MovieChat Forums > Cinderella (2015) Discussion > "Geeing" the dress up a bit...

"Geeing" the dress up a bit...

Don't get me wrong. I love this version of Cinderella. I really love the actors and especially love the costumes. But I always trip a bit over the scene where the Fairy Godmother tells Ella she will change her dress "turn it into to something new", and in turn Ella says not to because it was her mother's. Fairy Godmother says she understands and then offers to "gee it up a bit" and make it blue. However, as we know, the end result of "geeing it up a bit" is a completely different dress, nothing resembling her mother's in the slightest. Which, I feel, made that whole dialogue make no sense at all. Am I alone here?

"Good times, noodle salad"


Yes, I agree, I think the term is actually "key it up a bit"

You don't have a soul; You are a soul, you have a body. C.S. Lewis



Yes, that's what I thought too. I guess we are supposed to think she just mended the sleeves, made it fuller and changed the color. It was still a similar shape and style.


There is no dialogue in this film about "Geeing it up a bit." What she actually says is "Cheer it up a bit."

And no, that is not exclusively a "British expression." Everyone who speaks English in any country knows what that means.


I can't speak for anyone else on this thread, but if you're replying to me - go back and read my original post,please. I was not asking for the meaning of "Gee it up". I know that several people who have replied here think I am.

But in answer to your reply "Gee it up" is what she says (per every captioned version I've seen) and yes, it does in fact mean to "cheer it up".
So, why don't we just call this a - "to-may-to/to-ma-to" kind of thing, okay?

My original post asked why, when Ella says "No" to changing the dress completely, did the Fairy Godmother then *Erm* "Cheer it up" - which in essence, changed it completely. This was my hang up. Not the phrasing or expresssion.

Lastly...maybe you should "cheer up a bit" and try not to sound quite so snide in your comments here. It's only a discussion. Everyone interprets/sees things differently, hence, the need to discuss.
Hope you have a beautiful day/night.

"When a day starts like this, it's all uphill from here."


if you're replying to me

My comments are directed at every single poster in this thread who posted misinformation about the film, including yourself, and also readers who did not comment but who want accurate information instead of misinformation.

"Gee it up" is what she says

No, it's not. She never says "Gee it up." Rather, she says, "Cheer it up."

per every captioned version I've seen

That means only that the caption writers are idiots.

Those caption writers were not looking at the script and then quoting it. They must have listened to the line same as anyone else does when watching the film, misprocessed the line in their moronic brains, and then wrote what they thought she said. That kind of idiotic misprocessing happens all of the time and accordingly results in legions of inaccurate captions and subtitles. It's extremely common.

yes, it does in fact mean to "cheer it up".

No it doesn't. It's meaningless ghetto gibberish. It means nothing in the actual language of English. That's why it's not actually in the film.


Well, alright, to be fair it is certainly possible the captions are wrong (yes, this does happen frequently) and perhaps her garbled line is being misheard as "gee" when it is "cheer". Totally understandable.

Sure. Whatever.

I'm very happy for you to have cleared that up. Hopefully it made you feel superior to all on this thread. Bravo. đź‘Ź

However, the fact still remains that it wasn't my initial question so, truthfully,

I. Really. Don't. Care.

Again, enjoy your day/night.

"When a day starts like this, it's all uphill from here."


I'm from the UK and she says "Gee it up a bit." It basically means jazz it up or fix it up.

Essentially, it is still the same dress. It is the same dress only altered. The colour is changed from pink to blue, and the material is obviously magically extended to account for the much wider skirt. The shoulders are changed and butterflies are added. All in all, it is her mother's dress that she is wearing, only magically altered.


Of course it’s a different looking dress. But somewhere in there is still the original dress that Ella’s mother wore. I think that is what the important thing was. Taking a part of her mother with her, rather than setting aside her mothers dress and wearing something that wasn’t her mother’s.


I always thought she said "You mind if I clean it up a bit?"
