Americans need a specific type of humor...e.g. lighthearted and fun. Once it gets dark Americans don't get it. Same thing with Wilfred. Check out the original version and the Americanized (feel good) version.

Or, it could be people don't find this show entertaining because they lack the necessary intelligence as you suggested.
