MovieChat Forums > Deadfall (2012) Discussion > It was ANNOYING to watch

It was ANNOYING to watch

Anyone else sick of playing the volume game, where you constantly have to turn it up, then down? Happened a lot in this movie. Anyway, I found this movie to be the most unrealistic that I've watched in a LONG time. Also, you know it was made by liberals (isn't almost every movie) because of the portrayal of southern white people as incestuous. Also very annoying? The constant sexism. In most movies, white men are portrayed as racists. But in this movie, there were no minorities so they went with the whole "war on women" theme. With liberals, there's always an agenda. Liberals have ignorant stereotypes of certain people (while they claim others do), and it really shows in their movies.


How is it that this OP moron only sees fit to complain about "liberals" in his film commentary?

Go back to The Blaze, you monotonous POS.


I'm pretty sure the driver, you know the first person to get killed, was black. As far as the volume, it did have some low levels but not too much that I needed to turn it up.


I thought this movie was dull. Nothing special about the plot. Eric Bana's acting is mediocre. It just sucked.

Willst Du, bis der Tod Euch scheide
treu ihr sein fur alle Tagen?


It's not a liberal thing, it's a bad writing thing. You think liberals liked this movie, because it supports some imagined agenda? Sorry to disappoint, but tired and cliché themes aren't popular with anyone. Honestly with the cops I felt similarly, the writers portrayed small town cops as being incompetent and backwardly misogynistic, but I don't blame it on liberals, it's just tired, cliché, bad writing.

Compare it to something like Fargo which would be equally "liberal" but the female sheriff of a small town is competent and also her male deputies are competent, they act a bit funny but it's a regional thing and doesn't mean they're idiots. That's good writing.
