worst animated film yet?

there was little to no storyline. obviously the characters are all likable from the first, so this film was just a chance to see them. the film consists of a bunch of random scenes stuck together. i think if you actually only had the scenes that pushed the storyline forward in anyway the film would only last 15 minutes.
i know its a kids film but at least all other animated films from dreamworks or pixar have a solid storyline that adults can enjoy.
im shocked at how poor this film was. it wasnt about gru the hero or villan, it was about gru the single dad.
2 out of 5


Worst post yet?


Really? You were "shocked" at how poor the film was? Shocked?! Perhaps the story was a little over your head.


Guys calm down i think he is just trying to troll the message board. Looking at the number of replies he got i think he was successful in doing that.


i enjoy most animated films but his was poor.
lack of story. i like a animated film with a bit of depth. at least all of you are easily amused.


i must say to the op, i too think this movie was awful. i never saw the first one, but this one alone was just a bad movie. i usually dont complain about movies on here, but this is one that was just bad.


Why is it when something is popular, there are people who will say "This is the worst ____ yet" and then people who endlessly try to argue with them?




I'm still laughing after 2 weeks. But I've had the misfortune to see Shark Tale and Cars. But it is just World War Z with better slapstick.



OK , how many times must we read someone claiming that something is the worst movie ever?
Now to even make such a comment, you would have to be familiar with every movie ever made. Maybe you should say something like "worst animated film I have ever seen"?
Is Despicable Me 2 really worse than these? :

The Legend of the Titanic

Tom and Jerry the Movie

A Troll in Central Park

Cool World


The Secret of NIMH 2 Timmy to the Rescue

Fly Me to the Moon 3D

Space Chimps

and so on....

and these are just ones that come to my mind. I am sure there are far worse ones made by schoolkids in whoknowswhereistan. There must be tons of animated films out there you've never even heard of.
So in conclusion, all you folks who say something is the worst movie ever, you are most certainly wrong.


Yes. I wholeheartedly agree.


Obviously the OP didn't see the film. Just another loser troll.
